Thomas Ryan in New York City - in the middle of the 1800's

from Recollections of an old musician, pages 73-75:


Jullien was performing a piece entitled Night —I cannot now give the composer’s name. At the beginning the audience was told, either orally or by printed notice, that there might be some startling effects, but no one need be afraid,—all would end well, etc. It is not a difficult task to compose an effective piece to be called Night with the assistance of a grand orchestra as the main factor, and given an opening of quiet, monotonous…   more >>

cite as

Thomas Ryan, Recollections of an old musician (New York City, 1899), p. 73-75. accessed: 8 May, 2024

location of experience: New York City


Thomas Ryan

Listening to

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written by unknown composer
performed by Jullien Orchestra

Experience Information

Date/Time in the middle of the 1800's
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Jo Reardon on Tue, 15 Dec 2015 16:50:28 +0000
Approved on Thu, 18 Feb 2016 14:56:39 +0000