1395075714725: … Radio has in no way replaced orchestras in the c... 1404079147714: 1406221873477: The first time I heard Stravinsky’s violin concert... 1406226860341: [...] Horowitz and I did not consider ourselves de... 1409763062934: Apart from my own concert and recital, there were ... 1409765788538: With my family I attended a concert given by the B... 1409956060742: I have always adored the music of the Strausses, f... 1413214589269: This morning Frau and Fräulein W. went with me to ... 1413463514380: Being now solicited to play something myself, I th... 1417364785248: So far, however, I have only been to one concert, ... 1417365409899: On Sunday morning (I am sorry to say) once in a mo... 1417367300914: I heard Clara Schumann on Sunday, and on Tuesday e... 1417368157755: As for Joachim, he is perfectly magnificent, and h... 1422397232783: I have been to the opera twice – once to “Fantaska... 1422397540904: After our lesson was over yesterday, Ehlert took h... 1422397713743: From time to time [in his lessons] Tausig would…pl... 1422398662824: I have heard both Rubinstein and Tausig in concert... 1422399006108: Tausig is so hasty and impatient that to be i... 1422570439694: On Saturday night I went for the first time t... 1422570604569: We had another Musical Reading on Sunday, at which... 1422571225833: On Wednesday the Bancrofts most kindly called for ... 1422571417137: After dinner I went with my hostess to hear Mendel... 1422571996455: I went to hear Haydn's Jahreszeiten a few evenings... 1422572178920: Last night I went with Mr. B. to hear Bach's Passi... 1422910354563: We got to the church only twenty minutes before se... 1422910535730: To-night is the last Royal Symphony Concert of thi... 1422911099171: You can imagine what an ordeal my first lesson was... 1422912109438: Weber and Beringer took tea with us only yesterday... 1422912288077: I went last week to hear Joachim, who lives here, ... 1422913311804: On Saturday night I went to a superb concert given... 1423001057497: I haven't been doing much of anything lately, exce... 1423001218909: I heard a lady pianist the other day, who is beco... 1423001456740: I heard his [Wagner's] opera of Tannhaüser the oth... 1423001899340: Wagner has just been in Berlin, and his arriv... 1423002157759: Wagner's object in coming here was to try and... 1423002378483: The week before last was the triumphal entry or "E... 1424211213573: I have just heard a young artist from Vienna who m... 1424211401601: ...[T]he best concert I have heard this season was... 1424343822591: The Berlin Phillarmonic Orchestra, conducted by Fu... 1424710755610: I wish L. were here studying piano with Kullak's s... 1424711475839: This week has been quite an eventful one. It began... 1424711598513: 1424712011495: 1424714412709: 1424719398292: 1424720141789: The last excitement in Berlin was over the wedding... 1424771575655: 1425038676264: 1425039539489: 1425041048395: I made Herr Deppe's acquaintance quite by chance, ... 1425041398959: 1425042469569: 1425072783897: 1425073170534: 1425152047080: 1425152303758: Well, dear, my little début was a decided success,... 1425428483059: At the fifth lesson the professor [Hugo Becker] wa... 1425513754298: 1425514535907: I wish all young musicians could have witnessed th... 1425551046083: “Mr. Casals,” I was introduced to a little bald ma... 1425552588871: I eagerly awaited the recital of Heifetz. I had ne... 1425552751761: When not playing myself, I attended the concerts o... 1425553089186: After a few pleasant days with Jacques [Thibaud] h... 1425553407842: Horowitz looked at the piano. He moved toward it a... 1425553616814: Unlike Volodja [Vladimir Horowitz], who when not p... 1425668079503: 1425896077131: 1425896221816: Among the most important events of my stay I may r... 1426323416410: One of the concerts was the guitar recital of Andr... 1429102663064: 1429103324122: 1429104074937: On the 23d November, I heard a Psalm by Naumann, a... 1429524569827: Music in the morning at the Mendelssohns'. C minor... 1429525214682: Music at Zelter's. Fanny Mendelssohn played the D ... 1429525629907: At Geheimrath Crelle's Felix accompanied Mozart's ... 1429525916540: Music at Mendelssohns'. Felix F minor Quartet. I p... 1429526354564: Returned to Felix his album, in which I yesterday ... 1429542257707: Fanny's fourteenth birthday celebrated with music ... 1429542808822: How delighted I was when he and his sister Fanny p... 1430064514496: Neukomm's arrival in Berlin was generally welcome.... 1430221282865: Fanny Hensel pleased me immensely by the playing o... 1431521503476: I got to Berlin in time for Meyerbeer's opera, 'Th... 1431974427897: Really during all these years passing by, was that... 1431974542407: Ida [Beatrice Harrison maid] was tall and buxom wi... 1431974802996: In the evening we went to the Becker-Marteau Quart... 1431981793283: In the evening Father and I went to the Singakadem... 1431982046248: In the evening I went with Miss Craig and Miss Col... 1431982200496: At the concert she [May, Beatrice Harrison’s siste... 1431986750939: When we got home to Berlin I went to hear Eugen d’... 1432475566978: When I came to Berlin in 1905 thus inadequately eq... 1432475703804: I remember rehearing Willy Burmester in Berlin in ... 1432475777981: Let any concert-goer of the 1920s who heard Burmes... 1432547330568: This feeling [that a new quality had been added to... 1432660038015: In Berlin it was Sibelius who came to the artist’s... 1433267073762: Carl Friedberg, the partner of my scheduled sonata... 1433839808867: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Berlin: Tuesday 23... 1433840339700: Conclusion of letter from Bunsen to his wife, begu... 1433840771559: At five o'clock the bells rang in the festival-sea... 1433840979454: On the morning of Christmas-day I went to the old ... 1433841199613: During dinner very fine music was performed in the... 1433841738337: On rising from table the King spoke with me for at... 1433843018197: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Berlin: 22nd Janua... 1433843206134: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Berlin: 22nd Janua... 1433846733833: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Berlin: 27th Janua... 1433847185069: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Berlin: 27th Janua... 1433847465357: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Saturday 2nd Febru... 1433847951498: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Berlin: Wednesday,... 1434016030393: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Tuesday in Whitsun... 1434016340412: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Berlin: 6th June, ... 1434016535423: Letter from Bunsen to his wife, Tuesday in Whitsun... 1434029100189: An extract from a Contemporary Notice, 10th Novemb... 1434029387526: An extract from a Contemporary Notice, 10th Novemb... 1434031444361: An extract from a Contemporary Account, Berlin: 6t... 1434373459886: Letter from Bunsen to Fanny and Theodore, The Pala... 1434374010873: Continuation of Journal of Bunsen's, broken off on... 1434374574899: 1434617508974: It was on that visit to Berlin that I first met Sc... 1434715601910: I went to Berlin in the spring of 1927 to bring ou... 1435674098163: At the end of February I went to Berlin for the fi... 1435677769901: The importance of these proportions [six group of ... 1438533757046: 1445187943257: 1445188306492: 1445188497969: 1445188678864: 1445189556620: 1445190223763: 1445190472506: 1445190821343: 1445191083958: 1445200252432: 1446500672476: 1446669506943: 1447968673437: 1447968809680: 1447969041714: 1448312128598: 1448312968013: 1448313123004: 1448315009823: 1448981371012: 1448981853048: 1448982164988: 1449850064072: 1450112537992: 1450194193261: 1450355209752: 1450361484800: 1451771294622: 1451839328412: 1451989543870: 1451989766498: 1451990089511: 1451992458113: 1451993169441: 1451994345667: 1451995117555: 1452084018045: 1452551988808: 1452808634152: 1452808830611: 1452809504715: 1452809876210: 1452810063851: 1452811308084: 1453051108183: 1456570007088: 1456570048060: 1458959488046: 1459261657036: 1459354463420: 1460139644148: 1460140204550: 1461273817016: 1461534479095: 1461863405867: 1461863796897: 1461864012220: 1462043204243: 1462054666183: 1462116353131: 1462117704862: 1465388013102: 1465388279157: 1465388452352: 1465388585377: 1465388911272: 1467812208270: 1468166711353: 1468167504821: 1468600325848: 1468766236209: 1654081199171: performance of 'Sonata in C': performance of 'military band': performance of 'Symphony No. 3 in G': performance of 'Haydn symphony': performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier'': performance of 'military band': performance of 'Chorales': performance of 'Postlude in C Major': performance of 'Dramatic Overture': performance of 'Passacaglias': performance of 'Choral Music': performance of 'Tauris': performance of 'Nocturne in D flat': performance of 'Violin concerto': performance of 'Suite': performance of 'Military Band Music': performance of 'Chorale': performance of ''Tannhaeuser'': performance of 'Aria': performance of 'Grand Concerto in G minor': performance of 'Pathetic Symphonie': performance of 'Jessonda Overture': performance of 'The Nose': performance of 'Die Zauberflote': performance of 'Quarter-note piano four-hands': performance of 'Songs': performance of 'fugues': performance of 'Bartók's Piano Concerto No 1': performance of 'Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto': performance of 'Fugues': performance of 'Beethoven cycle': performance of 'Church bells': performance of 'Glückliche Hand': performance of 'Tod Jesu': performance of 'Tod Jesu': performance of 'Tod Jesu': performance of 'Egmont overture': performance of 'A Bach organ piece': performance of 'Saint Säens' Concerto': performance of 'drunken singing': performance of 'Bach's motet in G minor': performance of 'Violin Concerto': performance of 'Piano concerto': performance of 'Don Juan Overture': performance of 'Blue Danube': performance of 'Ich bin ganz fur Liebe aufgemacht': performance of 'Schumann and various': performance of 'Beethoven's Sonatas': performance of 'Scherzo from The Love of Three Oranges': performance of 'Battle of Leipzig': performance of 'Der Freischütz': performance of 'Fidelio': performance of 'Chamber Symphony': performance of 'Nun danket alle Gott': performance of 'Lohengrin': performance of 'piano music': performance of 'Pierrot Lunaire': performance of 'Bohemian Girl': performance of 'Delius's Piano Concerto': performance of 'Delius's Piano Concerto': performance of 'Marriage of Figaro': performance of 'Von heute auf morgen': performance of 'Mendelssohn violin concerto': performance of 'March from The Love of Three Oranges': performance of 'Piano sonata': performance of 'Concertstruck in F minor': performance of 'Die Fledermaus': performance of 'Ruy Blass Overture': performance of ''Falstaff'': performance of 'Five Songs of Konstantin Balmont, Op. 36': performance of 'Five Songs of Konstantin Balmont, Op. 36': performance of 'Orchestral and operatic works': performance of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream': performance of 'A mass': performance of 'Absurdite': performance of 'Allegri di Bravura': performance of 'Ancient Hymn of the Bohemian Brethren': performance of 'Andante': performance of 'Apollo': performance of 'Aufforderung zum Tanz': performance of 'Ballade Op. 47': performance of 'Barcarole Op. 60': performance of 'Beethoven's Emperor Concerto': performance of 'Beethoven': performance of 'Bourrée ': performance of 'Brahms': performance of 'Brunch G minor Concerto': performance of 'Busch Quartet performance of music by Max Reger': performance of 'C minor quartet': performance of 'Choral psalms': performance of 'Chorales': performance of 'Choruses from Judas Maccabaeus': performance of 'Christ, Thou lamb of God': performance of 'Church Music': performance of 'Colporteur': performance of 'Come Holy Ghost': performance of 'Concerto by Bach': performance of 'Concerto': performance of 'Concerto': performance of 'Concerto': performance of 'Concertos': performance of 'Contemporary work': performance of 'Cortez': performance of 'Crociato': performance of 'D major symphony': performance of 'D minor concerto': performance of 'D minor piano duet': performance of 'Das Unterbrochene Opferfest': performance of 'Death of Jesus': performance of 'Die Fledermaus': performance of 'Drums': performance of 'Duet in G': performance of 'E Minor Concerto': performance of 'Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott': performance of 'Elgar Cello Concerto': performance of 'Etude': performance of 'Euryanthe': performance of 'F minor quartet': performance of 'Fantasia contrappuntistica': performance of 'Fantaska': performance of 'Faust Overture': performance of 'Faust': performance of 'Fest March from the Tannhäuser': performance of 'G Major variations': performance of 'Gavotte': performance of 'Haydn Concerto': performance of 'Hummel's Trio in G': performance of 'Hymn': performance of 'Hymns': performance of 'Hymns': performance of 'Hymns': performance of 'Il Trovatore': performance of 'Impromptu, Op. 90': performance of 'Jahreszeiten': performance of 'Kreisleriana Op. 16, 8 Phantasie Stücke': performance of 'Kreutzer Sonata': performance of 'Kyrie': performance of 'Leonora Overture': performance of 'Mavra (1922)': performance of 'Mendelssohn's overture in C': performance of 'Mendelssohn violin concerto': performance of 'Mendelssohn violin concerto': performance of 'Military Band Music': performance of 'Moscheles' opus 77': performance of 'Mozart's Requiem': performance of 'Music by Bach': performance of 'Nourmahal, a tale from Lalla Rookh': performance of 'O Roma Nobilis': performance of 'Oedipus': performance of 'Oratorio of St Paul': performance of 'Overture to the Coriolanus': performance of 'Petroushka': performance of 'Pierrot Lunaire': performance of 'Prelude and Fugue': performance of 'Presto Scherzando ': performance of 'Psalms': performance of 'Quartets': performance of 'Quartette': performance of 'Quintette': performance of 'Ravel Trio': performance of 'Ritt der Walküren': performance of 'Sacred music': performance of 'Scherzo': performance of 'Schumann': performance of 'Secret Marriage': performance of 'Sonata in A minor': performance of 'Sonata in A minor': performance of 'Sonata in E major': performance of 'Sonate Op. 53': performance of 'Songs without Words ': performance of 'Spinning Song': performance of 'Spring Song': performance of 'Ständchen von Shakespeare nach Schubert': performance of 'St Matthew Passion': performance of 'St. Cecilia': performance of 'Strauss's Salome': performance of 'Suite': performance of 'Symphony No. 5 in C minor op.67': performance of 'Symphony No. 9 in C, 'Great'': performance of 'Symphony in B major': performance of 'Symphony, 2nd movt': performance of 'Tannhaüser ': performance of 'Te Deum': performance of 'The Camp of Silesia': performance of 'Two Choruses from 'St. Paul'': performance of 'Ungarische Rhapsodie': performance of 'Unknown Choral Symphonies': performance of 'Unknown religious compositions': performance of 'Various religious works': performance of 'Wagner works': performance of 'Zwei Mazurkas Op. 59 u 33': performance of 'a Psalm': performance of 'keyboard music': performance of 'music by Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel': performance of 'quartette': performance of 'quartette': performance of 'second Chaconne': performance of ' second Overture to Leonora': performance of 'the Ten Commandments': performance of 'unknown music': performance of 'N. Milstein listening to Samuel Dushkin playing Stravinsky’s violin concerto in Berlin': |