Human voice

Human voice



appears in search results as

Human voice

performance of ''But thou didst not leave his soul in Hell', Messiah'

performance of ''Day after Day' and 'Speak to Me My Love' from Bridge Three Tagore Songs (1922-5)'

performance of ''Pierrot Lunaire''

performance of ''Willow Song' and Ave Maria from the final scene of Otello'

performance of ''One man went to mow''

performance of 'Music to accompany a feast'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'improvised song including call and response, with piano'

performance of ''When evening's twilight gathers round''

performance of 'Evangelical hymns'

performance of 'Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg'

performance of 'Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg'

performance of 'Funeral procession'

performance of 'boisterous singing'

performance of 'boisterous singing'

performance of 'Tarare'

performance of 'hymns selected from 'Church Hymns''

performance of 'hymns selected from 'Church Hymns''

performance of 'hymns selected from 'Church Hymns''

performance of ''The place the old horse died''

performance of 'singing-- popular music hall tunes'

performance of 'singing-- popular music hall tunes'

performance of ''Not Only Love''

performance of 'Follies'

performance of ''The Swimming Song''

performance of 'Choral concert'

performance of 'G&S operettas'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecifie singing with concertina'

performance of 'rehearsal of Handel's Semele'

performance of 'hymns selected from the Congregational Hymn Book'

performance of 'Welsh folk songs'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of ''At the Lamb's High Feast''

performance of 'a burletta'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Israel in Egypt'

performance of 'A congregational hymn'

performance of 'Katerina Izmailova'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of ''Auld Lang Syne''

performance of ''Old Lang Syne''

performance of 'songs composed by retired people'

performance of ''Le nozze di Figaro' K492'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of ''Jesus lives!''

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'L' Amore Fraterno'

performance of '‘Auld lang syne’'

performance of 'unspecified music hall songs'

performance of 'unspecified music hall songs'

performance of 'unspecified music hall songs'

performance of 'The Golden Legend'

performance of ''The Song of the Torch''

performance of 'Comfort ye my people'

performance of 'La Cenerentola'

performance of 'Semiramide'

performance of 'Il Turco in Italia'

performance of 'Il Turco in Italia'

performance of 'music at a church service, including a sung Litany'

performance of 'I Masnadieri'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of ''Katherina Izmailova''

performance of 'Macbeth'

performance of ''My ain wee thing''

performance of 'Music for a funeral'

performance of ''Down Among the Dead Men''

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'The Snowstorm'

performance of 'The Knight of Snowdoun'

performance of 'hymns chosen from the New Mitre-Hymnal'

performance of ''I would not be a crowned king''

performance of 'Tiranas'

performance of 'soldiers' singing'

performance of 'Unspecified singing-- tenor'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Traditional Scottish songs'

performance of 'Traditional Scottish songs'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Russian songs and choruses'

performance of 'music hall songs, including 'Here Upon Guard am I''

performance of 'unspecified opera buffa'

performance of ''Cwm Rhondda''

performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''

performance of 'Election-time singing'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'My love is like a little bird'

performance of 'Picking on a chicken bone'

performance of 'a song by Thomas Moore'

performance of 'Elektra'

performance of 'Scenes from Faust'

performance of 'Scenes from Faust'

performance of 'Scenes from Faust'

performance of 'unspecified oratorios'

performance of ''Louise''

performance of 'The Barber of Seville'

performance of 'The Barber of Seville'

performance of 'The Barber of Seville'

performance of 'singing of psalms and songs'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Choral music'

performance of 'unspecified Lieder'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'an aria from 'Il Barbiere de Siviglia''

performance of 'Unnamed opera'

performance of 'La Clemenza di Tito'

performance of ''O choose thou the maid with the gentle blue eye''

performance of 'La Cenerentola'

performance of 'O, Richard! O, mon Roi'

performance of 'unspecified music and song'

performance of 'Chant'

performance of 'singing accompanied by lutes and guitars'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'The Redemption'

performance of 'La vestale'

performance of 'singing to accompany weaving'

performance of 'Communion music'

performance of ''Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise''

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'Sul margine d'un rio'

performance of 'Singing at an execution'

performance of ''Rosary''

performance of ''Could'st thou look as dear''

performance of 'Toriad y dydd'

performance of ''Glory be to Jesus''

performance of ''Paul and Virginia''

performance of 'unspecified organ accompaniment to choir and congregation singing'

performance of 'popular hymn tunes'

performance of 'Des Horaces'

performance of 'a parody of psalm singing'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro, Overture and Act I'

performance of 'Excerpts from Siegfried'

performance of 'singing and revelry at the inn'

performance of 'Unspecified singing'

performance of 'Perseo'

performance of 'unspecified Italian opera'

performance of ''Song of the Spade''

performance of 'unspecified Wesleyan hymns'

performance of 'Singing'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'unspecified songs accompanied by two-string guitar'

performance of 'unspecified singing with melodeon'

performance of 'Fernando Cortez'

performance of 'Fernando Cortez'

performance of ''It's a braw, bricht, munelicht nicht''

performance of 'Orpheus Choir concert'

performance of 'Singing in domestic environment'

performance of 'Medea in Corinto'

performance of ''Oh where shall wisdom be found''

performance of ''To be a farmer's boy''

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'Irish ballads'

performance of 'Catholic hymns and anthems'

performance of ''The Vly be on the Turmut''

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'a psalm and a hymn'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'On The Town'

performance of ''street opera''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of ''Where is now the merry party (Far away)''

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'La Sonnambula'

performance of 'Evensong'

performance of 'Music to accompany a royal progress'

performance of 'choral piece'

performance of 'Lucia de Lammermoor'

performance of 'Lucia de Lammermoor'

performance of 'Lucia de Lammermoor'

performance of ''What can wash away my stain?''

performance of 'organ and choir'

performance of ''Gustave Walter''

performance of ''Verdi prati' from Alcina'

performance of 'Aristippe'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'The Forty Thieves'

performance of 'Matins and hymns'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'a hymn selected from 'Church Hymns''

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'Le Devin du Village'

performance of 'Il Ballone Aërostatico'

performance of 'Slavsya!'

performance of 'Bach's B-minor Mass'

performance of 'Choruses'

performance of 'Bands and choirs rehearsal'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Romanian folk song'

performance of 'unspecified bawdy song'

performance of 'Le Serment'

performance of 'singing--unspecified opera'

performance of 'Italian folk singing'

performance of 'Songs and violin pieces'

performance of 'Pribaoutki'

performance of ''Awake my soul and with the sun''

performance of ''Oh Hills, oh vales''

performance of 'St Matthew's Passion'

performance of 'A song'

performance of 'Song cycle'

performance of 'Messe Solenelle'

performance of 'Le desert'

performance of 'unspecified choir music'

performance of ''The Son of God goes forth to war''

performance of ''Hark! the Vesper Hymn''

performance of ''Jesus bids us shine''

performance of ''Messiah''

performance of 'vocal and piano music'

performance of 'A Native American Indian song of peace'

performance of 'Thorgrim'

performance of 'Italian vocal music'

performance of 'Old Hundredth'

performance of 'Les Mystères d’Isis'

performance of 'Operatic duets and trios'

performance of 'The chaunt of the psalms'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Believe me if all those endearing young charms''

performance of 'Princess Ju-Ju'

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of ''Britons strike home''

performance of 'Vocal class exam performances (including an aria from Kashchey the Immortal)'

performance of 'John Peel's Meltdown Festival'

performance of 'Performances by the Imperial Conservatoire opera class'

performance of 'Elena Uberti'

performance of ''Auld Lang Syne''

performance of 'songs'

performance of ''I will extol Thee''

performance of 'singing in the coach'

performance of ''The Volunteer Organist''

performance of ''Sweet Genevieve''

performance of 'Scottish songs and music'

performance of 'unspecified nursery rhymes'

performance of 'Lebensmesse'

performance of 'The English procession'

performance of 'Old Hundredth'

performance of 'l'enfant et les sortileges'

performance of 'Y Blotyn Du'

performance of 'Welsh hymns'

performance of ''I have no wife to bother my life''

performance of 'Funeral music'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of ''She danced like a fairy''

performance of ''We'll make them remember Majuba Hill''

performance of ''Jesus Saviour Pilot Me''

performance of 'organ and chorus-- Catholic high mass'

performance of 'Church music'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- a man'

performance of 'Arie from “Fidelio”'

performance of 'Don Juan [Don Giovanni?]'

performance of 'unspecified Chartist songs'

performance of 'Chansons gaillardes'

performance of ''Here we go round the Mulberry Bush''

performance of 'Blue Beard'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Opera-like serenade'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Crociato in Egitto'

performance of 'The Chartist Hymn ('Song of the Low')'

performance of 'Procession'

performance of 'L'Italiana in Algieri'

performance of 'L'Italiana in Algieri'

performance of 'L'Italiana in Algieri'

performance of 'I Capuleti e i Montecchi'

performance of 'commemorative singing'

performance of 'Manzoni Requiem'

performance of 'singing in church'

performance of ''Any old iron''

performance of ''The Last Rose of Summer''

performance of ''a single song''

performance of 'Olimpie'

performance of 'Chastushki'

performance of 'The Agreeable Surprise'

performance of 'No Song, no Supper'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'Scene and Arie from “Faust”'

performance of 'a music meeting/concert'

performance of ''Lowther Arcade''

performance of ''Passing By''

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of ''The Blind Girl to Her Harp''

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'Che dell’Altrui si veste presto si spoglia'

performance of 'Festival of Christmas Music'

performance of 'Italian airs'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'unspecified singing for sacred play'

performance of ''Alleluia! the strife is o'er''

performance of 'Solomon'

performance of 'operatic airs'

performance of 'Dirge'

performance of ''Ring the Bells of Heaven''

performance of 'Celebratory music'

performance of 'unspecified amateur singing'

performance of 'Alexander's ragtime band'

performance of ''Stop Your Tickling Jock''

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of ''The Bells of Aberdovey''

performance of ''Comfort ye''

performance of 'Rienzi'

performance of 'Rienzi'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'tavern singing'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''O have you been to Yankee land?''

performance of 'Adolphe [et Clara]'

performance of ''The Two Grenadiers''

performance of 'B minor Mass'

performance of 'Songs accompanied by harp'

performance of 'Joconde'

performance of 'My Man'

performance of 'music hall songs'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'L'Elisir d'Amore'

performance of 'Church anthem'

performance of 'sentimental song'

performance of 'jazz'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'market cries and calls'

performance of 'Duenia'

performance of ''The Humble Man''

performance of ''Oh, my! You may think I'm fly''

performance of 'Men of Harlech'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of ''When the roll is called up yonder''

performance of 'The Golden Cockerel [extracts from]'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'house-to-house singing'

performance of 'Medonte'

performance of 'Benefit concert'

performance of 'Balustrade (Ballet version of the Violin Concerto)'

performance of 'Tauris'

performance of 'Anglican church music including Gregorian chant'

performance of 'Anglican church music including Gregorian chant'

performance of 'Anglican church music including Gregorian chant'

performance of 'Anglican church music including Gregorian chant'

performance of 'comic songs'

performance of 'an arrangement of Gershwin songs'

performance of 'Agnese'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'unspecified Christmas carols'

performance of 'unspecified Christmas carols'

performance of 'Church music'

performance of 'an Italian air'

performance of ''How fair this spot' Op. 21 No. 7'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'La Victoire est a nous'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Das Lied von der Erde'

performance of ''La bohème''

performance of 'The Fandango, sung and danced'

performance of 'Irish ballad'

performance of 'Nadeshda'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'La Mitridate'

performance of 'unspecified traditional Scottish Ballads'

performance of 'unspecified opera buffa'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Christmas Carols'

performance of 'Christmas carols'

performance of 'Christmas carols'

performance of 'Christmas carols'

performance of 'Unspecified ballads'

performance of 'Y Betrisen'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Canciones Patrioticas'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Little Things''

performance of 'music at a Communion Service'

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'Sung street music with harmonium'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'Das Rheingold'

performance of 'Das Rheingold'

performance of ''The people that in darkness sat''

performance of 'Unspecified operas'

performance of 'The Siege of Corinth'

performance of 'singing in chapel'

performance of ''Remember remember the 5th of November''

performance of 'unspecified concert music'

performance of 'A family concert'

performance of ''flash songs''

performance of 'an anthem'

performance of 'an anthem'

performance of '‘See the Conquering Hero Comes’, from Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'children's singing workshops'

performance of ''O rest in the Lord''

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music and hymns'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music with hymns'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Falstaff'

performance of 'choral music'

performance of 'Te Deum laudamus'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'unknown song from 'The Red Moon''

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Marseillaise'

performance of 'Choral scene from Odysseus'

performance of 'unspecified whistling and singing'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Benedictus'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Un caprice de femme'

performance of 'Blue Beard'

performance of 'a selection of music from Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'psalms'

performance of 'singing on board ship'

performance of 'musical imitations'

performance of 'The Magic Flute'

performance of ''Happy Birthday to you''

performance of 'unspecified singing-- school concerts'

performance of 'two French opera arias'

performance of ''For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth' from Messiah'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of '‘Largo al factótum’ from Il Barbiere de Siviglia'

performance of 'Unspecified Italian opera'

performance of ''The Golden Wedding''

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'I Puritani'

performance of 'I Puritani'

performance of 'I Puritani'

performance of 'hymns and psalms'

performance of ''Di tanti palpiti' from Tancredi'

performance of 'seguidilla'

performance of 'charity performance of Handel's Deborah'

performance of 'Psalms, hymn, magnificat, motets and sonatas'

performance of 'Oarsmen singing'

performance of 'Victorian school singing rhymes'

performance of 'Songs to lyrics by Burns and others'

performance of ''I'm a soldier of the Queen my lads''

performance of ''The Poorhouse''

performance of 'unspecified singing accompanied by harmonium'

performance of 'Choruses and songs'

performance of 'An Italian comic opera'

performance of ''Seven drunken nights''

performance of '‘Their groves o’ green myrtle’'

performance of 'Cathedral worship'

performance of 'vocal duets'

performance of 'a sad Greek song'

performance of ''Cwm Rhondda''

performance of 'popular musical hall songs'

performance of 'unspecified song-- humming'

performance of 'Unspecified opera singing'

performance of ''When First I Met Thee''

performance of 'unspecified operatic singing (John Beard)'

performance of 'Follies'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of ''Ora Pro Nobis''

performance of ''And the trumpet shall sound''

performance of ''Love's old sweet song''

performance of 'music hall/comic songs'

performance of 'music hall/comic songs'

performance of 'Comic songs'

performance of 'Luther's Hymn'

performance of ''A Nautical Knot''

performance of 'church choir practice'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Cosi Fan Tutti'

performance of ''God Save the King''

performance of 'Dissonant singing'

performance of ''Samson''

performance of 'Choral performances-- Handel Festival'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of ''The Miller and the High-way-man''

performance of ''Good Luck to the Engine Driver''

performance of 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Il primo amore'

performance of ''Ye banks and braes o' bonny Doon''

performance of ''Coal Jock''

performance of 'Castrato singing'

performance of 'Ballades'

performance of 'The Beggars Opera'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Yr Hen Erddigan'

performance of 'Hallelujah Chorus'

performance of 'Hallelujah Chorus'

performance of 'a vocal duet from 'Eccentricity, a Farce Rehearsed''

performance of ''Messiah''

performance of 'performances at Spitalfields Festivals and community projects'

performance of 'Vespers'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Litany of the Four Last Things'

performance of 'songs and a duet from 'The Poor Soldier''

performance of ''Oft in the stilly night''

performance of 'Victorian domestic music'

performance of 'Cosi fan tutte'

performance of 'a song'

performance of 'performance of unspecified music by a music club'

performance of 'performance of unspecified music by a music club'

performance of 'performance of unspecified music by a music club'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Don Juan'

performance of 'Chansons Hérbraïques'

performance of 'King David'

performance of 'unspecified arias'

performance of 'Children's singing'

performance of 'Children's singing'

performance of 'Children's singing in a pantomime'

performance of 'Nocturnes'

performance of 'sung duet from 'Il Fanatico per la Musica''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Dirge'

performance of ''When wintry winds and slaughtering guns''

performance of 'a ditty'

performance of ''Lodoiska''

performance of 'operatic singing'

performance of 'operatic singing'

performance of 'operatic singing'

performance of 'operatic singing'

performance of 'operatic singing'

performance of 'operatic singing'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Chanting of High Mass'

performance of 'Song from Twelfth Night'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'a glee from 'The Odes of Anacreon''

performance of 'unspecified gentle singing'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Chamber music'

performance of 'Let the Bright Seraphim'

performance of 'O thou who when I did complain'

performance of '“Zadok the Priest & Nathan the Prophet”'

performance of 'Saul'

performance of 'Cantate Domino'

performance of ''O thou that tellest good tidings' from Messiah'

performance of 'unspecified music'

performance of 'a hymn'

performance of 'Anacréon chez Polycrate'

performance of 'Esmeralda'

performance of 'Esmeralda'

performance of ''The Passenger''

performance of 'Die Walküre'

performance of '‘Per lui che adoro’ from L’Italiana in Algeri'

performance of 'unspecified choral music'

performance of ''Oh Susanna, oh don't you cry for me''

performance of ''A Song made upon the King''

performance of 'the music of Rossini and Mozart'

performance of 'Religious drama with a chorus'

performance of 'unspecified music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'Gregorian chant'

performance of 'The Ugly Duckling, Op. 18'

performance of 'The Ugly Duckling, Op. 18'

performance of ''Jesus bids us shine''

performance of 'Coronation Anthem'

performance of 'unspecified opera buffa'

performance of ''I've a prisoner here, here, here''

performance of 'Pater Noster'

performance of 'Catholic Anthem singing'

performance of 'Vocal duets'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Religious chanting'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Ceremonial-- opening of Crystal Palace'

performance of 'Singing on the radio or TV'

performance of 'Singing at a burial'

performance of 'Singing at a burial'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Unspecified music'

performance of 'novelty song'

performance of 'Funeral music'

performance of 'Traditional folk, ballad and patriot song'

performance of 'duet from 'Cosa Rara''

performance of ''The Tailor and the Mouse''

performance of 'unspecified music'

performance of 'Pauline'

performance of 'unspecified song and piano performance-- a musical'

performance of 'Paradise Lost, Op. 54'

performance of 'Drunken singing'

performance of 'Drunken singing'

performance of 'Drunken singing'

performance of 'Drunken singing'

performance of 'Drunken singing'

performance of 'Drunken singing'

performance of 'Requiem mass'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Werther'

performance of 'Werther'

performance of ''The Lively Flea' (sung to the tune of 'The Ivy Green')'

performance of 'Arbaces'

performance of ''Sour Milk Charlie' (possibly a comic pastiche of 'Champagne Charlie'?)'

performance of 'Song on a Japanese theme'

performance of ''Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Ode to St Cecilia'

performance of 'Singing at a burial'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'unspecified tavern singing'

performance of 'Native American song of explanation, with dancing'

performance of 'opera song with guitars'

performance of 'Sergeant Pepper LP'

performance of 'Arias from Messiah'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Sarah Walker''

performance of 'a doxology'

performance of 'Evensong'

performance of ''Amor! Possente nome!' from Armida'

performance of 'Salome'

performance of 'The Messiah'

performance of 'Magnificat and psalm singing'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of ''Here we come gathering nuts in May''

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'unspecified anthem'

performance of 'other comic/music hall songs'

performance of 'Phaedra'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Tyrolese singing and dancing'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'He was eyes to the blind'

performance of 'Il Crociato in Egitto'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Di tanti palpiti' from Tancredi'

performance of 'Chanting of the Aïssa-Ouas'

performance of 'He was despised'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'opera'

performance of ''To my flute''

performance of ''Trust Me', op. 23 no. 3'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of ''All things bright and beautiful''

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of ''My Jolly Herring''

performance of 'Greensleeves'

performance of 'music in services at Worcester Cathedral'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of ''Oggi con me''

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of 'Madame Catalani's song'

performance of 'Music for a funeral'

performance of 'Artaxerxes'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'a chant'

performance of 'Opera in Manchester'

performance of 'unspecified singing while working'

performance of ''See How the Morning Smiles''

performance of 'Vocal quartets'

performance of 'Various oratorios'

performance of ''I know that my Redeemer liveth''

performance of ''Thou art gone up on high, to mansions in the sky''

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Socialist songs and choruses'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'unspecified vocal duets, trios and quartets'

performance of 'King of Sherwood'

performance of 'Gurrelieder'

performance of 'hymns selected from Church Hymns'

performance of 'hymns selected from 'Church Hymns''

performance of ''Precious Jewels''

performance of 'Excerpts from L'Amico Fritz'

performance of ''Oh, if your tears are given to care''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and harpsichord music'

performance of 'singing lessons at school'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'choral music'

performance of 'Le Rossignol'

performance of 'Le Rossignol'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Omnipotence''

performance of 'an Italian song'

performance of 'Les Mystères d’Isis'

performance of 'Don Carlos'

performance of 'Richard Coeur de Lion'

performance of ''Heart of Oak''

performance of ''Where is my boy tonight?''

performance of 'Unspecified'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Count your blessings name them one by one''

performance of 'The Robbers'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'anthems'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''There Are Other Planets''

performance of 'Der Freischütz'

performance of 'Der Freischütz'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'liturgical choral music'

performance of 'The Flying Dutchman'

performance of 'Blanche de Provence'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Erwartung, Op. 17'

performance of ''The Carnival of Venice''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified song'

performance of 'unspecified song'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of ''Keep you tears for me''

performance of 'unspecified West African ceremonial and festival music'

performance of 'Songs performed as part of a play'

performance of 'Admeto, re di Tessaglia'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of ''Hark! the Vesper Hymn''

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Operas'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'Singing at a burial'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'Oratorio'

performance of 'Inflammatus from 'Stabat Mater''

performance of ''Come ye faithful''

performance of 'Four Last Songs'

performance of ''A living stream''

performance of 'God Save the King'

performance of ''God Save the King''

performance of 'a selection of Moore's 'Sacred Songs''

performance of 'Ring of the Nibelungen'

performance of 'I Zingari in Fiera'

performance of ''We will gather at the river''

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of 'Messaline'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unaccompanied English ballads'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Esther'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Il Medico Ciabattino'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'a vocal duet'

performance of 'a bolero'

performance of 'comic/music hall songs'

performance of 'hymns selected from Mercer's hymnal'

performance of 'hymns selected from Mercer's hymnal'

performance of 'Schubert's songs'

performance of 'Themes from orchestral works'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Tannhaeuser''

performance of 'hymns selected from the 'Hymnal Companion'

performance of 'hymns selected from the 'Hymnal Companion''

performance of 'hymns selected from the 'Hymnal Companion'

performance of 'hymns selected from the 'Hymnal Companion''

performance of 'music composed with and for East End communities and primary schools'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of ''Jock Tamson's Tripe' sung to the tune of 'The Cork Leg''

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'singing and playing'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Chanting of priests in an Orthodox church'

performance of ''Shepherds I have Lost of My Love''

performance of 'Faust'

performance of ''Things we said today''

performance of 'Mahler's Second Symphony'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'High Mass'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'La Gioconda'

performance of ''The Last Rose of Summer''

performance of 'Songs'

performance of '''Jesus bids us shine''

performance of 'The Rite of Spring'

performance of ''Wrestling Jacob''

performance of 'Katya Kabanova'

performance of 'Ernani'

performance of 'Ernani'

performance of 'Ernani'

performance of 'Ernani'

performance of 'Ernani'

performance of 'Ernani'

performance of 'Hustings song for Peter Laycock'

performance of 'Rule Britannia'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'a Blacksmith's song'

performance of 'Traditional Scottish ballads'

performance of 'Le trésor supposé'

performance of 'traditional Welsh songs'

performance of 'Die Zauberflöte'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro, Act II'

performance of 'Italian singing'

performance of 'Unspecified instrumental and vocal music'

performance of ''Khovanshchina''

performance of 'unspecified Music Hall song'

performance of 'unspecified Music Hall song'

performance of 'a selection from 'Hymns Ancient and Modern''

performance of 'Perséphone'

performance of 'Die schöne Lau'

performance of ''Jerusalem the Golden''

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of 'Hymn singing in Baptist Church'

performance of 'Mozart air'

performance of 'a child's rhyme'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified violin and song'

performance of 'hymn singing with piano and flutes'

performance of ''The Volunteer Organist''

performance of 'La Muette de Portici'

performance of 'The Blue Bird'

performance of ''I sigh for the girl I adore''

performance of 'unspecified opera records'

performance of 'Venetian Ballads'

performance of 'La prova d’una opera seria'

performance of 'Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'Minuet'

performance of 'Music at a burial'

performance of ''The Bird let loose' from Moore's Sacred Songs'

performance of 'child's hymn singing'

performance of 'child's hymn singing'

performance of ''Rosalie the Prairie Flower''

performance of ''Upon a young lady in Whitechapel-market''

performance of 'Ave Maria'

performance of ''O Richard, O mon roi!' from Richard Cœur de Lion'

performance of ''I heard the voice of Jesus say''

performance of 'comic songs'

performance of 'comic songs'

performance of ''The day Thou gavest''

performance of 'Performance of Beethoven's Mass in C'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'Le Roi de Lahore'

performance of 'Le Roi de Lahore'

performance of 'General rehearsal for the Dargomyzhsky concert'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'a hymn'

performance of 'Requiem mass'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'There are other planets, op. 9 no. 1'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Ballads'

performance of 'La Semiramide'

performance of 'The Farm Yard'

performance of 'music for divine services--Catholic'

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of 'chamber music'

performance of 'A pastoral opera'

performance of 'a Rogation hymn'

performance of 'Hodie'

performance of 'The Devil's Bridge'

performance of ''Mi manca la voce' from Mosè in Egitto'

performance of 'To the Absent Beloved'

performance of 'Oh! Oh! Delphine'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'unknown classical singing'

performance of 'London Hospitals' Doctors and Nurses'

performance of ''Sweetheart May''

performance of 'Mass'

performance of ''As I sat on the sunny bank''

performance of ''Non nobis Domine''

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'Ballad singing'

performance of 'The Golden Web'

performance of 'I Lombardi'

performance of 'I Lombardi'

performance of ''Oh what a world this might be', arranged as a glee/partsong'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''There is a green hill far away''

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Russian songs'

performance of ''The Old Rugged Cross''

performance of ''The Soldiers of the Queen''

performance of 'Unspecified'

performance of ''Just as I am''

performance of 'Beatrice di Tenda'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of ''The Lost Chord''

performance of ''God of the earth, and sea, and sky', sung to the 'Old Hundredth''

performance of 'High Mass'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'In a Persian Garden'

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of 'rowdy singing'

performance of ''Let us gather up the sunbeams''

performance of ''O hush thee''

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of '‘Polichinelle est par tout bien reçu’'

performance of 'Jazz Singers'

performance of 'Ballad singing'

performance of 'Ballad singing'

performance of 'Ballad singing'

performance of 'Ballad singing'

performance of 'unspecified song with piano accompaniment'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Tannhauser''

performance of 'Italian duets'

performance of 'old-fashioned hymns'

performance of 'She's Funny That Way'

performance of ''Gloria in excelsis''

performance of ''War against Babylon''

performance of 'unspecified 'songs called catches''

performance of 'song with guitar'

performance of 'Transfiguration'

performance of 'The Messiah'

performance of 'recited poetry with musical accompaniment'

performance of ''Don Giovanni' K527'

performance of ''Don Giovanni' K527'

performance of 'Norma'

performance of 'Norma'

performance of 'Norma'

performance of 'Le Philtre'

performance of 'Blodau'r Grug'

performance of 'unspecified hymns with piano'

performance of 'Church music'

performance of 'Maria Stuarta'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Tosca'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Mass of Our Lady'

performance of 'The Prophetess: or, The History of Dioclesian'

performance of ''Bacchante''

performance of 'Panurge dans l’isle des lanternes'

performance of 'Parisian opera'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'Act Three of Die Meistersinger'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Unspecified'

performance of ''God Save the King''

performance of 'Pageant music'

performance of ''Spirit of delight''

performance of 'The Heavens Declare'

performance of ''Close the shutters Willie's dead''

performance of ''Rule Britannia''

performance of 'musical story-telling'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''By the Waters of Babylon''

performance of ''Brief life is here our portion''

performance of 'Various theatrical performances'

performance of 'versicles'

performance of 'La Tempesta'

performance of ''The Church's one Foundation''

performance of 'Lucrezia Borgia'

performance of ''Christians awake''

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'Christmas carols'

performance of 'Christmas carols'

performance of 'Tamerlan'

performance of ''God save the King''

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Symphony No. 6'

performance of 'Deeper and deeper still'

performance of 'common psalmody'

performance of ''The Highlandman's Toast''

performance of 'coon songs'

performance of 'Auld Lang Syne'

performance of 'Pirata'

performance of 'The Nose'

performance of 'The Nose'

performance of 'A military mass'

performance of 'Israel in Egypt'

performance of ''Before Jehovah's awful throne''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'L’Italiana in Algeri'

performance of 'Excerpts from Tristan and Isolde'

performance of 'Excerpts from Tristan and Isolde'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Je suis Lindor'

performance of 'unspecified church music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of ''The Kerry Dancers''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'St. Clement's Day song'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- school lesson'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- school lesson'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Handel's Messiah'

performance of 'unspecified Music Hall songs'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Sadko'

performance of ''Walking my Baby back home''

performance of 'Anthems'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Songs with flute accompaniment'

performance of 'pantomime music'

performance of 'pantomime music'

performance of 'pantomime music'

performance of 'Requiem mass'

performance of 'The Golden Cockerel'

performance of ''Philip the Falconer''

performance of 'Choruses and oratorios'

performance of ''The lovely brown maid''

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'an Anacreontic'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of ''Driven from home''

performance of ''I am not mad, I am not mad''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Hungarian songs'

performance of 'Radamisto'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'An Italian song'

performance of 'Mosè in Egitto'

performance of ''All things bright and beautiful''

performance of '‘Mi manca la voce’, quintet from Mosè in Egitto'

performance of 'Les Huguenots'

performance of ''Hi! hi! hi! come awa', come awa'''

performance of 'Les Delices du Strait'

performance of 'Children's singing and piano-playing'

performance of 'General's sobbing from 'The Gambler''

performance of 'Unspecified singing and playing'

performance of ''Only an armour-bearer''

performance of ''Shenandoah''

performance of 'a night of song'

performance of ''Et incarnatus est''

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'unspecified hymns-- Salvation Army'

performance of 'hymns selected from 'Hymns A&M''

performance of 'hymns selected from 'Hymns A&M''

performance of 'hymns selected from 'Hymns A&M''

performance of 'hymns selected from 'Hymns A&M''

performance of 'Fidelio'

performance of 'Sinding's songs'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'unspecified bawdy singing and fiddle playing'

performance of ''Over the burning plains of Egypt''

performance of 'unspecified choruses'

performance of 'Suppertime'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Old Calcutta'

performance of 'Hallelujah Chorus'

performance of 'Hallelujah Chorus'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified music heard at Vauxhall Gardens'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Rule Britannia''

performance of 'I know that my Redeemer liveth'

performance of 'Various'

performance of 'comic songs'

performance of 'Vocal duets'

performance of 'Tancredi'

performance of 'unspecified songs in mock Scottish pastoral style'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified operatic singing (Farinelli)'

performance of 'unspecified operatic singing (Farinelli)'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Jumbo the Elephant song'

performance of 'Quadrilles and 'God Save the Queen''

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of ''Oh Joe, the boat is going over''

performance of 'unspecified singing-- prisoners'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- prisoners'

performance of '‘Assisa al piè d’un salice’ from Otello'

performance of 'aria from Don Juan'

performance of ''The lion of freedom is come from his den''

performance of 'Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'L'Enfant et les sortilèges'

performance of 'a vocal trio'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of 'Cavalleria Rusticana'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of ''Frost Music' from King Arthu'

performance of 'Rose d'Amour'

performance of 'A song'

performance of ''Oh, Johnny, you're in luck this morning''

performance of ''Just as I am, without one plea''

performance of 'Procession for Corpus Christi'

performance of ''Mavra''

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'unknown opera'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'Dies Natalis'

performance of ''Linden Lea''

performance of 'La Sonnambula'

performance of 'God Save the Queen'

performance of 'unspecified music'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Unspecified Church and Chapel music'

performance of 'Ode'

performance of ''I'm a man that's done wrong to my parents''

performance of 'sentimental songs'

performance of 'Singing at a funeral'

performance of ''Ring the Bell, Watchman''

performance of 'Dirge'

performance of 'opera'

performance of 'Liebeslieder Walzer'

performance of 'Church music'

performance of 'Christ our Passover...''

performance of 'Singing at a religious ceremony'

performance of 'unspecified singing (boy) with Viol and Harpsichord'

performance of ''Lass, gin you lo'e me, tell me noe''

performance of 'Extracts from Sylvana'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Clotilda'

performance of 'rope-skipping and ball-throwing songs'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- school concert'

performance of 'All coons look alike to me'

performance of 'All coons look alike to me'

performance of 'A psalm'

performance of 'Mahler's Second Symphony'

performance of 'an unspecified work'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''I'd mourn the Hopes that leave me''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'humorous songs'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'an Italian opera'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'To accompany a funeral dinner'

performance of 'Children's singing on May Day'

performance of ''Worthy is the Lamb''

performance of 'Songs from Twelfth Night'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'unspecified songs-- with piano'

performance of 'Jewish sacred music'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'A hymn'

performance of 'A hymn'

performance of 'unspecified harpsichord and vocal music'

performance of 'La Basoche'

performance of 'La Basoche'

performance of ''I wrote a letter to my love''

performance of ''In Zanzibar''

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music heard during singing lessons'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of ''Green Grow the Rushes-O''

performance of 'performance of unspecified opera singing'

performance of 'Said a smile to a tear'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'song'

performance of 'Moïse et Pharaon, ou Le passage de la Mer Rouge'

performance of 'Tancredi (Act I)'

performance of 'Traditional japan music'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of ''Jesus loves me this I know''

performance of 'The Orpheus Choir'

performance of 'The Orpheus Choir'

performance of 'The Orpheus Choir'

performance of 'duet singing'

performance of ''Blow away the morning dew''

performance of ''Auld Lang Syne''

performance of 'Farewell, Op. 93a, No. 4'

performance of ''All among the barley''

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'skipping-rope song'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Singing in St George's Day procession'

performance of '‘He layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters’'

performance of ''For those in peril on the sea''

performance of 'Outdoor music-making'

performance of 'Irish Gaelic singing'

performance of 'La Didone Abbandonata'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'music to accompany a tarantella'

performance of 'Choral psalms'

performance of 'Unspecified Music Hall entertainment'

performance of 'Gli Schiavi per Amore'

performance of 'The Gambler, roulette scene'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Children's hymn singing'

performance of 'Children's hymn singing'

performance of 'Children's hymn singing'

performance of ''Tell me the old, old story''

performance of ''When first I met thee warm and young''

performance of ''The Little Flower Seller''

performance of 'Brahms' songs'

performance of 'Unspecified performances'

performance of 'choral music'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'The Dedication of the Temple'

performance of 'unspecified choir singing'

performance of 'unspecified choir singing'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of ''Christians awake salute the happy morn''

performance of 'Passion'

performance of 'singing accompanied by guitar'

performance of 'Te Deum and other music'

performance of ''How sweet in the woodlands''

performance of 'Dangerous Liaisons'

performance of ''Auld Lang Syne''

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of ''Goodbye, Dolly Gray''

performance of 'Les Danaïdes'

performance of 'violin and German flute'

performance of 'service at Gloucester Cathedral'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Requiem mass'

performance of 'a comic song'

performance of 'Religious celebration-- Festival of the Assumption'

performance of 'traditional Spanish music'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of ''The Gambler''

performance of 'II Furbo contro il Furbo'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'a Venetian Partenza'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''O Thou that ...''

performance of 'Anna Bolena'

performance of 'Anna Bolena'

performance of 'Cosi fan tutte'

performance of 'concert at Thomas Britton's home concert venue'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'noisy singing at an inn'

performance of ''God Save the King''

performance of ''Where my caravan has rested''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'The Light of Life'

performance of 'Algonah'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of ''Every man at his post''

performance of 'Psalm 42'

performance of ''Dare to be a Daniel''

performance of 'Music hall choruses'

performance of 'Singing'

performance of 'Mr. Johnson, Turn Me Loose'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Gipsy music'

performance of 'unspecified song, duets'

performance of ''Cadet Rousselle''

performance of 'Unspecified song'

performance of ''Grace''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Gurrelieder'

performance of 'In the rough blast heaves the billows'

performance of ''See the day the welcome day is dawning''

performance of 'Orpheus and Eurydice'

performance of ''God Save the King''

performance of 'Unknown'

performance of ''Mother Machree''

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Welsh songs'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'hymns selected from the Islington Collection'

performance of 'hymns and carols'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''[Goodbye] Dolly Gray''

performance of 'Manzoni Requiem'

performance of ''A Life for the Tsar''

performance of ''Lead, kindly light''

performance of 'Spanish songs'

performance of 'Song'

performance of ''Ellen and I''

performance of 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia'

performance of 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia'

performance of 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia'

performance of ''The Lion of Freedom', chanted'

performance of 'Remembering performances of Handel's Messiah and Theodora'

performance of 'hymns selected from Moody and Sankey's collection'

performance of 'Coronation Anthem'

performance of 'La jacquerie'

performance of 'La Gazza Ladra'

performance of 'La Gazza Ladra'

performance of 'singing-- Catholic celebration'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'Poor Mary Ann'

performance of ''L'Histoire du soldat''

performance of 'operas and concerts'

performance of ''For she's a jolly good seller''

performance of 'love lyrics accompanied by guitar'

performance of 'comic song in a theatrical show'

performance of 'A psalm'

performance of 'Prayers'

performance of 'Hebridean song to accompany 'waulkin''

performance of 'unspecified part-song and hymn singing'

performance of ''Thou didst not leave''

performance of 'Unknown'

performance of 'The Rake's Progress'

performance of 'The Queen of Spades'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of ''The Bobby''

performance of 'Der Ring des Nibelungen'

performance of ''My spouse, Nancy''

performance of 'I Rantzau'

performance of 'Handel's 'Creation''

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''When father papered the parlour''

performance of ''God Save our Gracious Queen''

performance of 'Megaye'

performance of ''We won't go home till morning''

performance of 'radical and traditional songs'

performance of 'unspecified singing at work'

performance of 'Methodist choir practice-- Anniversary Hymns'

performance of 'Latin prayers'

performance of ''Lo he comes with clouds descending''

performance of 'unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Giuliano Gayarre debut'

performance of ''Poem of Cottardale' song'

performance of 'Raising of Lazarus'

performance of 'psalmody'

performance of 'Mosè in Egitto (Act I)'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'Chilperic'

performance of 'four-part singing'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'rehearsal and premier of the community cantata 'On Spital Fields''

performance of 'unspecified patriotic songs'

performance of 'unspecified patriotic songs'

performance of 'Unspecified Italian opera'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Kashchei the Immortal'

performance of ''Cheer, boy, cheer''

performance of 'Die Walküre'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Vocal and piano music'

performance of 'Ninth Symphony'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Five Songs Without Words, Op. 35'

performance of 'Five Songs Without Words, Op. 35'

performance of 'a cantata'

performance of 'Scenes from Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'Scenes from Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'Scenes from Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of ''All hail the power of Jesus' Name''

performance of 'bells and hymns'

performance of '‘There’s a home for little children above the bright blue sky”'

performance of ''My Fiddle is my Sweetheart''

performance of 'unspecified operas'

performance of 'Methodist hymn singing'

performance of 'Music for a wedding'

performance of 'I Due Foscari'

performance of 'Unspecified singing-- bass baritone'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music with anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of ''There is a blessed home''

performance of ''The Hallelujah Chorus''

performance of 'Torquato Tasso'

performance of 'The Flying Dutchman'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'The Castle of Andalusia (comic opera)'

performance of 'Their Lonely Betters'

performance of 'music at the cathedral service'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'Proserpine'

performance of ''Here's the Bower''

performance of 'music by John Dowland'

performance of 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia'

performance of 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia'

performance of 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia'

performance of 'Deus misereatur'

performance of 'Miss Calico'

performance of ''Our Blest Redeemer''

performance of 'Elisabetta, Regina d’Inghilterra'

performance of 'Choruses'

performance of 'Singing in a domestic setting'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'children's singing games'

performance of 'Duets'

performance of ''warning' whistle or song'

performance of 'Singing in church'

performance of ''The Union Jack of Old England''

performance of 'Richard Cœur de Lion'

performance of 'The Whistling Coon'

performance of 'singing a round-- school lesson'

performance of 'Trio performance of traditional European music'

performance of 'Glees'

performance of 'Beans'

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of ''Two little girls in blue''

performance of ''Young love lived once''

performance of '‘Rasserena il tuo bel Ciglio’'

performance of 'Esmeralda'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'Patience'

performance of 'Symphonic Dedication to October'

performance of 'Unspecified music with singing and dancing'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'an unspecified anthem'

performance of 'Elektra'

performance of 'First performance'

performance of 'singing to a child'

performance of 'unspecified recitativo'

performance of 'Job's Anthem (the whole, or part of, the Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline)'

performance of 'Pelléas et Mélisande'

performance of 'Pelléas et Mélisande'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'Spanish songs'

performance of 'Various'

performance of 'drums and songs of men marching from Nantes to Paris during the 1830 revolution'

performance of 'The Wedding'

performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing'

performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing'

performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing'

performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'A trio performance of traditional European music'

performance of 'Brass band and singing'

performance of ''See the Conqueror mounts in triumph''

performance of 'unspecified campfire song and music'

performance of ''When evening's twilight gathers round''

performance of 'Adelia'

performance of 'Adelia'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- male quartet'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- male quartet'

performance of 'Naaman'

performance of ''Gentle Jesus meek and mild''

performance of 'jazz scat'

performance of ''The Three Gypsies''

performance of 'French comic opera'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of ''Home, Sweet Home' played as a hymn tune'

performance of ''Wandering Willie''

performance of 'male choir'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Nabucco'

performance of 'Nabucco'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''In sweetest harmony''

performance of ''List our merry carol on this Blessed morn''

performance of ''Katerina Izmailova''

performance of 'unspecified oratorio'

performance of 'unspecified oratorio'

performance of 'unspecified oratorio'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'II Re Theodoro'

performance of ''Will ye no come back again?''

performance of ''The Turn of the Screw''

performance of ''Through the night of doubt and sorrow''

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Rowdy, drunken singing'

performance of ''Let us gather up the sunbeams''

performance of 'La vestale'

performance of 'Sclavonian hymns'

performance of 'unspecified music'

performance of 'Singing--Catholic funeral procession'

performance of ''The day thou gavest Lord is ended''

performance of ''I am a young man from the country''

performance of 'unspecified singing with piano'

performance of 'Operas and Oratorios'

performance of 'singing and whistling'

performance of 'singing and whistling'

performance of 'The sound of fiddles, harps and singing'

performance of ''The Pawn Shop in Bleezes''

performance of 'drunken singing'

performance of 'Dodoloai'

performance of 'Christmas music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Funeral music'

performance of ''Abide with me''

performance of ''Armida''

performance of 'Exaltabo te, Dotnine'

performance of 'song, poetry readings, song accompanied by guitar'

performance of 'song and dance routine-- minstrel tradition'

performance of 'minstrel songs'

performance of 'Mefistofele'

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of 'Ukrainian folk songs sung a cappella'

performance of ''O God our help in ages past''

performance of 'Scottish music and comic songs'

performance of ''When Peter gets his Pension''

performance of ''The Cavalier''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'piano and hymn singing'

performance of 'piano and hymn singing'

performance of 'Adrian and Orrila'

performance of ''She sits among the cabbages and peas''

performance of ''The Nightingale''

performance of 'Latin Mass'

performance of ''Down came the raindrops on a cloudy day''

performance of ''Columbus in a Merry Key''

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of 'Il Trionfo di Camilla, Regina de' Volsci'

performance of 'Il Trionfo di Camilla, Regina de' Volsci'

performance of 'psalm singing'

performance of 'Chilean folk music'

performance of '‘Awa wi’ your witchcraft o’ beauty’s alarms’'

performance of 'II Talismano'

performance of ''The Old Rustic Bridge by the Mill''

performance of ''Down went Maginty to the bottom of the sea''

performance of 'Catholic Mass'

performance of 'The Meistersinger (Arie)'

performance of 'Songs with violin accompaniment'

performance of 'The Messiah'

performance of 'The Messiah'

performance of 'La Favorita'

performance of 'solemn songs'

performance of 'repertoire and techniques of Gospel music'

performance of ''Glory to Thee, my God, this night''

performance of ''Irish Melodies''

performance of 'The Golden Cockerel'

performance of 'The Troubador'

performance of ''Harvest Moon''

performance of 'Pater Noster'

performance of ''I'm only an old rough diamond''

performance of 'Salva festa dies'

performance of 'singing style'

performance of 'Lucifer'

performance of ''Saul''

performance of ''Incarnatus est''

performance of 'unidentified choral music'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of ''In Friendship's Name''

performance of ''The Minstrel Boy''

performance of 'domestic singing'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of ''Messiah''

performance of 'unspecified song'

performance of 'unspecified song'

performance of 'other unspecified songs'

performance of 'other unspecified songs'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Vocal duets and trios'

performance of 'Le prophète'

performance of 'Unspecified operas'

performance of 'No Song, no Supper'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'The Beggar's Opera'

performance of 'The Beggar's Opera'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'God Save the Tsar'

performance of 'a motet'

performance of ''Weedow Magraw''

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Corrado d'Altamura'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Vainly now ye strive to charm me''

performance of 'Children's May Day song'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Unspecified music-- carnival masquerade'

performance of 'unspecified music hall songs'

performance of ''Down in the valley with my Saviour I will go''

performance of ''Good health to the barley mow''

performance of ''Kathleen Mavourneen''

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'Belisario'

performance of 'No. 7 of Thomas Moore's 'National Airs''

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of ''Aladdin's Lamp''

performance of 'Poor Mary Ann'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Trial by Jury'

performance of ''Katerina Izmailova''

performance of ''Katerina Izmailova''

performance of ''Katerina Izmailova''

performance of ''Katerina Izmailova''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Widecombe Fair''

performance of 'The singing of Giuditta Pasta'

performance of 'The singing of Giuditta Pasta'

performance of 'Concert Song'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'opera'

performance of 'singing to celebrate the New Year'

performance of 'Benjamin Britten'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Vocal duet and solo vocal music'

performance of ''God save the King''

performance of '‘O! why my locks so yellow’'

performance of ''The Absent Minded Beggar''

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'singing'

performance of ''We are but little children weak''

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'An Irish melody'

performance of 'Anacréon chez Polycrate'

performance of 'The Tale of the Tsar Soltan'

performance of ''Rajah Of Rajahpore''

performance of 'unspecified singing with mouth organ'

performance of 'Dettingen Te Deum'

performance of 'singing accompanying a slow procession'

performance of ''We Are All Jolly Fellows that Follow the Plough''

performance of 'psalm singing'

performance of 'Birds in the Branches'

performance of 'Boris Goudonov'

performance of '‘Perséphone’'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of 'Non creda mirarti from La Sonnambula'

performance of 'Anthems, sung'

performance of ''I think when I read the sweet story of old''

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Popular entertainment-- nineteenth century'

performance of 'Rosamond'

performance of 'Le Chalet'

performance of 'Classical'

performance of 'Music at church services'

performance of 'Dirge'

performance of 'Flemish songs sung at a carnival'

performance of 'unspecified street singing'

performance of 'unspecified street singing'

performance of 'Dirge'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'Music during a church service'

performance of 'Act II of Boris Godunov'

performance of 'Arria Parlante from Didone'

performance of 'Ballad'

performance of 'Boris Godunov'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of 'Carols'

performance of 'Come haste to the wedding'

performance of 'David of the White Rock'

performance of 'Die Fledermaus'

performance of 'English Ballad'

performance of 'English hymn'

performance of 'Faust'

performance of 'Go to Sleep My baby'

performance of 'He that ruleth Israel'

performance of 'Hear My Prayer'

performance of 'His mighty arm with sudden blow'

performance of 'I'll Walk Beside You'

performance of 'Idyllic Fantasy (1921)'

performance of 'Instrumental and vocal music '

performance of 'Italian trio'

performance of 'Jephtha'

performance of 'Les Béatitudes'

performance of 'Many waters cannot quench love'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'O Come all ye faithful'

performance of 'Oratorios'

performance of 'Pierrot Lunaire'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Romeo and Juliet'

performance of 'Rondeau from Piramo and Tisbé'

performance of 'Samson an oratorio'

performance of 'Spanish gipsy music'

performance of 'Symphony no 9'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'The third of the Three Character Pieces for piano: 'Michael' [Tyler]'

performance of 'Tristan und Isolde'

performance of 'Vespers'

performance of 'Wedding Anthem'

performance of 'With a Toora Loora Loora Lye'

performance of 'Yeoman of the Guard'

performance of 'a Bravura (, performance of)'

performance of 'Phantom of the Opera'

performance of 'unspecified 'Negro Spirituals''

performance of 'unspecified children's singing'

performance of 'Music to accompany a procession'

performance of 'Music to accompany a procession'

performance of 'Music to accompany a procession'

performance of 'Passion Choral'

performance of 'L'Attaque du Moulin'

performance of 'a New Year's Ode'

performance of 'Miserere'

performance of 'Missa Solemnis'

performance of 'Missa Solemnis'

performance of 'Miss Julie'

performance of 'the 'Ninth Symphony''

performance of ''Thora''

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'psalm singing'

performance of '“Weary of earth and laden with my sin”'

performance of 'Children's choruses'

performance of 'unspecified operas'

performance of 'The Blues'

performance of 'Oedipus Rex'

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of 'extract from Haydn's 'Gloria''

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of 'Iphigénie en Tauride'

performance of 'Magnificat'

performance of ''Rule Britannia''

performance of ''Jim the Carter Lad''

performance of 'Piano and vocal recital'

performance of 'The Royal Oak'

performance of 'singing children in a domestic environment'

performance of 'Concert by professor of singing'

performance of 'Music to accompany a service at the Moravian community'

performance of 'Music from Otello and Il Barbiere di Siviglia'

performance of ''The Monastery Betrothal' (The Duenna)'

performance of ''Goodbye Dolly, I must leave you''

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of ''Oh Land of My Fathers''

performance of 'Owen Wingrave'

performance of 'music-hall song'

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of ''In and out the windows''

performance of ''Go and leave me if you wish it''

performance of 'O God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on ...'

performance of ''Don Carlos''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'choruses'

performance of 'Hebridean Songs'

performance of 'folk songs'

performance of 'Italian vocal trios'

performance of ''Sul margine d'un rio''

performance of ''I'm leaving thee in sorrow Annie''

performance of ''Heleno Magnus''

performance of 'The Wedding - choruses and Laura's arias'

performance of ''Shall we gather at the river where bright Angels' feet have trod''

performance of 'a sung lament-- Native American'

performance of 'unspecified choir and organ music'

performance of ''The long day closes''

performance of 'Music for voice and guitar'

performance of 'Operatic performances'

performance of 'Nocturnes'

performance of ''Sweet Rosie O'Grady my beautiful rose''

performance of 'Télémaque'

performance of ''There's a long, long trail a-winding''

performance of ''Hail Smiling Mother''

performance of 'La Muette de Portici'

performance of ''Twinkle, twinkle little star''

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of ''I need thee every hour''

performance of ''The birds upon the tree''

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of 'Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg'

performance of 'sacred vocal music'

performance of 'Holy Spirit, Faithful Guide'

performance of 'jingoistic song'

performance of 'October Symphony'

performance of 'Assassins'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'music from Latrobe's 'Collection of Sacred Music''

performance of 'music from Latrobe's 'Collection of Sacred Music''

performance of 'music from Latrobe's 'Collection of Sacred Music''

performance of 'music from Latrobe's 'Collection of Sacred Music''

performance of 'Romeo et Juliette'

performance of 'Romeo et Juliette'

performance of 'Romeo et Juliette'

performance of 'Romeo et Juliette'

performance of 'Prick-song'

performance of 'A musical evening'

performance of 'A musical evening'

performance of 'A musical evening'

performance of 'A musical evening'

performance of 'Arie from Euryanthe'

performance of ''Soldiers of the Queen''

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'opera performance'

performance of 'a Rogation Litany'

performance of ''Hielan' Rory''

performance of 'Cinderella (Glass Slipper)'

performance of 'Otello'

performance of 'Le Astuzie Femminili'

performance of 'On Your Toes'

performance of 'Unspecified Italian opera'

performance of ''Come ye thankful people come''

performance of 'Ah! non Giune from La Sonnambula'

performance of 'singing-- contralto recitalist'

performance of 'Funeral hymn'

performance of 'La Forza del Destino'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'Camilla'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Buttercup Joe''

performance of ''Britannia's sons', sung to the melody 'New Crucifixion''

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'Fidelio'

performance of 'Fidelio'

performance of 'Catches'

performance of 'improvised singing'

performance of 'improvised singing'

performance of 'improvised singing'

performance of 'improvised singing'

performance of 'improvised singing'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of ''Youthful days are passing o'er us''

performance of 'community singing'

performance of ''Hosannah! Blessed is He that cometh''

performance of ''Nina''

performance of 'Prick-song mass'

performance of ''Katerina Izmailova''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Harvest songs'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'Salve festa dies'

performance of 'High Mass'

performance of 'A popular concert'

performance of 'Music played by the followers of John Frum'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Extract from Jessonda'

performance of 'Catholic congregational singing'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro, Act III and Act IV'

performance of 'Melalogue'

performance of 'Colomba'

performance of ''Comrades''

performance of ''Cuckoo song''

performance of 'unspecified music-- wedding celebration'

performance of 'Vocal duets and trios'

performance of 'Scenes from Anna Bolena'

performance of 'unspecified Harry Lauder songs'

performance of 'Joseph'

performance of 'Folksongs, dances, reels'

performance of 'Oes gafr eto'

performance of 'unspecified church music-- Catholic'

performance of 'Faust - Act III'

performance of 'Santuzzas's aria from Mascagni's 'Cavalleria Rusticana''

performance of ''Eternal father, strong to save''

performance of 'Singing drills and techniques-- shake'

performance of ''Bonnie Mary of Argyle''

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'voice and piano'

performance of 'A song'

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of ''God Save the Prince of Wales''

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of 'Let the bright Seraphim'

performance of 'Recitative and aria'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'unspecified sacred music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Pyrrhus and Demetrius'

performance of ''Oh who will o'er the Downs with me''

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of 'unspecified music'

performance of 'unspecified sacred music'

performance of 'Judas Maccabeus'

performance of 'Faust'

performance of 'rural Italian music'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing with harmonium'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'comic singing'

performance of 'La Caravane de Caire'

performance of 'run-through of 'Carmen' and 'Die Zauberflöte''

performance of ''Do ye ken John Peel''

performance of 'Une Folie'

performance of 'practice singing Italian songs'

performance of ''The Lily of Laguna''

performance of ''God Save the King''

performance of ''Down at the Old Bull and Bush''

performance of ''Sons of poverty assemble', sung to the melody 'Calcutta''

performance of 'A dirge'

performance of 'Nun danket alle Gott'

performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing at a market'

performance of 'unspecified Ballad singing at a market'

performance of 'Samson et Dalila'

performance of 'Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg'

performance of ''Simon the Cellarer''

performance of 'Moses und Aron'

performance of 'Unspecified music'

performance of 'Christian worship music'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of ''Pelléas et Mélisande''

performance of 'La Juive'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'unspecified singing and carol singing-- school concert rehearsal'

performance of 'Faust'

performance of 'Faust'

performance of 'piano and unspecified songs'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Norma'

performance of 'Memories of singers'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'hunting song'

performance of 'music at an evening service'

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of 'unknown songs'

performance of ''If those lips could only speak''

performance of 'Funeral procession'

performance of 'The Tsar's Bride'

performance of 'Wozzeck'

performance of ''Daisy, Daisy (Bicycle built for two)'

performance of 'music at the minster service'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Aladin, ou La Lampe Merveilleuse'

performance of 'a setting of Milton's 'Morning Hymn''

performance of 'Roberto il Diavolo'

performance of 'Roberto il Diavolo'

performance of 'Roberto il Diavolo'

performance of 'Roberto il Diavolo'

performance of 'Lucrezia Borgia'

performance of 'Lucrezia Borgia'

performance of 'Lucrezia Borgia'

performance of 'songs including 'Mad Bess''

performance of 'Kashchey the Immortal'

performance of ''Robin Adair''

performance of 'Ivanhoe'

performance of 'Ivanhoe'

performance of 'Y Deryn Pur'

performance of ''The Life of an Actor''

performance of 'Mainacht'

performance of 'Operetta'

performance of 'Operetta'

performance of ''Lord, thou knowest''

performance of 'singing in plays'

performance of 'Patriotic song--comic'

performance of 'Roberto Devereux'

performance of 'choir music'

performance of 'choir music'

performance of 'choir music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal and instrumental church music'

performance of 'Part songs and madrigals'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Rule Britannia''

performance of 'a song'

performance of 'unspecified church music-- a medley choir and organ'

performance of 'unspecified Italian and English songs'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of ''Robin Adair''

performance of 'unspecified Italian opera'

performance of 'unspecified sea songs'

performance of 'The Queen of Spades'

performance of ''There's a Friend for Little Children''

performance of 'Improvised song'

performance of 'Improvised song'

performance of 'Improvised song'

performance of ''Who'll be the next to follow Jesus?''

performance of ''Fling wide the gates''

performance of 'If we believe that Jesus died and rose again'

performance of 'a hymn sung to the tune of 'Old Hundredth''

performance of 'Singing lessons'

performance of 'O that will be glory for me'

performance of 'old songs'

performance of 'performance of 'Unknown''

performance of ''Oh how sweet to think hereafter''

performance of 'Oedipe à Colone'

performance of 'Le Chat'

performance of 'unspecified Sunday School hymn singing'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of ''Sing O Heavens''

performance of 'Concerts'

performance of 'Lucrezia Borgia'

performance of ''Jerusalem the golden''

performance of ''Know ye the Lord hath borne away''

performance of 'Te Deum laudamus'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified song and guitar music'

performance of 'unspecified song and guitar music'

performance of 'community cantata rehearsal'

performance of 'Tosca'

performance of 'Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'unspecified song'

performance of 'La Capricciosa Pentita'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'French and German romances'

performance of 'Singing'

performance of ''God save the King''

performance of ''Go where glory waits thee''

performance of 'Cantata'

performance of 'unspecified street singing-- WWI veterans'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of 'an anthem'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'chanting of prayers'

performance of 'Unspecified operas'

performance of ''Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg''

performance of ''Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg''

performance of 'Siegfried'

performance of 'Christmas concert'

performance of 'Anglican church music and hymns'

performance of 'Anglican church music and hymns'

performance of 'Anglican church music and hymns'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Scottish and comic songs'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''The Farmer's in his Den''

performance of 'Pierrot Lunaire'

performance of 'glees and sacred music'

performance of ''Down de ole plantation''

performance of ''Bonnie Jeanie Deans''

performance of 'Sacred music'

performance of 'rehearsal of 'Olimpie''

performance of ''Brown trout blues''

performance of 'Lebensmesse (Mass of Life)'

performance of 'Schumann Lieder'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Michael Kelly's final performance'

performance of 'Oedipus Rex'

performance of 'unspecified intermezzo'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Artaxerxes'

performance of 'Te Deum laudamus'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Robert le Diable'

performance of 'Otello'

performance of 'Otello'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- school children'

performance of 'Christmas hymns'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified music at plays, balls and concerts'

performance of 'Slovakian songs'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'Singing in the chapel'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Kyrie eleison'

performance of ''Just before the battle, mother''

performance of 'The Litany'

performance of 'Dixit Dominus'

performance of 'Venetian gondolier music'

performance of 'Song'

performance of ''Who is this that cometh from Bozrah''

performance of 'Sosarme'

performance of 'L'heure espagnole'

performance of ''Disposer Supreme''

performance of 'French opera arias including 'Frappons' from Psyche'

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of 'unspecified singing-- combined chapel choirs'

performance of ''Light of other days''

performance of ''The Poorhouse''

performance of ''Ora Pro Nobis''

performance of 'concert music'

performance of ''Parting is such pain''

performance of 'Indian vocal and instrumental music'

performance of ''A Story of a Real Man''

performance of 'music from Thomas Moore's 'Sacred Songs''

performance of 'unspecified Methodist hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified Methodist hymn singing'

performance of 'a morning hymn'

performance of ''Those Evening Bells''

performance of 'Song by a peasant women'

performance of ''Jolly Beggars''

performance of 'a comic opera'

performance of 'Voi che sapete'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'performance of 'Unspecified''

performance of 'Boris Godunov'

performance of 'Boris Godunov'

performance of ''old tunes''

performance of 'My Funny Valentine'

performance of 'Various operatic performances'

performance of ''And God created man' from 'The Creation''

performance of 'whistling, unspecified tune'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'Megin ho, Megin he'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'Unspecified singing and other music'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Unspecified singing-- boy'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Ferdinand in Mexico'

performance of 'It's a Fraud'

performance of 'Le roi de Lahore'

performance of 'Monna Vanna'

performance of 'children singing'

performance of 'Pagliacci'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of 'Incidental music to 'Harlequin's Invasion' by David Garrick'

performance of 'Catholic hymns'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'The Jovial Crew'

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of 'unspecified hymns'

performance of 'Swords and Plowshares'

performance of 'Mozart's Twelfth Mass'

performance of 'hymn to the sun from 'Pizarro''

performance of ''All hail the power of Jesus' Name''

performance of 'music by Thomas Campion'

performance of ''Where high the heavenly temple stands''

performance of ''In and out the windows''

performance of 'Unspecified music'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'music hall singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of ''Kickleberry Brown''

performance of 'Nisi Dominus'

performance of 'Prologue from Mefistofele'

performance of 'Tancredi'

performance of 'Tancredi'

performance of 'Unknown comic opera'

performance of 'A dirge'

performance of ''John Brown's Body''

performance of 'Anthems'

performance of ''Tol de rol, I shall be hang'd, I shall be hang'd''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Unspecified music'

performance of 'L'Amant Jaloux'

performance of 'unspecified opera and ballets'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Symphony No. 9, 'Choral''

performance of 'Symphony No. 9, 'Choral''

performance of 'Martha'

performance of ''Pull for the shore, sailor' [Light in the darkness']'

performance of 'vocal duets'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Various'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'forced unspecified singing'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of '‘Ne giorni tuoi felici’ from Olimpiade'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'Procession of mourning'

performance of 'Miss Bailey'

performance of 'Evensong, Church of England'

performance of 'remembered anthems and Psalm singing'

performance of ''Oh my darling Nellie Gray''

performance of 'Didone'

performance of 'a patter song'

performance of 'An opera to conclude a fête'

performance of ''At the tree I shall suffer with pleasure''

performance of ''You'll never miss your water till the well runs dry''

performance of 'songs and violin music'

performance of 'Pierrot Lunaire'

performance of ''Tom Bowling''

performance of 'A song'

performance of 'First Fine Careless Rapture'

performance of 'the Benedictus'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Greek airs and ballads'

performance of 'Street singing'

performance of 'Prayer of Agathe from 'Der Freischütz''

performance of ''old tunes''

performance of 'Music for a funeral'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Christus'

performance of 'epigrammatic songs'

performance of ''Annie Laurie''

performance of 'Elisabetta, regina d'Inghilterra'

performance of ''Donald''

performance of 'Alceste'

performance of 'unspecified hymns with organ'

performance of ''The Star-spangled Banner''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Patriotic music'

performance of ''Poor Jenny sits a-weeping''

performance of 'Nina'

performance of 'Unspecified singing'

performance of ''Widecombe Fair''

performance of 'Agnus Dei'

performance of 'Act I finale 'Il Matrimonio Segreto''

performance of 'Concert of vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Concert of vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Concert of vocal and instrumental music'

performance of '“Popular” songs'

performance of ''Come on over the garden wall''

performance of 'simple songs'

performance of 'A festival of oratorio music'

performance of 'Love in a Village'

performance of ''Lucy Gray of Allendale''

performance of 'Le Petit Chaperon Rouge'

performance of 'Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of ''Sally''

performance of 'Stop, stop, stop'

performance of 'unspecified singing by Ann Dewe's daughter'

performance of 'celebratory singing'

performance of 'a New Year carol'

performance of 'music and singing-- Catholic celebration'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified Scottish songs'

performance of 'unspecified Scottish songs'

performance of 'unspecified Scottish songs'

performance of 'unspecified concert music'

performance of 'French and Italian opera'

performance of ''Khel: toy stories''

performance of ''Nine-pound hammer''

performance of ''Rule Britannia''

performance of 'psalm singing'

performance of 'Psalm 100'

performance of 'unspecified vocal duets'

performance of 'unspecified vocal duets'

performance of ''I'm forever blowing bubbles''

performance of 'Methodist hymns'

performance of 'a 'Service of Songs''

performance of ''Crown Him with many crowns''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'cello and song'

performance of 'Morning prayer'

performance of 'The Gambler'

performance of 'The Gambler'

performance of ''My Little Octoroon''

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'Otello'

performance of 'All coons look alike to me'

performance of 'Irish Guard march tune, hummed'

performance of 'Who will be with you when I'm far away'

performance of 'song and violin'

performance of 'riotous singing'

performance of 'riotous singing'

performance of 'The Old Black Crow'

performance of 'four-part singing practice'

performance of 'unspecified Christmas carol'

performance of ''My nobby new white hat''

performance of ''Marseillaise''

performance of 'Gli pretendenti delusi'

performance of 'Pyramus and Thisbe'

performance of 'Methodist hymn singing'

performance of 'Zampa'

performance of 'Zampa'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Labour hymns and Socialist songs'

performance of ''You are my sunshine''

performance of 'Hymns selected from the 'Hymnal Companion''

performance of 'choral part-singing'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified instrumental music and song'

performance of 'singing'

performance of ''My Drink is water bright''

performance of 'Pecheurs de Perles'

performance of ''Far Away''

performance of 'La Belle Helene'

performance of 'a patriotic-sounding song'

performance of 'music for Matins and Evensong'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'O Paradise!'

performance of 'drinking song'

performance of 'drinking song'

performance of ''The Cuckoo''

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'Nunc Dimittis'

performance of 'Boleros'

performance of 'Khovanshchina'

performance of ''Tristesse' - Etude No. 3'

performance of 'unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'an unspecified opera'

performance of 'Italian opera'

performance of 'Italian opera'

performance of ''Sweet and Low''

performance of 'Don Gregorio'

performance of ''Poor Jenny sits a weeping''

performance of 'Serbian folk singing'

performance of 'jazz'

performance of 'Moscow, Cheryomushki'

performance of 'Moscow, Cheryomushki'

performance of 'the 'Internationale''

performance of 'the 'Internationale''

performance of 'L'Africaine'

performance of 'L'Africaine'

performance of 'L'Africaine'

performance of 'Christmas sing-song'

performance of ''Little Sister''

performance of 'Blackface serenade'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Torvaldo e Dorliska'

performance of ''Jesu, our loving hearts''

performance of ''Where are you going my pretty maid''

performance of 'Boris Godunov (Shostakovich's version)'

performance of 'Evening Hymn'

performance of 'psalm-singing'

performance of 'Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'Itinerant singers' melancholy song'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of ''I am sitting on the style, Mary''

performance of 'Von heute auf morgen'

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of 'Singing at a burial'

performance of 'Music at a religious ceremony'

performance of ''Simple Simon''

performance of 'The Jewels of the Madonna'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'Largo al Factotum from The Barber of Seville'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Funeral procession'

performance of 'Walkure'

performance of 'an aria from 'Tosca''

performance of 'singing at a church service'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Sung performance'

performance of 'Four Last Songs & Capriccio'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Carols-- Methodist hymn book'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Ruslan and Lyudmila'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of ''Emancipation Day''

performance of ''The Boat Cast Off', op. 9 no. 2'

performance of ''The Boat Cast Off', op. 9 no. 2'

performance of ''Se non credi' ['Nò non credo' from Il Matrimonio Segreto?]'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'The Girl in the Taxi'

performance of 'Vespers'

performance of 'recitations and songs'

performance of ''The Boys of Kilkenny''

performance of 'Llef'

performance of 'unspecified piano music and song'

performance of 'Semiramide'

performance of ''Why should we wait till tomorrow?''

performance of ''[My] Grandfather's Clock''

performance of ''Angels ever bright and fair''

performance of ''Yes Jesus loves me''

performance of 'March from The Love of Three Oranges'

performance of 'L'irato'

performance of 'I Baccanali di Roma'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'improvised singing'

performance of 'Unknown Operatic music'

performance of 'Linda di Chamouni'

performance of 'Linda di Chamouni'

performance of 'Linda di Chamouni'

performance of 'Linda di Chamouni'

performance of 'Linda di Chamouni'

performance of 'Linda di Chamouni'

performance of 'La passione di Gesù Cristo'

performance of 'Hymns sung in the school chapel'

performance of 'coon song'

performance of ''Because''

performance of 'Marcello Psalms'

performance of 'Dirge on the death of Lord Byron'

performance of 'music at the cathedral service'

performance of 'performance of 'unknown music''

performance of 'Le Paon'

performance of 'I must 'o been dreaming'

performance of 'performance of 'On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of 'performance of 'On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of 'performance of 'On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of ''On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of 'performance of 'On Spital Fields' community cantata'

performance of 'Gemma di Vergy'

performance of 'Les Abencérages'

performance of ''The Absent-minded beggar''

performance of 'Choral and organ music'

performance of ''Jimmeny, Crickety, blow me tight''

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'Die Fledermaus'

performance of 'Astyanax'

performance of 'Singing-- Catholic Procession'

performance of 'Student concert performance'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Unspecified singing--tenor voice'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'Hackney's procession'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'Unspecified music'

performance of 'psalms sung at Presbyterian and Methodist services'

performance of 'piano and vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified singing'

performance of 'antiphonal psalm singing'

performance of ''Tim M'Loy's the boy''

performance of 'Spanish songs'

performance of ''Bonnie Mary of Argyle''

performance of 'psalm singing'

performance of 'Deeper and deeper still'

performance of ''The Royal Banners forward go''

performance of 'unspecified songs by Thomas Moore'

performance of 'Saint Matthew Passion'

performance of ''Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue''

performance of 'incidental music to 'Rob Roy''

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'hymn singing'

performance of 'hymn singing'

performance of 'hymn singing'

performance of 'hymn singing'

performance of 'Passion music'

performance of 'Duets and glees'

performance of ''O come and mourn with me awhile''

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Don Pasquale'

performance of 'Don Pasquale'

performance of 'Don Pasquale'

performance of 'Harold or the Norman Conquest'

performance of 'French opera singing'

performance of 'Falstaff'

performance of 'music at a church service'

performance of 'music at a church service'

performance of 'Various operas'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of ''Old King Cole''

performance of ''I love to roam in the morning...''

performance of 'Chansons Villageoises'

performance of ''The Gentleman Soldier''

performance of ''Going underground''

performance of ''The Trumpeter''

performance of 'a sentimental song'

performance of 'Setting of Psalm 51'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Preislied from Die Meistersinger'

performance of 'unspecified singing--women'

performance of 'arias from 'Moses in Egypt''

performance of 'Various'

performance of 'The English procession'

performance of 'Scottish comic songs'

performance of 'Hop She'

performance of 'Il Trittico: Gianni Schicchi, Suor Angelica, Il Tabarro'

performance of 'Les Huguenots'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of ''Abide with me''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'La Boheme'

performance of 'a song'

performance of 'unspecified guitar music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'The Beggars Opera'

performance of 'nasty singing'

performance of 'La Mort du Tasse'

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of ''Rule Britannia''

performance of 'Psalm 138'

performance of 'humming'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Hansel and Gretel'

performance of 'comic songs'

performance of 'comic songs'

performance of 'Félicie, ou La jeune fille romanesque'

performance of 'Heir at Law'

performance of ''Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Village Scenes''

performance of ''There is a fountain filled with blood''

performance of ''A Song made upon the Queen''

performance of 'Suor Angelica'

performance of ''Spread, spread the charter' to the tune of 'Rule Britannia''

performance of 'Music for voice and guitar'

performance of 'pop song'

performance of 'unspecified hymns with harmonium'

performance of 'Musical comedies'

performance of 'music for voice and piano'

performance of 'Singing of slaves'

performance of 'Land of My Fathers'

performance of ''Men of Harlech''

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'unspecified music'

performance of ''Nelly Dean''

performance of 'Singing'

performance of 'French romances'

performance of 'Gli Orazj ed i Curiazj'

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Anacréon chez Polycrate'

performance of 'Rosa Mundi'

performance of 'Requiem mass'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'unspecified hymn singing'

performance of 'Il Matrimonio Segreto'

performance of 'Il Matrimonio Segreto'

performance of 'seventeenth century song'

performance of 'seventeenth century song'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'a hymn'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Six Carols for Sundry Seasons'

performance of 'Tancredi'

performance of 'unspecified busking music'

performance of ''Land o' the Leal''

performance of 'a thanksgiving service'

performance of 'the echo of song'

performance of 'Opera-- Intermezzi'

performance of 'Anglican church music with anthem'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'Chamber music'

performance of 'Elvis Costello's Meltdown'

performance of 'Unspecified music for voice and guitar'

performance of 'singing of a church choir'

performance of 'Oedipus'

performance of 'Beggars' Opera'

performance of 'Japanese ballads'

performance of 'La damnation de Faust'

performance of ''Les Troyens''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'music at cathedral service'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''A little ship was on the sea''

performance of 'traditional Roman bagpipe melody for Christmas'

performance of ''Wimbledom to Wombleton is seventeen miles''

performance of ''Turn about and wheel about and jump Jim Crow''

performance of ''Oh Thou who driest the Mourner's Tear' from Moore's Sacred Songs'

performance of 'sung Catholic prayers'

performance of 'Oedipus'

performance of 'The Tenebrae'

performance of 'Jean de Paris'

performance of ''Give me the wings to rise''

performance of 'Saint Matthew Passion'

performance of 'Moravian hymn singing'

performance of ''When midst the Gay I meet''

performance of 'improvised singing'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'hymns in a Welsh chapel'

performance of ''Pelléas et Mélisande''

performance of 'Mignon'

performance of 'La Vestale'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Giulietta e Romeo'

performance of 'Giulietta e Romeo'

performance of 'La rappesaglia [The Reprisal]'

performance of 'Les Danaïdes'

performance of 'Church anthems'

performance of 'Church anthems'

performance of ''The Farmer's Boy''

performance of 'unspecified melodious singing'

performance of 'La Figlia de Reggimento'

performance of 'La Figlia de Reggimento'

performance of 'The Beggar's Opera'

performance of 'unspecified music for St Cecilia's Day'

performance of 'Grieg's Vinje songs'

performance of ''Poor Old Joe''

performance of 'Flying Dutchman'

performance of ''When Evening Twilight''

performance of 'Gotterdamerung'

performance of 'English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish folk tunes'

performance of 'Deborah'

performance of ''Running up and down our stairs''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'rustic music, hymns'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of ''The Evening Bells''

performance of 'Drums-- choral concert'

performance of 'Some of these days'

performance of 'When Passion's Trance'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Operatic singing'

performance of ''Scatter seeds of kindness''

performance of 'unspecified songs'

performance of 'Singing at a supper'

performance of 'Sacred music'

performance of 'Unspecified'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''A Perfect Day''

performance of ''My Ohio Home''

performance of ''The Sweep''

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of 'Courting song - 'My Lord, what a morning''

performance of 'The Redemption'

performance of ''My sheep I've neglected, I've lost my sheep-hook''

performance of 'Music for a burial'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of ''Sweet and Low''

performance of ''We'll make Them Remember Majuba Hill''

performance of 'Ballad song'

performance of 'Ballad song'

performance of 'courtship singing'

performance of 'Songs by Prokofiev'

performance of 'Songs by Prokofiev'

performance of 'Songs by Prokofiev'

performance of 'Songs by Prokofiev'

performance of 'unspecified opera'

performance of 'Orchestral and operatic works'

performance of 'Vocal piece'

performance of 'Opera in Paris'

performance of ''Address from Ariel to Prospero''

performance of ''Somewhere a Voice is Calling''

performance of ''It was a winter's evening''

performance of 'Resurrection of Christ'

performance of 'Pepita Jimenez'

performance of 'The Man Who Broke The Bank At Monte Carlo'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'Religious procession'

performance of 'performance of German Lied'

performance of 'Siegfried'

performance of 'Siegfried'

performance of 'singing at an orphanage'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Song of Polyphemus from Acis and Galatea'

performance of 'unspecified choruses'

performance of ''God save the King''

performance of ''O come hither''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Katerina Izmailova''

performance of 'street-singing and serenading'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of ''O taste and see''

performance of 'singing and fiddling'

performance of ''Die Entführung aus dem Serail' K 384'

performance of 'Olympiade'

performance of 'sung verses of Tasso's poetry'

performance of ''Safe in the arms of Jesus''

performance of 'rehearsal of unspecified Christmas carols'

performance of 'The Mandarin's Son'

performance of ''The Laughing Policeman''

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'unnamed singer at a concert'

performance of 'Songs set to Balmont's poetry'

performance of 'Singing and other party music'

performance of 'Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'Sonatas and motets'

performance of 'unknown Blues'

performance of 'Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk'

performance of 'Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk'

performance of 'Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk'

performance of 'Otello'

performance of 'Stabat Mater'

performance of 'Five Poems of Anna Akhmatova, Op. 27'

performance of 'Five Poems of Anna Akhmatova, Op. 27'

performance of 'Attila'

performance of 'Attila'

performance of 'unspecified vocal music'

performance of ''Angus McIndoe''

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'Unnamed song'

performance of ''All hail the power''

performance of ''Ring a ring of roses''

performance of 'Consêt William Owen Pengraig'

performance of ''Jock M'Craw - the Fattest Man in the Forty-twa''

performance of 'Music for the sextons' procession'

performance of 'a vocal quartet'

performance of 'Kitezh'

performance of 'singing'

performance of ''Have you not heard my lady (Silent Worship)''

performance of 'Concerts'

performance of ''Rule Britannia''

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'hymns selected from the 'Hymnal Companion''

performance of ''Joshu, Joshua''

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of ''Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel''

performance of 'sung lullaby'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of ''The Lark in the Morn[ing]''

performance of 'an aria'

performance of 'folk music'

performance of 'folk music'

performance of '‘Das jüngste Gericht’'

performance of '‘L’amerò, sarò constante’ from Il Re Pastore'

performance of '‘Perséphone’ '

performance of ''Aïda''

performance of ''A Fool for You''

performance of ''A Fool for You''

performance of ''A Sermon on Miracles''

performance of ''A Village Romeo and Juliet''

performance of ''Alceste''

performance of ''Anytime''

performance of ''Apricot Brandy''

performance of ''Ariadne''

performance of ''Ariadne auf Naxos''

performance of ''Ariadne auf Naxos''

performance of ''Baby Let Me Hold Your Hand''

performance of ''Baby Please Don't Go''

performance of ''Belbucus''

performance of ''Billy Budd''

performance of ''Billy Budd''

performance of ''Blue Shadows''

performance of ''Boris Godunov''

performance of ''Carmen''

performance of ''Carmen''

performance of ''Carmen''

performance of ''Carry Nation''

performance of ''Cenerentola''

performance of ''Chains of Love''

performance of ''Così fan Tutte' K588'

performance of ''Così fan tutte''

performance of ''Dance of the Apprentices' (Act III) from 'Die Meistersinger''

performance of ''Der Ring des Nibelungen''

performance of ''Der Ring des Nibelungen''

performance of ''Der Ring des Nibelungen''

performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''

performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''

performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''

performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''

performance of ''Die Entführung aus dem Serail' K 384'

performance of ''Die Entführung aus dem Serail' K384'

performance of ''Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg''

performance of ''Die Zauberflöte' K620'

performance of ''Die Zauberflöte' K620'

performance of ''Die Zauberflöte' K620'

performance of ''Don Giovanni' K527'

performance of ''Don Giovanni''

performance of ''Don Giovanni''

performance of ''Drown in my Own Tears''

performance of ''Drown in my Own Tears''

performance of ''Elektra''

performance of ''Every Day I Have the Blues''

performance of ''Façade''

performance of ''Falstaff''

performance of ''Falstaff''

performance of ''Fidelio' op. 72'

performance of ''Flamingo''

performance of ''Found My Baby There''

performance of ''Gee Baby, Ain't I Good to You?' and 'I Just Can't See for Looking''

performance of ''Gloriana''

performance of ''Hänsel und Gretel''

performance of ''Hallelujah, I Love Her So''

performance of ''How Long Has This Been Going On?''

performance of ''Hush Now, Don't Explain''

performance of ''I'm Falling For You''

performance of ''I Got it Bad''

performance of ''If with all your heart' from Elijah'

performance of ''Il Trovatore''

performance of ''Indian Love Call''

performance of ''Jelly Jelly''

performance of ''Jenůfa''

performance of ''Johnny Be Goode''

performance of ''Katerina Ismailova''

performance of ''Katerina Izmailova''

performance of ''Kentucky Waltz''

performance of ''Kissa Me Baby''

performance of ''Koanga''

performance of ''La bohème''

performance of ''La bohème''

performance of ''La bohème ''

performance of ''La damnation de Faust' op. 24'

performance of ''Le nozze di Figaro' K492'

performance of ''Le nozze di Figaro' K492'

performance of ''Le nozze di Figaro''

performance of ''Les Noces' choreographed by Jerome Robbins'

performance of ''Les Noces''

performance of ''Les Troyens''

performance of ''Lohengrin''

performance of ''Louise''

performance of ''Madama Butterfly''

performance of ''Manon''

performance of ''Messa da Requiem''

performance of ''Miss Julie''

performance of ''My Man''

performance of ''Nancy with the Laughing Face''

performance of ''Norma''

performance of ''Parsifal''

performance of ''Pelléas et Mélisande''

performance of ''Pelléas et Mélisande''

performance of ''Pur dicesti''

performance of ''Pur dicesti''

performance of ''Ride Me Down Easy''

performance of ''Rigoletto''

performance of ''Salome''

performance of ''Salome''

performance of ''Serenata''

performance of ''Siegfried''

performance of ''Sinfonia''

performance of ''Stormy Weather''

performance of ''Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg''

performance of ''The Gentle Shepherd''

performance of ''The Olympians''

performance of ''The Pilgrim's Progress''

performance of ''The Prelude in Heaven' from Mefistophele'

performance of ''The Rake's Progress''

performance of ''The Rake's Progress''

performance of ''The Rake's Progress''

performance of ''The Snow is Falling''

performance of ''Them That Got''

performance of ''This Little Girl of Mine''

performance of ''Tosca''

performance of ''Tristan und Isolde''

performance of ''Tristan und Isolde''

performance of ''Troilus and Cressida''

performance of ''Turandot''

performance of ''Tutti Frutti' '

performance of ''Voi che sapete' from The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of ''Voi che sapete' from The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of ''Waiting All For You''

performance of ''What I Say''

performance of ''What Kind of Man are You?''

performance of ''Wozzeck''

performance of ''You're My Girl''

performance of ''You're No Good''

performance of '3 Songs'

performance of '78th Psalm'

performance of 'A Ballad'

performance of 'A Boy Was Born'

performance of 'A Life of Tsar'

performance of 'A Selection of pieces by Palestrina'

performance of 'A Sermon On Miracles'

performance of 'A hymn'

performance of 'A hymn'

performance of 'A little bird sang on a spray'

performance of 'A mass by Cherubini'

performance of 'A mass'

performance of 'A mass'

performance of 'A part song'

performance of 'A selection from the 'Messiah''

performance of 'A selection from the 'Messiah''

performance of 'A trio from Cosi fan tutte'

performance of 'Aberystwyth'

performance of 'Acis and Galatea'

performance of 'Adelaide'

performance of 'Adolf von Nassau'

performance of 'Adriana Lecouvreur'

performance of 'Ah, fors'e lui from La Traviata'

performance of 'Ah, fors'e lui from La Traviata'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Air from Fidelio'

performance of 'Air from Jephthah'

performance of 'Air from Joshua'

performance of 'Air from Semele'

performance of 'Air from Theodora'

performance of 'Airs'

performance of 'Airs'

performance of 'Akhnaten'

performance of 'Alceste'

performance of 'Alcestis'

performance of 'Alexander's Feast'

performance of 'Alma soave'

performance of 'Alruna, die Eulenkönigin,'

performance of 'An American Oratorio'

performance of 'Ancient Church Music'

performance of 'Ancient Hymn of the Bohemian Brethren'

performance of 'Ancient Sacred Music'

performance of 'Angela'

performance of 'Angela'

performance of 'Angels, ever bright and fair'

performance of 'Anna Bolena'

performance of 'Anthem based on the 97th Psalm'

performance of 'Anthem from Richard III'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthems'

performance of 'Antigone'

performance of 'Are you coming Home to-night?'

performance of 'Aria from Der Freischütz'

performance of 'Aria from Otello'

performance of 'Aria'

performance of 'Aria'

performance of 'Arias from La Traviata'

performance of 'Armide'

performance of 'Armide'

performance of 'Armide'

performance of 'Artaxerxes'

performance of 'Auf Flugeln des Gesanges'

performance of 'Auf Flugeln des Gesanges'

performance of 'Auld Lang Syne'

performance of 'Ave Maria'

performance of 'Ave Maria'

performance of 'Ave Maria'

performance of 'Ave Maria'

performance of 'Bal masque'

performance of 'Ballads and Songs'

performance of 'Be thou faithful unto death (Sei getreu bis in den Tod)'

performance of 'Be thou faithful unto death (from the oratorio St Paul)'

performance of 'Beatrice di Tenda'

performance of 'Beethoven's 9th Symphony'

performance of 'Beethoven's 9th Symphony'

performance of 'Beethoven'

performance of 'Belmonte's Aria "O wie ängstlich, o wie feurig"'

performance of 'Belshazzar's Feast'

performance of 'Benefit Concerts'

performance of 'Benvenuto Cellini'

performance of 'Big Band'

performance of 'Big Band'

performance of 'Blue Beard'

performance of 'Blues singing, male voice'

performance of 'Blues singing, male voices'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Blues'

performance of 'Boris Godounof'

performance of 'Born for a purpose'

performance of 'Both Sides Now'

performance of 'Botschaft'

performance of 'funeral music'

performance of 'Bright may the sun shine o'er him'

performance of 'Cadence du Diable'

performance of 'Cantata at an open air concert'

performance of 'Cantata'

performance of 'Cantata'

performance of 'Cantata'

performance of 'Carmen'

performance of 'Casanova'

performance of 'Cavalleria Rusticana'

performance of 'Chant'

performance of 'Che faro senza Euridice'

performance of 'Chelsea Morning'

performance of 'Choral Music'

performance of 'Choral Symphony'

performance of 'Choral singing'

performance of 'Choral'

performance of 'Chorales'

performance of 'Chorus from Armide'

performance of 'Chorus from Saul'

performance of 'Chorus'

performance of 'Choruses from Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'Choruses from Manfred'

performance of 'Christ, Thou lamb of God'

performance of 'Christian hymns'

performance of 'Christus'

performance of 'Christus'

performance of 'Chuck Willis and the Cookies'

performance of 'Church Music'

performance of 'Church Music'

performance of 'Cimarosa's 'Secret Mariage''

performance of 'Closing scene from Gotterdamerung'

performance of 'Cole Porter songs'

performance of 'Come ye lofty, come ye lowly'

performance of 'Comic Opera'

performance of 'Comic song'

performance of 'Compositions by Palestrina'

performance of 'Concert of the Imperial Orchestra and operatic soloists'

performance of 'Concert performance in the Logensaal'

performance of 'Concert presented by Franz Eck, including several orchestral works and arias'

performance of 'Concert'

performance of 'Coronation Anthem'

performance of 'Coronation Anthem'

performance of 'Cosi fan tutte'

performance of 'Crociato'

performance of 'Cruelle, non, jamais ton cceur ne fut touche par mes alarmes'

performance of 'Cymon'

performance of 'Das Rheingold'

performance of 'David's Lament for Absalom'

performance of 'Death of Jesus'

performance of 'Deeper and deeper still'

performance of 'Depth of Mercy'

performance of 'Der Freischütz'

performance of 'Der Freischutz'

performance of 'Der Haideschact'

performance of 'Deryn du'

performance of 'Dialogues des Carmélites'

performance of 'Dialogues des Carmélites'

performance of 'Die Fledermaus'

performance of 'Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg'

performance of 'Dies Irae'

performance of 'Dies Irae'

performance of 'Divinities du Styx'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of 'Don Juan'

performance of 'Don Juan'

performance of 'Don Juan'

performance of 'Don Pasquale'

performance of 'Donna del Lago'

performance of 'Donna del Lago'

performance of 'Duet from 'Asia''

performance of 'Duet from Figaro'

performance of 'Duet from Semiramide '

performance of 'Duet from Trancredi'

performance of 'Duet'

performance of 'Duet'

performance of 'Duet'

performance of 'Duets'

performance of 'Duets'

performance of 'Duets'

performance of 'Each joy in thee possessing'

performance of 'Edipus in Colonus'

performance of 'Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott'

performance of 'El Retablo de Maese Pedro'

performance of 'Elektra'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elizabeth's Prayer'

performance of 'English Glees'

performance of 'English vocal music'

performance of 'Enoch Arden'

performance of 'Erl-King'

performance of 'Erlkönig'

performance of 'Erlkonig'

performance of 'Ernani'

performance of 'Eternal Light'

performance of 'Ethel Smyth’s opera The Wreckers'

performance of 'Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'Euryanthe'

performance of 'Euryanthe'

performance of 'Even Me'

performance of 'Faust'

performance of 'Faust'

performance of 'Faust'

performance of 'Female Cabaret Singing'

performance of 'Female Gospel Singing'

performance of 'Female Gospel Singing'

performance of 'Female Jazz singing'

performance of 'Female Jazz singing'

performance of 'Female Jazz singing'

performance of 'Female Jazz singing'

performance of 'Female gospel singers'

performance of 'Female singer'

performance of 'Female vocalists'

performance of 'Fidelio'

performance of 'Fidelio'

performance of 'Fidelio'

performance of 'Final Act of Otello'

performance of 'Four Saints'

performance of 'Frühlingslied'

performance of 'Freischütz'

performance of 'Freischütz'

performance of 'Freischütz'

performance of 'French Opera'

performance of 'French song'

performance of 'Freyschütz'

performance of 'Fuggiam da questo loco'

performance of 'Gazza Ladra'

performance of 'Gentle Lady'

performance of 'German Fatherland'

performance of 'German Leider'

performance of 'German Songs'

performance of 'German songs'

performance of 'German songs'

performance of 'Glee'

performance of 'Glees'

performance of 'Glees'

performance of 'God Save the Queen'

performance of 'God Save the Queen'

performance of 'God Save the Queen'

performance of 'God Save the Queen'

performance of 'God bless the child'

performance of 'Goodbye Virginia'

performance of 'Goodbye to Love'

performance of 'Goosie Goosie Gander'

performance of 'Gospel music'

performance of 'Gospel singing'

performance of 'Gospel singing'

performance of 'Gounod's 'Philémon et Baucis''

performance of 'Goya'

performance of 'Grazie agl' inganni tuoi'

performance of 'Great God! What do I see and hear?'

performance of 'Greek Church Music'

performance of 'Grotta di Trofonio'

performance of 'Guido et Ginevra'

performance of 'Gypsy songs'

performance of 'Hail! Smiling Morn'

performance of 'Hallelujah Chorus'

performance of 'Hallelujah from the Messiah'

performance of 'Hallelujah'

performance of 'Handel's Messiah'

performance of 'Handel's Messiah'

performance of 'Handel's Messiah'

Handel's Messiah (, performance of)

performance of 'Hark! those voices'

performance of 'Hark! those voices'

performance of 'Haste thee, nymph, and bring with thee'

performance of 'Haunted Tower'

performance of 'Haunted Tower'

performance of 'Haunted Tower'

performance of 'Haunted Tower'

performance of 'Haydn’s 46th symphony '

performance of 'Hear my prayer'

performance of 'Hear ye and give ear'

performance of 'Hearing'

performance of 'Hearken to the solemn voice'

performance of ' Helen and Malvina'

performance of 'Here we are again!'

performance of 'Herodiade'

performance of 'Ho sparse tante lagrime'

performance of 'Ho sparse tante lagrime'

performance of 'Hob y deri'

performance of 'Hold the Fort, for I am coming'

performance of 'Home, sweet home'

performance of 'Home, sweet home'

performance of 'Home, sweet home'

performance of 'Home, sweet home'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Hymn'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'Hymns'

performance of 'I'll sing thee songs of Araby'

performance of 'I Capuleti e i Montecchi'

performance of 'I Get a Kick out of You'

performance of 'I Pagliacc'

performance of 'I Rantzau'

performance of 'I Rantzau'

performance of 'I Rantzau'

performance of 'I am Praying for You'

performance of 'I am the Resurrection and the Life, saith the Lord'

performance of 'I heard a voice from Heaven'

performance of 'I know that my Redeemer'

performance of 'I shall not in the grave remain'

performance of 'I was glad when they said unto me'

performance of 'II Falegname'

performance of 'II Fittore Parigino'

performance of 'II Re Teodoro'

performance of 'II Re Teodoro'

performance of 'Il Socrate Imaginario'

performance of 'II Turco '

performance of 'II Viaggiatore Felice'

performance of 'Il Francese in Italia'

performance of 'Il Trovatore'

performance of 'Il dolce suono'

performance of 'Improvisation'

performance of 'In dulce iubilo'

performance of 'In that Day'

performance of 'In that Day'

performance of 'Interméde'

performance of 'Interméde'

performance of 'Iphigenia'

performance of 'Irato'

performance of 'Irish melodies'

performance of 'Israel in Egypt'

performance of 'Israel in Egypt'

performance of 'Italian Air'

performance of 'Italian in London'

performance of 'Jazz singing'

performance of 'Jazz singing'

performance of 'Je tremble en voyant ton visage'

performance of 'Jephtha's rash vow'

performance of 'Jessonda'

performance of 'Jesus Loves Me'

performance of 'Joseph'

performance of 'Joseph'

performance of 'Judith'

performance of 'Just as I am, without one plea'

performance of 'Just before the battle, Mother'

performance of 'Kansas City Jazz music'

performance of 'Keening song'

performance of 'Keep the home fires burning'

performance of 'Kinderlied'

performance of 'King David'

performance of 'King Midas'

performance of 'Kyrie'

performance of 'Kyrie'

performance of 'L' Ararida'

performance of 'L' Iphigenia in Tauride'

performance of 'L'Education Manquée'

performance of 'L'Enfance du Christ'

performance of 'L'Enlevement du Serail'

performance of 'L'Isola d'Alcina'

performance of 'L'amero, saro constante'

performance of 'L'enfant prodigue'

performance of 'L'etoile du nord'

performance of 'La Clemenza di Tito'

performance of 'La Didone abbandonata'

performance of 'La Fuite en Egypt'

performance of 'La Larme'

performance of 'La Rossignol'

performance of ' La Scuola dei Gelosi'

performance of 'La Tempesta'

performance of 'La Traviata'

performance of 'La Traviata'

performance of 'La damnation de Faust'

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'La vera Constanza'

performance of 'Lady Macbeth'

performance of 'Lalo’s “Aubade” from Le Roi d’Ys'

performance of 'Latin American singing'

performance of 'Latin Church Music'

performance of 'Laughing Song'

performance of 'Le Prophete final act'

performance of 'Le Rossignol'

performance of 'Le Rossignol'

performance of 'Leaves the vanities of Eygpt - quit the stubbles and the bricks (Auf, lass Egyptens eitles Wesen)'

performance of 'Leider'

performance of 'Les Horaces'

performance of 'Les diamantes de la couronne'

performance of 'Lieder'

performance of 'Lift up thine eyes'

performance of 'Lionel'

performance of 'Litanies'

performance of 'Lodoiska'

performance of 'Lodoiska'

performance of 'Lord Byron'

performance of 'Lorelei'

performance of 'Love in a Village'

performance of 'Love in a Village'

performance of 'Love under friendship's vesture'

performance of 'Love, thou maddening power'

performance of 'Lucia de Lammermoor'

performance of 'Luisa Miller'

performance of 'Lulu'

performance of 'Macbeth'

performance of 'Madame Butterfly'

performance of 'Madrigals'

performance of 'Madrigals'

performance of 'Magnificat'

performance of 'Maid of Artois'

performance of 'Maid of Athens'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Masses and Mozart operas in Salzburg'

performance of 'Matrimonio Segreto'

performance of 'Mavra (1922)'

performance of 'Mavra (1922)'

performance of 'Mavra (1922)'

performance of 'Mavra (1922)'

performance of 'Mazurkas '

performance of 'Mazurkas '

performance of 'Medea'

performance of 'Mefistophele'

performance of 'Meistersänger'

performance of 'Mendelssohn's 42 Psalm'

performance of 'Mendelssohn songs'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Metastasias Olimpiade'

performance of 'Metastasio's "La Didone abbandonata"'

performance of 'Michael from Mountains '

performance of 'Minutes to Midnight'

performance of 'Miss Julie'

performance of 'Miss Julie'

performance of 'Missa Papae Marcelli'

performance of 'Missa Solemnis'

performance of 'Molly Ahstore'

performance of 'Mon bon Andre, mon cher Andre'

performance of 'Montezuma'

performance of 'Moscheles' Lieder'

performance of 'Mozart's Requiem'

performance of 'Mozart's Requiem'

performance of 'Mozart's Requiem'

Mozart's Requiem (, performance of)

performance of 'Mozart operas'

performance of 'Music by student composers'

performance of 'Music from Handel's Oratorios'

performance of 'Music of George J. Elvey'

performance of 'Music of Mendelssohn'

performance of 'Music of Sir John Goss'

performance of 'Music-making at the Alpers' party'

performance of 'Music'

performance of 'Music'

performance of 'Musica Sacra'

performance of 'Musical 'Oratorio' celebration of Lenin's life'

performance of 'Musical Arrangements for the wedding of the Duke of Albany and Princess Helen of Waldeck'

performance of 'Musical settings of the Duke of Gotha's opetry'

performance of 'My Way'

performance of 'Nachtlied'

performance of 'Nal and Damayanti'

performance of 'National Anthem'

performance of 'National Anthem'

performance of 'New Orleans jazz'

performance of 'New Orleans jazz'

performance of 'Ninth concerto'

performance of 'Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika '

performance of 'No Song, no supper'

performance of 'Non mi dir'

performance of 'Non so donde viene'

performance of 'Norma'

performance of 'Norma'

performance of 'Nourmahal, a tale from Lalla Rookh'

performance of 'Nozze di Figaro'

performance of 'Nun danket alle Gott'

performance of 'O Canada'

performance of 'O Lovely Night'

performance of 'O Roma Nobilis'

performance of 'O come let us worship and fall down'

performance of 'O luce di quest'amina'

performance of 'O power supreme'

performance of 'Odipe a Colon'

performance of 'Oberon'

performance of 'Oberon'

performance of 'Ode on St. Cecilia's Day'

performance of 'Odysseus'

performance of 'Oedipus at Colonus'

performance of 'Oedipus'

performance of 'Oedipus'

performance of 'Oedipus'

performance of 'Oedipus'

performance of 'Oedipus'

performance of 'Oft on a plat of rising ground'

performance of 'Oh, thou wert born to please me'

performance of 'Olympia'

performance of 'Only trust Him'

performance of 'Opera Armide'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Oratorio'

performance of 'Oratorio'

performance of 'Oratorios'

performance of 'Oratorios'

performance of 'Orlando Furioso'

performance of 'Orphee'

performance of 'Orpheo and Euridice'

performance of 'Osmyn and Daraxa'

performance of 'Pagliacci'

performance of 'Palestine'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Parsifal'

performance of 'Part Singing'

performance of 'Performance of the opera 'Titus' ['La clemeza di Tito'?]'

performance of 'Peter Grimes'

performance of 'Phedra'

performance of 'Phidyle'

performance of 'Pompeii'

performance of 'Poor Old Drury'

performance of 'Popular Song'

performance of 'Popular Song'

performance of 'Povero Calpigi'

performance of 'Prelude to Act I of 'La Traviata''

performance of 'Prize ; or, 2. 5. 3. 8'

performance of 'Prova d'un Opera Seria'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Pulcinella'

performance of 'Queen of Spades'

performance of 'Répons'

performance of 'Répons'

performance of 'Recit and Air Penseroso'

performance of 'Recit and Air from the Creation'

performance of 'Redemption'

performance of 'Refrain thy voice from weeping'

performance of 'Religious'

performance of 'Religious'

performance of 'Renard'

performance of 'Renard'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Richard Coeur de Lion'

performance of 'Richard Coeur de Lion'

performance of 'Richard Coeur de Lion'

performance of 'Rigoletto'

performance of 'Robert le Diable'

performance of 'Robert le Diable'

performance of 'Robin Hood'

performance of 'Romeo and Giulietta'

performance of 'Romeo et Juliette'

performance of 'Romeo et Juliette'

performance of 'Rosenkavalier'

performance of 'Ruslan and Ludmilla'

performance of 'Ruth'

performance of 'S'io fosse un Angelo'

performance of 'Sacred Music'

performance of 'Sacred music'

performance of 'Sacred music'

performance of 'Safe in the Arms of Jesus'

performance of 'Saint Elizabeth'

performance of 'Samson an oratorio'

performance of 'Samson et Dalila'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Saul'

performance of 'Scared'

performance of 'Schiavi per Amore'

performance of 'Schumann's Dichterlieb'

performance of 'Sei Lob und Ehr dem hochsten Gut'

performance of 'Selections from 'Athalie''

performance of 'Selima and Azor'

performance of 'Selima and Azor'

performance of 'Sembianza amabile del mio bel sole'

performance of 'Semele'

performance of 'Semele'

performance of 'Semele'

performance of 'Sergalio'

performance of 'Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors'

performance of 'Shall I wasting in despair'

performance of 'Shim-Me-Sha-Wabble'

performance of 'Shostakovich's Fourteenth Symphony'

performance of 'Shostakovich's Fourteenth Symphony'

performance of 'Shostakovich's Fourteenth Symphony'

performance of 'Show Boat'

performance of 'Siegsmund's Liebeslied'

performance of 'Siegsmund's Liebeslied'

performance of 'Sing Sweet Bird'

performance of 'Sing Sweet Bird'

performance of 'Sing unto God'

performance of 'Sing, Birdie, Sing'

performance of 'Sing, O Heavens!'

performance of 'Sing, O Heavens!'

performance of 'Singing in a domestic setting'

performance of 'Socrate'

performance of 'Softly, softly, blow, ye breezes'

performance of 'Solomon'

Solomon (, performance of)

performance of 'Solomon'

performance of 'Song by Isidore de Lara'

performance of 'Song by Salieri'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'Song'

performance of 'Songfest'

performance of 'Songs by Charles Gounod'

performance of 'Songs from the Occasions'

performance of 'Songs of German Unity'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Songs'

performance of 'Sonnenschein'

performance of 'Spanish songs'

performance of 'Spanish, Italian and French songs'

performance of 'Spirit of my Sainted Sire'

performance of 'Spohr's Last Judgement'

performance of 'St Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St. Paul'

performance of 'Stabat Mater'

performance of 'Sunday in the Park with George'

performance of 'Sunday in the Park with George'

performance of 'Sunday in the Park with George'

performance of 'Sweeney Todd'

performance of 'Sweeney Todd'

performance of 'Swing Era Jazz'

performance of 'Symphony no. 2'

performance of 'Tally Ho'

performance of 'Tannhàuser'

performance of 'Tannhauser'

performance of 'Tannhauser'

performance of 'Te Deum Jubilate'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Teco resti, anima mia'

performance of 'Teco resti, anima mia'

performance of 'Tell Me the old, Old Story'

performance of 'Tempest'

performance of 'Thal von Andorra'

performance of 'The Barber of Seville'

performance of 'The Barber of Seville'

performance of 'The Barber of Seville'

The Barber of Seville (, performance of)

performance of 'The Barber of Seville'

performance of 'The Beggar's Opera'

performance of 'The Beggar's Opera'

performance of 'The Beggar's Opera'

performance of 'The Beggar's Opera'

performance of 'The Camp of Silesia'

performance of 'The Capulets and the Montagues'

performance of 'The Caravan'

performance of 'The Cherokee'

performance of 'The Christus Oratorio'

performance of 'The Christus Oratorio'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Crusaders'

performance of 'The Devil to Pay'

performance of 'The Doctor and Apothecary'

performance of 'The Fall of Babylon'

performance of 'The Fox and the Grapes'

performance of 'The Gate Ajar for Me'

performance of 'The Glorious First of June'

performance of 'The Kentish Barons'

performance of 'The Legend of St Cecilia'

performance of 'The Lily of Kilarney'

performance of 'The Lord is King'

performance of 'The Magic Flute'

performance of 'The Maple Leaf'

performance of 'The Mastersingers'

performance of 'The Merry Wives of Windsor'

performance of 'The Messiah'

performance of 'The Mulberry Tree'

performance of 'The Murmuring Sea'

performance of 'The Music of the Holy Week'

performance of 'The Nose'

performance of 'The Opera of Alexander'

performance of 'The Paean of Wales'

performance of 'The Pannel'

performance of 'The Pirates'

performance of 'The Planets, Op. 32'

performance of 'The Prisoner'

performance of 'The Prophecy of Babylon'

performance of 'The Rake's Progress'

performance of 'The Resurrection and Ascension'

performance of 'The Sea'

performance of 'The Seasons'

performance of 'The Siege of Belgrade'

performance of 'The Siege of Belgrade'

performance of 'The Siege of Rochelle'

performance of 'The Soldier Tired'

performance of 'The Son and Stranger'

performance of 'The Sweet Story of Old'

performance of 'The Thorn is in the bud'

performance of 'The Zetland Fishermen'

performance of 'The Zetland Fishermen'

performance of 'The Zetland Fishermen'

performance of 'The Zetland Fishermen'

performance of 'The old garden wall'

performance of 'The spacious firmament on high'

performance of 'Theme of the Finale of the Choral Symphony'

performance of 'Three Incantations from a Marionette Tale'

performance of 'Three Sisters Who Are Not Sisters'

performance of 'Three Sisters Who Are Not Sisters'

performance of 'Three Sisters Who Are Not Sisters'

performance of 'Three Songs'

performance of 'Through the Realm'

performance of 'Tipperary'

performance of 'Toy Symphony'

performance of 'Traditional Brazilian music'

performance of 'Trip to Scarborough'

performance of 'Tu es Petrus'

performance of 'Tu es Petrus'

performance of 'Turco in Italia'

performance of 'Two Anthems'

performance of 'Two Choruses from 'St. Paul''

performance of 'Ukrainian folksongs'

performance of 'Undine'

performance of 'Unknown Anthem'

performance of 'Unknown Anthem'

performance of 'Unknown Choral Symphonies'

performance of 'Unknown Chorale'

performance of 'Unknown Psalm'

performance of 'Unknown Songs'

performance of 'Unknown Vocal Music'

performance of 'Unknown religious compositions'

performance of 'Unknown songs'

performance of 'Unknown songs'

performance of 'Unknown'

performance of 'Unknown'

performance of 'Unknown'

performance of 'Unknown'

performance of 'Unspecified ballads'

performance of 'Unspecified music by Richard Wagner'

performance of 'Unspecified opera'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified songs'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal music'

performance of 'Up, Jack, and the day is your own'

performance of 'Variations'

performance of 'Various Anthems'

performance of 'Veni Creator Spiritus'

performance of 'Visits to Saint Elizabeths'

performance of 'Vocal Music'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'Vocal quartet by Cherubini'

performance of 'Wagner operas'

performance of 'Walpurgis Night'

performance of 'War Requiem'

performance of 'War Requiem'

performance of 'Water parted from the sea'

performance of 'Welsh Hymns'

performance of 'Wenn der Frühling auf die Berge steigt'

performance of 'Wer sprenget auf dem stolzen Ross'

performance of 'When this bloody war is over'

performance of 'When thou wilt be my bride'

performance of 'Who'll buy my strawberries?'

performance of 'Wilderness'

performance of 'Will the day break in the East?'

performance of 'Wintereisse'

performance of 'With verdure clad'

performance of 'Wo is mein Haus? Im Himmel ist mein Haus!'

performance of 'Works by Charles Gounod'

performance of 'Wozzeck'

performance of 'Wozzeck'

performance of 'Y Gadlys'

performance of 'Yevgeny Onegin'

performance of 'Zadok the Priest'

performance of 'Zingari in Fiera'

performance of 'a Barcarole'

performance of 'a Last Dying Confession'

performance of 'a canon'

performance of 'a cappella sounds'

performance of 'a comic English duet'

performance of 'a comic song'

performance of 'a duet'

performance of 'a folk song'

performance of 'a psalm'

performance of 'a salve regina'

performance of 'a song by Mendelssohn'

performance of 'a song'

performance of 'airs by Haydn'

performance of 'an Air from Freischütz'

performance of 'bass and voice'

performance of 'blues singing, female voice'

performance of 'blues singing '

performance of 'blues singing'

performance of 'cavatina from The Barber of Seville'

performance of 'cavatina from The Thieving Magpie'

performance of 'chapel singing'

performance of 'choruses'

performance of 'comic songs'

performance of 'country and western music'

performance of 'country and western music'

performance of 'der Schweizerbue'

performance of 'eight-part motets'

performance of 'female vocalist'

performance of 'folk songs'

performance of 'folk songs'

performance of 'folk songs'

performance of 'folk songs'

performance of 'four-part song'

performance of 'four-part vocal music'

performance of 'fugues'

performance of 'glees'

performance of 'honky-tonk music'

performance of 'hot jazz'

performance of 'hummed jazz precussion'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'hymns'

performance of 'jazz piano music'

performance of 'jazz piano music'

performance of 'jazz piano music'

performance of 'jazz piano music'

performance of 'le Cheval de Bronze'

performance of 'magnificat'

performance of 'male singing'

performance of 'motets'

performance of 'music by Aaron Copland'

performance of 'music by Beethoven'

performance of 'music by Beethoven'

performance of 'music by Debussy'

performance of 'music by Francis Poulenc'

performance of 'music by Handel'

performance of 'music by Kurt Weill'

performance of 'music by Leon Kirchner'

performance of 'music by Mendelssohn'

performance of 'music by Mozart'

performance of 'music by Ned Rorem'

performance of 'music by Ned Rorem'

performance of 'music by Virgil Thomson'

performance of 'national songs'

performance of 'opera'

performance of 'opera'

performance of 'parlando songs'

performance of 'popular music'

performance of 'quartet'

performance of 'sailors' songs'

performance of 'singing in the style of Bing Crosby'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'singing'

performance of 'song for male voice'

performance of 'songs by Mendelssohn'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'songs'

performance of 'spoken word'

performance of 'symphony no 3'

performance of 'the Creation'

performance of 'the Ninth Symphony'

performance of 'the Ten Commandments'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Marc Almond Rock Concert'

performance of 'The Concert of my Life'

performance of 'Ray Charles Concert - RFH, c. 1982'

performance of 'unknown'

performance of 'unknown'

performance of 'unknown'

performance of 'unknown'

performance of 'unknown'

performance of 'unknown'

performance of 'unnamed blues'

performance of 'unnamed spiritual'

performance of 'unspecified songs by Ned Rorem'

performance of ' unspecified songs to texts by Frank O'Hara'

performance of 'various'

performance of 'vocal duet'

performance of 'vocal group'

performance of 'vocal music in sixteen parts'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'vocal music'

performance of 'waltzes'

performance of 'work song'

performance of 'Acis and Galatea'

performance of 'Die Zauberflöte'

performance of 'Die Zauberflöte'

performance of 'God Save the King'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'The Ring Cycle'

performance of 'church anthem'

performance of 'La sonnambula'

performance of 'See the Conquering Hero Comes'

performance of 'jazz (, performance of)'

performance of 'jazz (, performance of)'

performance of 'jazz (, performance of)'

performance of 'jazz (, performance of)'

performance of ''Beauty retire''

performance of '17th-century sacred music'

performance of '17th-century song'

performance of 'Anthem by Captain Cooke'

performance of 'Anthem on Christmas Day'

performance of 'Jacqueline du Pré sings 'Away in a Manger''

performance of 'Barbary Allen'

performance of 'Chaliapin sings Grechianinov's sacred music'

performance of 'Chanson Perpétuelle'

performance of 'Consort singing'

performance of 'Consort song'

performance of 'Evelyn's impressions of his daughter Mary's musical skills'

performance of 'First run-throughs of Holst's new works the Choral Fantasia, the Wan'

performance of 'First run-throughs of new works, the Choral Fantasia, The Wandering Scholar and Hammersmith'

performance of 'Folk Songs'

performance of 'Hebridean Songs'

performance of 'It is decreed'

performance of 'It is decreed'

performance of 'It is decreed'

performance of 'Italian opera'

performance of 'Italian songs'

performance of 'Italian songs'

performance of 'Italian vocal and instrumental works'

performance of 'Madrigals'

performance of 'Canon for 8 voices'

performance of 'Music at Arundel House'

performance of 'Nathan Milstein and Tasso Janopulo playing Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata, servant reacting to the Turkish theme with traditional music'

performance of 'Opera in Venice'

performance of 'Beauty retire'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Sadko'

performance of 'Setting of Psalm 51'

performance of 'Settings of Abraham Cowley's pieces'

performance of 'Siegfried'

performance of 'Song Cycle'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'Theatre music'

performance of 'Wagner Prelude & Liebestod (Tristan und Isolde) '

performance of 'Mazurkas'

performance of 'Big Band'

performance of 'The Snow Maiden'

performance of 'The Snow Maiden'

performance of 'The Snow Maiden'

performance of 'William Tell (opera)'

performance of 'Les Huguenots'

performance of 'processional music for a Spanish patronal festival'

performance of 'song by Sacchini'

unspecified church music

performance of 'unspecified church music (, performance of)'

unspecified church music (, performance of)

performance of 'vocal and instrumental music at a ball in Rome'

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