1397932467855: This afternoon I met Picasso... Valentine Hugo had... 1397953667240: Jennie Tourel, never better, sang Scheherazade at ... 1397954871927: My song "The Lordy Hudson" (1947) is dedicated to ... 1397955298932: Evenings here we play four-hand music, the Epigrap... 1397956014575: Edith Piaf who - with the now-immortal Cerdan- is ... 1398005491387: Three Beautiful Birds of Paradise... Trois Beaux O... 1398006372028: These days leading toward Christ's rebirth have be... 1398006767205: Nothing can touch me more than lay-people's love f... 1398008101148: We've been listening ten times a day to Ralph Kirk... 1398015705107: ... Later went to Julius' to hear him do my sonata... 1398016035037: ... And I got drunk again with Heddy and Julius, s... 1398018058650: A nice autumn. Even prettier as seen from Poulenc'... 1398018747525: Leontyne Price, beautiful in a gown of blue sequin... 1398092286317: All day long I play and replay Kurt Weill's master... 1398092973970: Last week Poulenc invited me for our bimonthly têt... 1398093562498: Before leaving Paris... Gérard Souzay sang Golaud ... 1398093956031: I went swimming at the new glossy pool of which Vo... 1398094869288: In the evening Lenny Bernstein gave a concert with... 1398104582021: In the evening a dress rehearsal of Britten's new ... 1398105313024: Virgil made me get up at dawn Wednesday to go (wit... 1398106200601: Played the record of my piano concerto for young P... 1398106908393: The Twentieth-Century Music Festival continues. In... 1398107381890: Aaron Copland came to lunch today, having read the... 1398107693269: Well, in what country am I? Finally I heard the ta... 1398107975990: Rubinstein gave a souper chez lui last night after... 1398108407608: Finally heard Liberace. Extraordinary, his fingerw... 1398108746028: Donald Gramm and Mattiwilda Dobbs, each in Town Ha... 1398108886907: Also my little opera A Childhood Miracle received ... 1398192532753: Returned to Hyeres just as Denise and Jacques retu... 1398192784475: Played my opera for Poulenc today and he says to c... 1398193327935: André Fraigneau and Sherban Sidéry, bored by my si... 1398193676023: Hardly the time to write in diaries: time's suspen... 1398194103437: Concert of my music at the American Embassy. Becau... 1398194418741: How could I not be discouraged about librettos, at... 1398195333805: Last night we saw The Goddess, for which Virgil's ... 1398281443887: Last night Lee Hoiby played us his opera which onl... 1398281937193: Mary's Bar on Eighth Street. It is already eleven ... 1398282213667: For the record it should be mentioned that last sp... 1398283128029: In early May the Second Symphony received its loca... 1398347723658: This evening, to the accompaniment of Fizdale & Go... 1420497009814: 1420497767804: 1420576343165: Virgil asked for my new song disk, invited me, Dod... 1420576901330: 1420577084424: 1420577839685: Last night, defeated after seeing Fellini's 8½ I h... 1420578213339: Last evening, to alter the pace I sat alone at the... 1420578659254: Nor are performers necessarily qualified interpret... 1420579238767: Called Aaron out of the blue because his Organ Con... 1420752706732: If I lean far out of the window I can see the Coun... 1420753703204: My frequent thoughts of Nell are more pleasant tha... 1420755078185: ... and has sublet to Nicolas Nabokov. So I make a... 1420756429410: Return en masse to the White House State Dining Ro... 1420806853205: CRASH! Margo lost her voice, whether from fear or ... 1420806883474: Catastrophic dress rehearsal. Ridiculous spoken pr... 1420809324939: Meanwhile a final performance of Julie took place ... 1420809879521: Last night, alone - or so I thought - in a studio ... 1420830741911: Twenty years ago after the premiere of a Ben Weber... 1420831711533: 1420832240042: Yet I've just returned from a choral concert on ca... 1420833213123: Does Milton Babbitt like listening to his own musi... 1420833270493: I paused at the concert hall where three girls wer... 1420833765459: The night before I left for San Francisco, Steinbe... 1420905122171: This evening we hear the tapes of one Peter Skullt... 1420905207255: 1420906036021: 1420906463673: 1420906651493: 1420906983009: 1420907808534: 1420989441490: 1420990316761: 1420991222915: 1420991678888: 1420992225708: 1420992489375: 1420992843780: 1421097683000: 1421098097680: 1421099348101: 1421100538860: 1421443782823: 1421444380834: 1421445182255: 1421445972666: 1421594820664: 1421594862182: 1421594900231: 1421594941194: 1421597072035: 1421597439853: 1421597788458: 1421598377111: 1421702534777: 1421702944745: 1421703602796: 1421703953594: 1421704310202: 1421787311059: 1421787967709: 1421788598931: 1421789377719: 1421790021921: 1421790510996: 1422450760024: 1422876127509: 1422876556596: Premiere at Library of Night Music. The first move... 1422880916130: JH's Chapel Concert of Satie and Britten, includin... 1422881539337: Copland concert at Skidmore. Despite the fact that... 1422882077029: The New York City Opera's presentation of Pelléas ... 1422882690509: JH's Poulenc concert at the Chapel, including four... 1422882866254: Recital last night by Steber at which she sang my ... 1422883174401: Concert of my pieces at the university last night.... 1425301132855: 1433336256032: 1433336782859: 1433337159104: 1433337431236: 1433337754800: 1433338392405: 1433338574877: Wednesday evening, concert of my chamber works on ... 1433338785656: 1433364711434: 1433364936975: 1433365194947: What Callas imparts (through her handsome mock-hum... 1433365615876: Practiced all afternoon with Donald Gramm. "War Sc... 1433366134442: 1433366339273: Here with Donald Gramm for our American recital la... 1433366686240: 1433366969933: 1433368302023: 1433368483796: Concert of my tunes at Skidmore last night, plus a... 1433368856889: 1433369683177: The performances rough but honest. The piece monst... 1433369892489: 1433370181262: 1433370473414: 1433371112231: 1433371481044: "What a waste of time," I sigh, as the players put... 1433371826238: 1433372210768: By pop standards Anita Ellis's nightly concert at ... 1433372530703: 1433410378604: 1433410642324: 1433411243761: 1433411585502: 1433411930478: 1433412297675: Tonight Myrna came over again, for leftovers, then... 1433412612369: 1433412953152: 1433413324584: Beautiful recital this afternoon by JH at St Matth... 1433414376752: 1433414505984: 1433414701082: 1433414831532: 1433415358157: 1433415883457: 1433416089145: Leontyne, as is her triennial wont, gave a tryout ... 1433416396142: 1433453741346: 1433454059336: 1433454394715: 1433454558876: 1433454830607: 1433455065213: 1433455570363: 1433456333773: 1433456661340: 1433456922091: 1433971319233: 1433971553014: 1433971792037: 1433972042130: Here with Donald for a recital on the campus and a... 1433972263931: 1433972480063: 1433972739680: 1433973060126: 1433973487176: Another young clarinetist, affable and very ambiti... 1433973726611: 1433974352708: 1433974656774: At Paul Jacobs, recital for a few friends of all t... 1433974915733: 1433975141884: 1433975351502: 1433975649468: 1433976069299: 1433976296368: 1433976561832: 1433976753638: It turns out that American instrumentalists are as... 1433976944880: ... went straight to New Haven where Phyllis Curti... 1433977193127: 1433977618956: 1433977971646: 1434288942799: Rosalyn Tureck has this month been a neighbor acro... 1434289149571: 1434289437230: 1434289580334: 1434289748078: 1434289865288: On the 7th, listened to a baritone, Dick Frisch, o... 1434290200518: The song competition was broadcast live tonight on... 1434290470649: 1434290774919: A week ago tonight, in the Elizabeth Sprague Cooli... 1434291071777: 1434291309678: Today, memorial service for Harold Brown at Rutger... 1434291584141: 1434291913566: 1434731591004: Then, with Joel Conarre, to the Julliard Orchestra... 1434731773905: At 5:30 a run-through at Leontyne Price's. (Three ... 1435179469891: At 5:30 a run-through at Leontyne Price's. (Three ... 1435179708454: 1435179989472: First, New York for four days where with Gary Clar... 1435180275090: 1435180502876: On the 27th, Will's and my "pre-concert" recital i... 1435180655617: 1435180800035: 1435181029647: 1435181334429: Today, after the dentist, went to Gérard's exhibit... 1435182133278: 1435182490379: 1435182799694: 1435182952849: 1435183131343: 1435183259796: With Shirley through the filthy snow to Barbara Ko... 1435183685864: 1435184006730: 1435184254525: 1435184435037: 1435226704027: 1435226931861: John de Lancie brought his oboe to class and gave ... 1435227181528: 1435227396963: Returned the days ago to see Indiana University's ... 1435227578298: Mornings I usually spend practising - on that same... 1435228000302: 1435228196643: Las night was, so far as performance is concerned,... 1435228749591: 1435229114533: 1435259999976: 1435260258978: Redeeming the scores and cassettes, mainly an orch... 1435260487876: Paul Jacobs and I performed, as a curtain-lowered,... 1435260775033: 1435261005085: 1435261143748: 1435261465628: Today we went to the Frick (his [James Holmes] fav... 1435261647365: 1435262008861: 1435266122007: 1435266338384: 1435266617801: 1435266761699: 1435267014481: Two programs of my music, plus roundtables on Quak... 1435267214584: An hour yesterday as David Diamond's guest for one... 1435267570877: Today at 6:30, offered coffee etc. to Joe Machlis,... 1435267921310: 1435268596726: 1435268750866: JH's midnight mass at St. Matthews and St. Timothy... 1435269117266: Gregg Smith recorded "Give All to Love" with his s... 1435269245097: Snow. Noonday concert of my music by the boys' cho... 1435269457612: Visit at four from Noah Creshevsky with tapes of h... 1435270473521: Lecture at the Bloomingdale House of Music, after ... 1435270692090: Friday saw the New York premiere, again conducted ... 1435270882482: Saturday at the YMHA the twice-postponed song reci... 1435270993765: 1435271365907: 1435271481183: 1435319762579: 1435320061754: 1435320302282: Phyllis and I gave a Poulenc-Rorem recital, relaxe... 1435320799939: The plane was met by three student composer, cute ... 1435320961847: Speeches, coaching, lunches, meetings with compose... 1435321204609: I joined Chuck for the Steve Reich concert. In the... 1435321649145: This evening in a blizzard (robins are freezing) C... 1435321828317: 1435580751686: 1435580935954: Back from two days in Highland Park where on Sunda... 1435581082214: Donald Gramm came over today to rehearse our "segm... 1435581255087: 1435581421158: 1435581731752: 1435581952924: 1435582110661: No sooner off the train than another long session ... 1435582459182: Last night with my protégés, Norman Stumpf, Robert... 1435583036487: Horowitz on TV from London, playing, with great au... 1435583168252: 1435583512913: 1435583720466: My performance was the premiere of "After Long Sil... 1435583980479: Tuesday, practiced with Katherine. ... 1435584152697: 1435584625267: 1435584803123: 1435585028277: 1435585283730: 1435585479271: Yesterday afternoon Edo de Waart Conducted "Rememb... 1435609887602: 1435610162691: 1435610335888: From Aspen to Nantucket for six days. From Nantuck... 1435610902377: 1435611124078: 1435611307131: 1435611571038: Daron Hagen and Norman Stumpf, last night at Curti... 1435611949729: 1435612784240: 1435613017253: 1435613393620: 1435613625909: 1435613897907: Third and final recording session with Roz, twelve... 1435614117961: 1435614420254: Today at four I visited Madame Bouboulidi on West ... 1435614617630: All day Monday in Philadelphia, because the boys, ... 1435614750543: Then to Symphony Space for theatrical program of P... 1435614975167: At 7:00, Finnish opera at the Met with Robert Jaco... 1435616603935: 1435617101290: 1435617334442: At 3:00, New York premiere of Third Piano Concerto... 1435617561037: Tuesday at 6:00 with Roz gave a little concert, or... 1435617798275: At eight, Otto Luening's concert at the old Jullia... 1435672492776: 1435672862052: 1435673113335: 1435673285165: 1435673585243: 1435673871941: The day after the birthday fête I cam here for two... 1435750875085: At Symphony Space, a most affecting marathon memor... 1435751072097: Back from forty-eight hours in Washington, D.C., w... 1435751163548: This afternoon, Earl Wild recital at Carnegie. ... 1435751380148: 1435751621392: Last night, second New York performance this year ... 1435754673841: 1435754815824: 1435755105191: 1435755355238: 1435755530172: Press showing of the Santa Fe TV program. ... 1435755742938: 1435756023270: 1435756207209: 1435756446876: 1435757235166: 1435758306045: Lee Hoiby's new setting of Wallace Stevens is pret... 1435758483763: Worse than being sexually abused is to hear the we... 1435758830867: 1435759246834: 1435759511245: Three concerts at Juilliard, at which the students... 1435759641288: Rehearsals with Susan Belling and Will Parker for ... 1435759833706: 1435760035960: 1435788914200: No sooner off the place than I rehearsed [Je tremb... 1435789295568: The memorial lasted nearly five hours; our contrib... 1435789488564: 1435789718956: Rehearsed with Hilda Harris for the concert at the... 1435789853213: Friday, the voice of Frederica von Stade with the ... 1435790258754: Semi-public rehearsal this afternoon at Juilliard ... 1435790513982: 1435833550362: Exhausted during a rehearsal with Katherine and Kr... 1435833836730: I caught the tail end of her class [Jan DeGaetani]... 1435834033893: 1435834435858: Last fall Virgil Thomson and I, featured stars on ... 1435834748251: Through a glass screen in an elaborate studio we w... 1435835265475: 1435835706541: The memorial concert for Donald Gramm as mournful,... 1435835907851: As I note this, the first hearing of my new "Dance... 1435932938530: At the concert of the student composers I allow my... 1435933298755: Evening, Nantucket. Was driven this morning from N... 1435933600848: 1435933820040: Krasner's performance of Berg's Concerto with Stoc... 1435934017112: As a house gift Richard Dyer sent a cassette of Ph... 1435934613944: 1435934963799: 1435935083526: Reunion day at Juilliard, climaxed by Bill Schuman... 1435935412260: Evening at Tully Hall, listening to George Perle's... 1436132494135: 1436132638310: 1436132850016: 1436133169444: 1436133324184: I stopped in [Trinity Church] to listen to a very ... 1436133505292: 1436133720832: Two premieres in two days is a coup: This evening ... 1436134015417: Sunday afternoon, José Serebriern's concert with t... 1436134213005: 1436134412761: Bland fare of Beethoven on the radio, year after y... 1436134577050: 1436134730846: With Shirley this bleak afternoon to Saint John th... 1436135012328: Gave a master class, a "keynote address," in an al... 1436135324400: 1436135696385: 1436135936205: After a scratchy run-through in an Omni Park hotel... 1436211022412: 1436215910985: 1436216219872: Organ recital today by Leonard Raver at Riverside ... 1436216443375: We play Nadia Boulanger's forty-five-year-old reco... 1436216655797: Last night with JH to a concert called "Words Musi... 1436216849023: At Juilliard for first run-through of my Organ Con... 1436217027528: Big concert of Lou Harrison's music at Tully Hall,... 1436217271988: 1436217569957: The Organ Concerto uses only four brass, timpani a... 1436217778326: At the performance last night, a minor mishap. The... 1436217985362: Dragged myself to Jaime Laredo's nine blocks away ... 1436218143271: Jaime plays so beautifully, and the orchestra too,... 1436218350804: This afternoon, a nice little party at Boosey's fo... 1436218525343: Andrew [Lloyd] Webber's Requiem on TV. Holy cow. ... 1436218714242: 1436218881391: Yesterday morning, Paul Sperry being abroad, I too... 1436219065979: 1436219774649: David Diamond's seventieth birthday concert last n... 1436220034172: 1436220229053: 1436220389972: 1436220587123: Humming at the stove, I realised that the tune in ... 1436220847840: Earlier I attended... a memorial for Bob Holton at... 1436221082471: 1436221332257: 1436221595509: 1436221843735: 1436222211108: 1436222542882: James Buswell's portrayal (as good a word as any) ... 1436222708655: 1436222880553: 1436223078794: 1436302825649: Tuesday again, another Village restaurant, this on... 1436303026485: Four o'clock. Young Michael Torke with tapes of hi... 1436303225647: Spent the morning trying to concentrate on Bruckne... 1436303553433: 1436304327172: The TV documentary on Copland last night was unsat... 1436304547542: 1436304819259: 1436305071479: Returned on Air Atlanta (had filled, exquisite, dy... 1436305200766: Went Monday to Donald Collup's stylish if bland re... 1436305365745: Thursday, Will Parker's distinguished and stimulat... 1436305487502: 1436305679608: 1436305831310: Eugenie Voorhies came with me to Aaron's 85th birt... 1436306004439: 1436306289827: 1436306845777: 1436307131646: 1436307333757: Morris came for a sandwich, then to JH's Midnight ... 1436308032477: 1436308342769: 1436308654936: 1436308921588: 1436309095355: 1436309296227: 1436309718593: David Del Tredici's huge Alice thing yesterday. Ye... 1436310177236: 1436310542113: 1436310732435: Played my new motets for JH who found nothing bett... 1436310980308: 1436311482537: 1436311741727: 1436311944198: 1436312283161: Miriam Gideon, seventeen years older than I to the... 1436312569775: Tea party here Saturday, so that David Diamond and... 1436312820010: Rain. As a switch, a late Beethoven quartet is pip... 1436386286817: 1436386617531: Coming out of the bank on 57th I dropped in to Riz... 1436386938270: 1436387119493: 1436387389827: 1436387752380: 1436388010901: 1436388310977: 1436388497106: 1436388705953: 1436389397350: 1436389926259: 1436390287166: 1436390491680: 1436390651730: Elliott Carter's new quartet, unrelentingly chaoti... 1436390905146: At 9 A.M., during calisthenics, tuned in radio a s... 1436391550325: 1436391726288: 1436391829596: Gay Men's Chorus in the new Carnegie Hall.... 1436391983371: Stratas's new recording of Weill songs. Worries th... 1436392170123: Barbra Streisand "special". Many mistakes. Plays w... 1436392353323: Although I admire much of his music for its terse ... 1436392572754: Bill Bolcom's Violin Concerto, meanwhile (on last ... 1436392748564: To New Haven in a blizzard with Jaime Laredo, who ... 1436392882900: 1436393119422: Rehearsing VT's songs, for Maurice Grosser's memor... 1436393539126: 1436394688849: 1436395001831: 1436395219600: Rehearsing for Maurice Grosser's memorial recently... 1436395409514: Master class of singers in my songs. Four of the d... 1436395650604: Stravinsky's Piano Concerto, third movement, is an... 1436396121675: 1436396485371: Before he [Hugues Cuenod] left he asked if I could... 1436396621776: The teenaged male performers on the Curtis stage F... 1436396906448: 1436397080602: 1436397303264: 1436450833409: To the Y with Pia for Barbara Kolb's new piece (ef... 1436451080132: 1436451597723: Documentary on Horowitz, 'l'idiot savant du clavie... 1436451875011: 1436452066742: PBS Special on Beethoven last night, hosted by Pet... 1436452348463: 1436453345628: 1436453549632: 1436453700008: Inanity on TV. Cyndi Lauper, depressing. Millions ... 1436453934131: Annual perusal (quite thorough) of Bruckner's Eigh... 1436454102784: In the mid-Fifties I asked in these pages, "What e... 1436454216901: 1436454632746: 1436455528201: Between 1959 and 1961, acting on the premise that ... 1436455845087: 1436456137421: 1436457363821: Bitterly, dangerously cold. Listened to Milhaud's ... 1436457686811: 1436457917437: 1436820819895: 1436821192766: 1436821389720: 1436821601498: 1436822129424: 1436822853276: 1436823116201: 1436823325362: 1436823555927: 1436823681842: 1436823854520: 1436824334378: 1436824756963: 1436825017812: 1436825284547: 1436825639801: 1436825792189: 1436826923071: 1436827109903: 1436827342258: 1436828014131: 1436829001369: 1437385784391: 1437386487526: 1437386756448: 1437387093735: 1437387491283: 1437388285062: 1437388931066: 1437389499056: 1437466085055: 1437466605738: 1437466949163: 1437467337631: 1437468658917: 1437469109317: 1437469558776: 1437469866233: 1437470129665: 1437470474165: 1437470760310: 1437554096242: 1437554524006: 1437554896765: 1437555197444: 1437555685887: 1437556252029: 1437556604131: 1437556821996: 1437558096712: 1437558391806: 1437558718154: 1437559249055: 1437559490857: 1437559770114: 1437561453818: 1437562009143: 1437562778145: 1437563433815: 1437564128816: 1437564385603: 1437564846373: 1437565092034: 1437565396529: 1437634165337: 1437635022502: 1437635296562: 1437635957550: 1437636138687: 1437636943611: 1437637605654: 1437638078170: 1437641364524: 1437641606575: 1437641920115: 1437642237202: 1437642813280: 1437643134283: 1437643479940: 1437643700303: 1437644842916: 1437645103105: 1437645363966: 1437645646911: 1437645881725: 1437646194535: 1437646388461: 1437646593530: 1437646826734: |