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performance of 'Messiah'
performance of 'The Crucifixion'
performance of 'The Revenge'
performance of ''Body and Soul' in D-flat'
performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''
performance of ''Lady Be Good''
performance of ''Mass of Life''
performance of 'Bass music'
performance of 'Blues'
performance of 'Jazz Music'
performance of 'Jazz Trio'
performance of 'Jazz band music'
performance of 'Kansas City Jazz music'
performance of 'Magnificat in D, BWV 243 arr. Henry Wood'
performance of 'Magnificat in D, BWV 243'
performance of 'New Orleans jazz band music '
performance of 'New Orleans jazz music'
performance of 'New Orleans jazz'
performance of 'bass and voice'
performance of 'unknown music'
performance of 'hummed jazz precussion'
performance of 'jazz music performance'
performance of 'jazz piano music'
performance of 'jazz trio music'
performance of 'jazz trumpet and bass music'
performance of 'riverboat dance music'
performance of 'swing jazz performance'
performance of 'jazz (, performance of)'