George Henry Borrow
George Borrow
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born | 5 July, 1803 |
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died | 26 July, 1881 |
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appears in search results as | George Borrow George Henry Borrow |
family name | Borrow |
gender | male |
given name | George |
1392655253787: I was now in a wide valley - enormous hills were o... 1392655805411: The view over the vale is very beautiful; but on n... 1392656371572: Sunday arrived - a Sunday of unclouded sunshine. W... 1392657232223: Night had come on by the time we reached the foot ... 1392658435374: ...I reached a building...which I had no doubt was... 1394123091403: In the evening I attended service in the old churc... 1394124845195: After walking about a mile I overtook a man with a... | involved parties |
performance of 'Church service at Llangollen' performance of 'Down, down, Croppies lie down' performance of 'Song sung in English by Welsh children' | listeners |
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