George Eliot in Bad Schwalbach - June, 1866

from Letter from George Eliot to Maria Bury Congreve, 25 June 1866, page 278:

I wish you could know how idle I feel -- how utterly disinclined to anything but mere self-indulgence -- because that knowledge would enable you to estimate the affection and anxiety which prompt me to write in spite of disinclination.... Paradise is in the fields and woods of beech and fir, where we walk in uninterrupted solitude in spite of the excellent roads and delightful resting-places, which seem to have been prepared for visitors in general. The promenade, where the ladies -- chiefly Russian and German, with only a small sprinkling of English and Americans -- display their ornamental …   more >>
cite as

George Eliot, Letter from George Eliot to Maria Bury Congreve, 25 June 1866. In Gordon S. Haight (ed.), The George Eliot Letters, vol. 4: 1862-1868, volume 4 (City of New Haven, 1954), p. 278. accessed: 29 January, 2025

location of experience: Bad Schwalbach


George Eliot

Experience Information

Date/Time June, 1866
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, outdoors, in public

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Fri, 06 Dec 2013 15:29:14 +0000