The rest of your Thermometricall Discourse is safely come to my hands:1 only I must give a litle advertisement concerning the Carrier, from whom when 'twas sent to my house, there was not only demanded by the porter his due for his peins of bringing it (which was satisfied by me, as formerly) but also for the carriage from Oxford to London: But when I lookd upon the roll, I found a piece of the Cover torne out, just where the words, Carrier paid, are wont to be written: which making me suspect a Cheat, I refused to pay that part of the demand, shewing the ground of my suspicion to the …
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The rest of your Thermometricall Discourse is safely come to my hands:1 only I must give a litle advertisement concerning the Carrier, from whom when 'twas sent to my house, there was not only demanded by the porter his due for his peins of bringing it (which was satisfied by me, as formerly) but also for the carriage from Oxford to London: But when I lookd upon the roll, I found a piece of the Cover torne out, just where the words, Carrier paid, are wont to be written: which making me suspect a Cheat, I refused to pay that part of the demand, shewing the ground of my suspicion to the sheporter that brought it me, who would putt it of upon the being rubbed of in the sack among other things. But it was too artificially done, to be laid upon such an accident;
Part of our yesterday's Entertainment at Gresham was the hearing of some concerts upon a revived musicall Instrument, called Archiviole, invented by a Frenchman, 25 years agoe, and then notified here to Mr Haak. There was [f. 17 (1v)] about that time made one of them, to be presented to the late king, but the Troubles intervening diverted the Musick, and left the instrument imperfect; which now is brought again to light, and by My Lord Breretons care and expences made perfect; comprehending both an Organ and a Concert of 5 or 6 viols in one, giving an excellent harmony, very solemne and most fit for religious musick; but only that the multitude of strings maketh it somewhat longsom and tedious to tune, the alteration of the Aire putting them out of tune in a litle time. Mersennus gave first notice of it hither, saying in a letter of his, which I have seen, qu'un Ange, à ce qu'il luy sembloit, ne pouvoit proceder plus simplement et gentiment. I must confesse, it transports me, and cannot but exceedingly please him, that playes upon it, hearing himself alone performe a whole consort of viols. The rest of the time we spent in prosecuting the Experiment of the velocity of bodies descending in water, where nothing occurred very considerable:...
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