Joseph Mayett in Quainton - February, 1803

from Autobiography of Joseph Mayett, Feb. 1803, page 23:

[T]he soldiers that attended there [at church] struck my attention more than the serviceā€¦all Serjants and Corporals and musick men and all very Clean I was much delighted to see them and hear the musick this was Congenial with my Carnal nature and a great opening for Satan to draw me away from all thoughts about religion.
cite as

Joseph Mayett, Autobiography of Joseph Mayett, Feb. 1803. In Ann Kussmaul (ed.), The autobiography of Joseph Mayett of Quainton (1783-1839) (Aylesbury, 1986), p. 23. accessed: 12 December, 2024

location of experience: Quainton


Joseph Mayett
farm labourer, Soldier

Listening to

hide composers
military band at church

Experience Information

Date/Time February, 1803
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in public

Originally submitted by th4 on Sun, 08 Dec 2013 14:30:24 +0000