Jane Austen in London - between April, 1811, 19:30:00 and April, 1811, 12:00:00

from Letter from Jane Austen to Cassandra Elizabeth Austen, 25 April 1811, pages 164-165:

Our party went off extremely well… At half-past seven arrived the musicians in two hackney coaches, and by eight the lordly company began to appear… The drawing-room being soon hotter than we liked, we placed ourselves in the connecting passage, which was comparatively cool, and gave us all the advantage of the music at a pleasant distance, as well as that of the first view of every new-comer... Including everybody we were sixty-six, -- which was considerably more than Eliza had expected, and quite enough to fill the back drawing-room and leave a few to be scattered about in the other and …   more >>
cite as

Jane Austen, Letter from Jane Austen to Cassandra Elizabeth Austen, 25 April 1811. In Sarah Chauncey Woolsey (ed.), The Letters of Jane Austen: Selected from the Compilation of Her Great Nephew, Edward, Lord Bradbourne (Boston, 1908), p. 164-165. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1386760925854 accessed: 27 July, 2024

location of experience: London


Jane Austen

Listening to

hide composers
In peace love tunes
Poor Insect
The Red Cross Knight
harp music played by Wiepart performed by Wiepart

Experience Information

Date/Time between April, 1811, 19:30:00 and April, 1811, 12:00:00
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Wed, 11 Dec 2013 11:22:06 +0000