Frances Burney in Teignmouth - 29 August, 1773
from Journal letter from Frances Burney to Susanna Burney [Teignmouth Journal], Sunday [29] August 1773, pages 21-22:
This morning all the world was at Church as the Dean of Exeter preached. . . . The singing here is the most extraordinary I ever heard, - there is no instrument but the People attempt to sing in parts - with such Voices! such expressions and such Composition! They to Day, in honour I presume of the Dean, performed an Anthem. It was really too much to be borne decently - it was set by a Weaver, - and so very unlike any thing that was ever before imagined, so truly barbarous, that, with the additions of the singers trilling and squalling,- no comedy could have afforded more diversion: Mrs … more >>
cite as
Frances Burney, Journal letter from Frances Burney to Susanna Burney [Teignmouth Journal], Sunday [29] August 1773. In Peter Sabor and Lars E. Troide (ed.), Journals and letters (:London, 2001), p. 21-22. accessed: 5 March, 2025
Listening to
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church anthem
written by Wesley |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 27 August, 1773 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in public |
Originally submitted on Thu, 13 Feb 2014 12:00:27 +0000