Baroness von Bunsen in Heidelberg - late June, 1856
from Letter from Baroness Bunsen to Charlotte Williams Wynn, 30 June 1856, page 206:
We have all been attending the celebration of the anniversary of the legal establishment of Protestant worship in Heidelberg two hundred years ago (the whole country had been Protestant long before, for it has the honour of being among the earliest to renounce sanctioned corruptions, though it did not till 1656 attain liberty of worship from its rulers), which took place amid the circumstances which mark and assist simple earnestness of feeling—a hymn sung forth from the church-tower, accompanied by the Posanne [sic] (trombone) at sunset on Saturday and at daybreak on Sunday—as is done on … more >>
cite as
Baroness von Bunsen, Letter from Baroness Bunsen to Charlotte Williams Wynn, 30 June 1856. In Augustus Hare (ed.), The Life and Letters of Frances Baroness Bunsen, volume 1 (London, 1879), p. 206. accessed: 18 December, 2024
Listening to
hide composershymn accompanied by trombone |
Experience Information
Date/Time | late June, 1856 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, outdoors, in public |
Originally submitted by hgb3 on Wed, 26 Feb 2014 18:13:17 +0000