Christina Keith in Dieppe - 25 December, 1918

from War Classics: The Remarkable Memoir of Scottish Scholar Christina Keith on the Western Front, pages 78-79:

In the evening we went to the Huts to help the men have an English Christmas. The Hut to which I went was a few miles out, at Rouxmesnil, and it was larger than most and possessed a cinema. For the first hour or so, we were fully occupied in serving out the tea and buns and extra fruit provided by the Hut Ladies, and then came the games…. At length a fresh thought struck the troops. How nice it would be to dance! Now dancing in the Huts, during the War, was strictly forbidden. They knew it. But the War was over - a month ago - and it was Christmas night…. Never surely was the proudest …   more >>
cite as

Christina Keith, and Flora Johnston (ed.), War Classics: The Remarkable Memoir of Scottish Scholar Christina Keith on the Western Front (Stroud, 2014), p. 78-79. accessed: 6 February, 2025

location of experience: Dieppe


Christina Keith
academic, classicist, lecturer

Listening to

hide composers
The Lancers
When Irish eyes are smiling

Experience Information

Date/Time 25 December, 1918
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


Christina was a lecturer with the British Army education scheme.

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Mon, 12 May 2014 15:39:42 +0100