Roland Leighton in Flanders - 19 September, 1915

from Letter from Roland Leighton to Vera Brittain, 19 Sept. 1915, page 170:

Have just had a very delightful evening. We have got the Transport Officer of another battalion messing with us at present. He is a very charming man and rather a friend of mine, but his greatest asset is that he possesses a very good gramophone. This I insisted he should produce tonight. It did me a lot of good as mental refreshment. Among other records he had two that Edward used to play, Raff’s Cavatina and Saint-Saens’ Le Cygne. What a number of things have happened since the days when he used to condescend to fiddle at my Saturday afternoon Entertainments in the Schoolroom at …   more >>
cite as

Letter from Roland Leighton to Vera Brittain, 19 Sept. 1915. In A. G. Bishop and Mark Bostridge (ed.), Letters from a lost generation : First World War letters of Vera Brittain and four friends - Roland Leighton, Edward Brittain, Victor Richardson, Geoffrey Thurlow (:London, 1999), p. 170. accessed: 18 February, 2025

location of experience: Flanders


Roland Leighton
2nd lieutenant, Officer (armed forces)

Listening to

hide composers
written by Joachim Raff
Le Cygne
written by Saint-Saens

Experience Information

Date/Time 19 September, 1915
Medium playback
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


Roland was serving with the 7th Worcesters on the Western Front.

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:23:29 +0100