Roland Leighton in Flanders - 19 September, 1915
from Letter from Roland Leighton to Vera Brittain, 19 Sept. 1915, page 170:
Have just had a very delightful evening. We have got the Transport Officer of another battalion messing with us at present. He is a very charming man and rather a friend of mine, but his greatest asset is that he possesses a very good gramophone. This I insisted he should produce tonight. It did me a lot of good as mental refreshment. Among other records he had two that Edward used to play, Raff’s Cavatina and Saint-Saens’ Le Cygne. What a number of things have happened since the days when he used to condescend to fiddle at my Saturday afternoon Entertainments in the Schoolroom at … more >>
cite as
Letter from Roland Leighton to Vera Brittain, 19 Sept. 1915. In A. G. Bishop and Mark Bostridge (ed.), Letters from a lost generation : First World War letters of Vera Brittain and four friends - Roland Leighton, Edward Brittain, Victor Richardson, Geoffrey Thurlow (:London, 1999), p. 170. accessed: 12 March, 2025
Listening to
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written by Joachim Raff |
Le Cygne
written by Saint-Saens |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 19 September, 1915 |
Medium | playback |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in private, indoors |
Roland was serving with the 7th Worcesters on the Western Front.
Originally submitted by hgb3 on Wed, 21 May 2014 17:23:29 +0100