Susan Tomes in Hamburg - June, 1982

from Domus Diary: Seedorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, June 1982, page 46:

The concert, an informal one made up of Bartók's Rumaninan Dances, Bridge Miniatures, a song by David, and Fauré's 'Après Un Rêve', the Kodály Intermezzo, a Bach Suite, Mozart Kontretänze and Stockhausen's Tierkreis, produces rather the same effect as we produced in Cheltenham last year; the audience claps and shouts for an encore.
cite as

Susan Tomes, Domus Diary: Seedorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, June 1982. In Beyond the notes : journeys with chamber music (Woodbridge, 2004), p. 46. accessed: 2 March, 2025

location of experience: Hamburg


Susan Tomes
Pianist, Writer

Listening to

hide composers
written by Karlheinz Stockhausen
written by Frank Bridge
performed by Domus
written by Zoltán Kodály
performed by Domus
written by Mozart
performed by Domus
Rumanian Dances
written by Béla Bartók
performed by Domus
written by Bach
performed by Domus
'Après Un Rêve'
written by Fauré
performed by Domus
written by David Lockington
performed by Domus

Experience Information

Date/Time June, 1982
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


Experience took place in Domus tent, erected in a public park in Hamburg, Germany, during the daytime.

Originally submitted by iepearson on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 12:42:48 +0100