Susan Tomes in Hamburg - June, 1982

from Domus Diary: Seedorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, June 1982, pages 48-49:

Our Coffee Concert two mornings later, though it contains all the pieces which drove the audience wild a couple of nights before, and though we play with the same kind of panache, is received with polite appreciation. Robin later says that perhaps the programme contained too many jazzy pieces, making it inappropriate for a type of morning concert which in Germany traditionally follows the Sunday church service. Whatever the reason, it sets us musing on how extraordinary it is that each audience has a definite 'feel' to it, something we have all been disinclined to believe when theatre people …   more >>
cite as

Susan Tomes, Domus Diary: Seedorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, June 1982. In Beyond the notes : journeys with chamber music (Woodbridge, 2004), p. 48-49. accessed: 6 February, 2025

location of experience: Hamburg


Susan Tomes
Pianist, Writer

Experience Information

Date/Time June, 1982
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


Experience took place in the morning. Repertoire was the same as that listed in Experience 1402251382240.

Originally submitted by iepearson on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 19:40:38 +0100