William Norman Collins in Poperinge - late June, 1917

from Last Man Standing, page 163:

It was a very agreeable interlude. I still remember the scent of the broad beans and it still brings back the memory of that period whenever I smell them growing today, a lovely sweet smell. I have pictures of Pitcairn and Captain Harris, the pipe band and boxing matches between the troops, as well as pictures of the men advancing in open order and practising their musketry. Apart from training, the battalion went on several route marches. In hot weather these route marches were exhausting and we had a rest of ten minutes in the hour when, on a signal, all the men flopped down without removing…   more >>
cite as

Norman Collins, and Richard Van Emden (ed.), Last Man Standing (Barnsley, 2012), p. 163. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1402420987162 accessed: 6 October, 2024

location of experience: Poperinge


William Norman Collins

Experience Information

Date/Time late June, 1917
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, outdoors


Norman Collins served with the Seaforth Highlanders.

Originally submitted by hgb3 on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 18:23:07 +0100