Samuel Pepys in London - 2 October, 1669

from Diary of Samuel Pepys, 2 October 1669 , page 993:

And thus till night, that our music came and the office ready, and candles; and also W. Batelier and his sister Susan came, and also Will How and two gentlemen more, called Mr. Ireton and Mr. Starkey; we fell to dancing and continued, only with intermission for a good supper, till 2 in the morning, the music being Greeting and another most excellent violin and Theorbo, the best in the town; and so, with mighty mirth and pleased with the dancing of Jiggs afterward, several of them, and among others Betty Turner, who did it mighty prettily; and lastly, W. Batelier's blackmore and blackmore-maid,…   more >>
cite as

Samuel Pepys, Diary of Samuel Pepys, 2 October 1669 . In Robert Latham and William Matthews (ed.), The diary of Samuel Pepys : a selection (London, 2003), p. 993. accessed: 25 February, 2025

location of experience: London


Samuel Pepys
Member of Parliament, Diarist, Naval officer

Listening to

hide composers
dance music performed by Mr. Greeting

Experience Information

Date/Time 2 October, 1669
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by isobel.1111 on Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:53:00 +0100