Johann Wenzel Tomaschek in Kärntnertortheater - 14 November, 1814

from Excerpts from the Memoirs of J. W. Tomaschek, pages 259-260:

Now Moscheles sat down at the piano and played a fantasy; at least that is what the program called it. I could not, however, see any trace of a fantasy in his clean and brilliant playing; for a short, insignificant Adagio introduction, followed by a few variations on a theme from the opera Fidelio, the entire finger­ exercise closing with the finale from Fidelio, cannot, after all, be considered a fantasy in the sense that the spontaneous inspi­ration of the composer creates it. The virtuoso enjoyed warm applause, particularly from female hands. ... At the end came the Klage bei Haydns Tod, …   more >>
cite as

Abram Loft and Johann Wenzel Tomaschek, Excerpts from the Memoirs of J. W. Tomaschek. In The Musical Quarterly, volume Vol. 32, No. 2 (April, 1946), p. 259-260. accessed: 11 March, 2025

location of experience: Kärntnertortheater


Johann Wenzel Tomaschek
Composer, Teacher

Listening to

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Klage bei Haydns Tod
written by Cherubini
Variations on a theme from Fidelio
written by Beethoven
performed by Ignatz Moscheles

Experience Information

Date/Time 14 November, 1814
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by mallen on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 14:38:40 +0000