Chopin in Warsaw - October, 1829

from Selected Correspondance of Fryderyck Chopin, page 36:

I must tell you that Kessler gives little musical at-homes every Friday. We all go and play there is no definite programme, we play whatever happens to turn up. Thus on the Friday before last we had Ries's Concerto in C sharp minor, played with quartet accompaniment, and also Humme's E flat major Trio and Beethoven's last Trio, I've never heard anything so great: in it Beethoven snaps his fingers at the whole world. Although these things came after Beethoven's Trio they did not suffice to efface the enormous impression which the Trio made on me, particularly as it was well performed. …   more >>
cite as

Bronislaw Edward Sydow (Comp) and Chopin, and Arthur Hedley (ed.), Selected Correspondance of Fryderyck Chopin (Prescot, 1962), p. 36. accessed: 23 January, 2025

location of experience: Warsaw


Composer, Pianist

Listening to

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Concerto in C sharp minor
written by Ferdinand Ries
E flat major Trio
written by Humme
Trio in B-flat major
written by Beethoven

Experience Information

Date/Time October, 1829
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by Meg Barclay on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 18:40:20 +0000
Approved on Fri, 16 Oct 2015 14:33:51 +0100