Chopin in Vienna - June, 1831
from Selected Correspondance of Fryderyck Chopin, pages 83-84:
I didn't get home last night until twelve, for it was St John's day, which is also Malfatti's name-day. Mechetti had prepared a surprise for him: Wild, Cicimara, Mlles Emmering and Lutzer, together with your humble servant, gave him an unusual musical treat. I have never heard the quartet from Rossini's Moses better performed; but "O quante lagrime" was incomparably better sung by Mlle Gladkowska at my farewell concert in Warsaw. Wild was in good voice and I performed the duties of conductor. Cicimara declared that there is no one in Vienna who accompanies like me. I thought to … more >>
Bronislaw Edward Sydow (Comp) and Chopin, and Arthur Hedley (ed.), Selected Correspondance of Fryderyck Chopin (Prescot, 1962), p. 83-84. accessed: 17 February, 2025
Listening to
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Quartet from Rossini's 'Moses'
written by Rossini |
performed by Cicimara, Lutzer, Mlle Emmering, Chopin, Wild |
Experience Information
Date/Time | June, 1831 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in private, indoors |