in City of Birmingham - the 1910's

from His Eye Is On the Sparrow, page 95:

My big thrill in Birmingham was having a chance to talk with the Whitman Sisters, very light-skinned women who developed some of the best of our Negro performers. Like Gus Edwards, the Whitmans helped many talented youngsters make their start. Some of their protégés are still around. We opened the act I was doing with Jo Hill with a duet, followed by Jo's song and specialty dance. Then I'd sing my blues and we'd close, wearing our short dresses for the kid routine.
cite as

Charles Samuels and Ethel Waters, His Eye Is On the Sparrow (1950), p. 95. accessed: 4 December, 2024

location of experience: City of Birmingham

Listening to

hide composers
Blues performed by Ethel Waters
Popular Song performed by Jo Hill, Ethel Waters

Experience Information

Date/Time the 1910's
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in public

Originally submitted by Gill on Wed, 01 Apr 2015 13:20:24 +0100