Toshiko Akiyoshi - mid 20th Century

from The Great Jazz Pianists: Speaking of Their Lives and Music, page 251:

After your classical training, how did you learn to improvise? By listening, as a matter of fact, to a seventy-eight [rpm] of Teddy Wilson's "Sweet Lorraine." The first time I was exposed to it I was very impressed. I copied a lot of records and then analyzed them.
cite as

Len Lyons, The Great Jazz Pianists: Speaking of Their Lives and Music (New York, ), p. 251. accessed: 18 December, 2024


Toshiko Akiyoshi

Listening to

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Sweet Lorraine performed by Teddy Wilson

Experience Information

Date/Time mid 20th Century
Medium playback
Listening Environment indoors

Originally submitted by Gill on Mon, 11 May 2015 13:51:26 +0100
Approved on Sat, 26 Sep 2015 14:46:46 +0100