Bishop Marvin in Arkansas - the 1800's
from My Life and Sacred Songs, page 171:
Bishop Marvin, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was travelling during the Civil War in the wilds of Arkansas. He was feeling much depressed, for the Union troops had driven him from his home. As he approached a dilapidated old log cabin, he heard someone singing, " Nearer, my God, to Thee." He alighted and entered the house. There he found a poor woman, widowed and old, who was singing in the midst of such poverty as he had never seen before. His despondency vanished, and he went on his way happy and trustful, because of the faith which he had seen and the hymn which he had heard.
cite as
Ira David Sankey, My Life and Sacred Songs (1906), p. 171. accessed: 1 December, 2024
Listening to
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Nearer, My God, to Thee
written by Sarah F. Adams, Lowell Mason |
performed by Unknown elderly female |
Experience Information
Date/Time | the 1800's |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in private, indoors |
Originally submitted by Gill on Wed, 20 May 2015 13:18:18 +0100
Approved on Fri, 25 Sep 2015 17:26:31 +0100