Carl Czerny in Vienna - 1819

from Recollections from My Life, pages 314-315:

One morning in 1819 [...] a man brought a small boy about eight years of age to me and asked me to let the little fellow play for me. He was a pale, delicate-looking child and while playing swayed on the chair as if drunk so that I often thought he would fall on the floor. Moreover, his playing was completely irregular, careless, and confused, and he had so little knowledge of correct fingering that he threw his fingers over the keyboard in an altogether arbitrary fashion.Nevertheless I was amazed by the talent with which Nature had equipped him. I gave him a few things to sight-read, which…   more >>

cite as

Ernest Sanders and Carl Czerny, Recollections from My Life. In The Musical Quarterly, Vol.42, No. 3 , volume 42 (July, 1956), p. 314-315. accessed: 4 March, 2025

location of experience: Vienna


Carl Czerny
Historian, Theorist, Composer, Pianist […]

Listening to

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piano music performed by Franz Liszt

Experience Information

Date/Time 1819
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by mallen on Fri, 29 May 2015 11:21:22 +0100