in London - 12 November, 1840

from Life and Reminiscences of Sir George J. Elvey, pages 57-58:

On November 12th of this year, his oratorio, to which reference has been made as having been composed in 1838 for his Mus. Bac. degree, was performed by the Sacred Harmonic Society at Exeter Hall. The place was crammed, as the work, which was acknowledged to be a fine one, excited great interest in the musical world. The following interesting account was given at the time : " The performance opened with an anthem by the leader, Mr. Perry. This was followed by a short oratorio by Dr. Elvey, which appeared to be the principal attraction of the evening. The subject of it was ' The Resurrection …   more >>
cite as

Lady Mary Elvey, Life and Reminiscences of Sir George J. Elvey (London, 1894), p. 57-58. accessed: 15 October, 2024

location of experience: London

Listening to

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written by George Frideric Handel
performed by Mr. Perry
written by George J. Elvey
performed by London Sacred Harmonic Society

Experience Information

Date/Time 12 November, 1840
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors

Originally submitted by Gill on Fri, 29 May 2015 13:38:33 +0100
Approved on Tue, 22 Sep 2015 09:27:22 +0100