Funeral congregation et al. in Westminster Abbey - May, 1898

from Westminster Pilgrim; Being a Record of Service in Church, Cathedral and Abbey, College University and Concert Room, with a Few Notes on Sport, pages 173-5:

The following year, 1898, Mr. Gladstone died, and was buried in the Abbey, a great and distinguished congregation attending. It is recorded of the veteran statesman that in his eighty-fifth year, in the course of an address to twenty thousand people gathered under the walls of Hawarden Castle, he uttered these words: "Music is of enormous advantage both to those who hear and those who perform it. It is a great blessing to the people, and I think that there are few satisfactions in my mind greater than to witness the progress it has made in the course of the last fifty years." Of Mr. …   more >>

cite as

Frederick Bridge, Westminster Pilgrim; Being a Record of Service in Church, Cathedral and Abbey, College University and Concert Room, with a Few Notes on Sport (), p. 173-5. accessed: 11 March, 2025

location of experience: Westminster Abbey


Listening to

hide composers
Funeral Service Music
written by Henry Purcell, William Croft
March in A Flat Minor
written by Beethoven
Funeral-Equalle for four trombones
written by Beethoven
March in B Minor
written by Franz Schubert
performed by Various
The Dead March (in Saul)
written by George Frideric Handel
performed by Various

Experience Information

Date/Time May, 1898
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others

Originally submitted by sp327 on Sat, 30 May 2015 10:01:23 +0100
Approved on Mon, 16 Nov 2015 11:40:28 +0000