Joseph Szigeti - in the middle of the 1900's
Thus “lucrative” tours up and down Denmark’s Jutland coast, through Spain, through Holland, would alternate with trips that were undertaken literally “for art’s sake” and nothing else; for the sake of a performance under Furtwängler or Ferdinand Loewe or Hermann Scherchen, or for the sake of playing Brahms chamber music with Elly Ney and others at the Munich Brahms Festival, or for an Ernest Bloch première with Carl Friedberg at that Salzburg Society for Contemporary Music. These were heady pleasures indeed, and probably I could not have indulged in them had not these staid and …
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Thus “lucrative” tours up and down Denmark’s Jutland coast, through Spain, through Holland, would alternate with trips that were undertaken literally “for art’s sake” and nothing else; for the sake of a performance under Furtwängler or Ferdinand Loewe or Hermann Scherchen, or for the sake of playing Brahms chamber music with Elly Ney and others at the Munich Brahms Festival, or for an Ernest Bloch première with Carl Friedberg at that Salzburg Society for Contemporary Music. These were heady pleasures indeed, and probably I could not have indulged in them had not these staid and substantial, if somewhat unexciting, concerts in small, prosperous Swiss or Danish or Dutch towns paid for them. If I am to pursue that figure of speech about the “three superimposed levels,” I would say that these heady pleasures belonged to the third and highest level.
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The years that followed World War influenced the financial situation of Szigeti. He had to pursue his career from then on three distinct, superimposed levels simultaneously: 1- teaching position in the Conservatory, the material foundation on which he could base the economy of his household and also the resumption of his European career, so abruptly cut short by the War; 2- his concertizing activities in Switzerland, with its disproportionately numerous music-loving, music-consuming small towns. They produced the money to finance the resumption of his concertizing across the borders, away from the safe haven that was Switzerland. The 3rd level is described below.
Originally submitted by tlisboa on Tue, 02 Jun 2015 18:38:52 +0100
Approved on Mon, 11 Jan 2016 17:34:07 +0000