The Arnims et al. in London - April, 1845

from A Memoir of Baron Bunsen Volume II, page 82:

An extract from a Contemporary Notice, 6th April, 1845 - Besides all the engagements mentioned, I have had daily sight-seeing with the Arnims, and very glad have I been both of their company and of the sights. They are delightful people, and know how to enjoy everything. Our music was fine on Friday evening ; Hausmann played on the violoncello exquisitely; Frances accompanied at sight, and was much praised by Neukomm ; then Mrs. Sartoris (Adelaide Kemble) sang, as if inspired, a Scottish ballad—poetry, melody, expression, all wonderful.
cite as

Baroness von Bunsen, A Memoir of Baron Bunsen Volume II, volume 2 (London, 1868), p. 82. accessed: 23 February, 2025

location of experience: London


Baron von Bunsen
Diplomat, scholar, diplomat, Theologian

Listening to

hide composers
Scottish Ballad performed by Adelaide Kemble
Unknown Violincello piece performed by Robert Hausmann, Baroness von Bunsen

Experience Information

Date/Time April, 1845
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors

Originally submitted by Gill on Thu, 11 Jun 2015 12:00:15 +0100
Approved on Fri, 18 Sep 2015 12:14:22 +0100