Baron von Bunsen et al. in Heidelberg - 30 December, 1854

from A Memoir of Baron Bunsen Volume II, page 367:

Letter from Bunsen to one of his Sons, Heidelberg: last evening of the year 1854 - The melodious bells of all the churches are ringing out the old year—in the church a full and devout congregation have been singing, with trombone accompaniment, 'Nun danket Alle Gott!'—and your mother and I have said together with tearful eyes, ' Praise the Lord, for He is gracious, and His mercy endureth for ever ! Who maketh the lame to walk, and the blind to see ! What is man that Thou so regardest him, or the son of man that Thou so visitest him? ' Lord ! I am not worthy of the goodness and …   more >>

cite as

Baroness von Bunsen, A Memoir of Baron Bunsen Volume II, volume 2 (London, 1868), p. 367. accessed: 14 December, 2024

location of experience: Heidelberg


Baron von Bunsen
Diplomat, scholar, diplomat, Theologian
Baroness von Bunsen
Painting, Writer

Listening to

hide composers
Nun danket alle Gott
written by Johann Sebastian Bach
performed by Church Congregation Heidelberg

Experience Information

Date/Time 30 December, 1854
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors

Originally submitted by Gill on Sun, 14 Jun 2015 15:02:37 +0100
Approved on Sat, 19 Sep 2015 10:13:28 +0100