Richard Temple Savage in Royal Opera House - November, 1952
from A voice from the Pit: Reminiscences of an Orchestral Musician, page 141:
Gui conducted "Norma" for Maria Callas's first appearance in this country in November 1952. She was then still stout and bespectacled but her voice was never more splendid. I was playing in the stage band, which seemed to go on for most of the opera in spite of Gui's extensive cuts, and could see the floor of the stage for the first act marked out with luminous paint so that the myopic diva could make her way safely up and down the various levels through the sacred wood to cut the mistletoe. At this time Callas made no attempt to use her latent dramatic abilities, she just stood with folded … more >>
cite as
Richard Temple Savage, A voice from the Pit: Reminiscences of an Orchestral Musician (Newton Abbot, 1988), p. 141. accessed: 14 October, 2024
Richard Temple Savage
Listening to
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written by Vincenzo Bellini |
performed by Covent Garden Opera Company, Maria Callas, Vittorio Gui |
Experience Information
Date/Time | November, 1952 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors, in public |
Originally submitted by iepearson on Sat, 20 Jun 2015 20:19:50 +0100
Approved on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 16:12:27 +0000