Eugene Ascherberg et al. in Teatro della Pergola - 1892

from Memories of a Musician: Reminiscences of Seventy years of Musical Life, pages 235-6:

IN 1892 I was asked by my co-directors of the Carl Rosa Opera Company to go to Florence to hear the first performance of Mascagni's new opera, I Rantzau, and to report on it for possible production by the company. My travelling companion was the late Mr. Eugene Ascherberg, the music-seller, who purchased the rights of Mascagni's Cavalleria Rusticana, and Leoncavallo's I Pagliacci; he also wanted to hear the new opera, to see if it was worth his while to publish it in England. Thanks to him, I made the acquaintance of Signor Sonzogno, Mascagni's publisher, through whom I was in- troduced to …   more >>

cite as

Wilhelm Ganz, Memories of a Musician: Reminiscences of Seventy years of Musical Life. In Internet Archive (London, 1913), p. 235-6. accessed: 30 December, 2024

location of experience: Teatro della Pergola


Wilhelm Ganz
Accompanyist, Composer, Conducting, Teacher

Listening to

hide composers
I Rantzau
written by Pietro Mascagni
performed by Mattia Battistini

Experience Information

Date/Time 1892
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by sp327 on Thu, 09 Jul 2015 10:32:57 +0100
Approved on Mon, 30 Nov 2015 14:47:14 +0000