Virginia Woolf in London - 3 December, 1917

from The diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.1, 1915-1919, page 83:

Then on to Figaro at the Old Vic.  It's perfectly lovely; breaking from one beauty into another, & so romantic as well as witty - the perfection of music, & vindication of opera.

cite as

Virginia Woolf, and Anne Olivier Bell (ed.), The diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol.1, 1915-1919, volume 1 (Harmondsworth, 1979), p. 83. accessed: 13 October, 2024

location of experience: London


Virginia Woolf

Listening to

hide composers
Nozze di Figaro
written by Mozart, Mozart

Experience Information

Date/Time 3 December, 1917
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Jo Reardon on Mon, 05 Oct 2015 15:53:50 +0100
Approved on Sat, 19 Dec 2015 15:19:37 +0000