Sergei Prokofiev in Vasilievsky Island, Saint Petersburg - 22 May, 1914, at night
from Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 22 May 1914, pages 686-687:
In the evening I went to see Kolya Myaskovsky in his new apartment on Vasilievsky Island, two very splendid rooms. We [S.P. and Nikolay Myaskovsky] played through Red Mask and found it terribly thin on material. I wanted him to write a review of Schindler's compositions for Muzyka, but while acknowledging their literacy, he did not find anything of much significance in them so if he did write anything, it would not be complimentary. We played part of his Third Symphony from the piano score he is in the process of completing; it promises to be very good … more >>
Sergey Prokofiev, Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 22 May 1914. In Anthony Phillips (ed.), Sergey Prokofiev diaries 1907-1914 (Ithaca N.Y, 2006), p. 686-687. accessed: 7 March, 2025
Listening to
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Third Symphony
written by Nikolai Myaskovsky |
performed by Nikolai Myaskovsky, Sergei Prokofiev |
The Red Mask | performed by Nikolai Myaskovsky, Sergei Prokofiev |
Experience Information
Date/Time | 22 May, 1914, at night |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in private, indoors |