Virginia Woolf in Queen's Hall - 3 March, 1935

from The diary of Virginia Woolf, page 284:

Yesterday I did not enjoy.  What a guzzler old Ethel has become. [...] And then the concert.  How long how little music in it that I enjoyed! Beecham's face beaming, ecstatic, like a yellow copper idol: such grimaces, attentuations, dancings, swingings: his collar crumpled.

cite as

Virginia Woolf, and Anne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeillie (ed.), The diary of Virginia Woolf, volume 4 (Harmondsworth, ), p. 284. accessed: 17 January, 2025

location of experience: Queen's Hall


Virginia Woolf

Listening to

hide composers
The Wreckers
written by Dame Ethel Mary Smyth
performed by Sir Thomas Beecham, London Philharmonic Orchestra
music by Beethoven
written by Beethoven
performed by Sir Thomas Beecham, London Philharmonic Orchestra
music by Berlioz
written by Berlioz
performed by Sir Thomas Beecham, London Philharmonic Orchestra
music by Wagner
written by Richard Wagner
performed by Sir Thomas Beecham
music by Schubert
written by Franz Schubert
performed by Sir Thomas Beecham, London Philharmonic Orchestra

Experience Information

Date/Time 3 March, 1935
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public

Originally submitted by Jo Reardon on Sun, 01 Nov 2015 18:33:34 +0000
Approved on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 08:51:46 +0000