Nikolay Andreyev et al. - 3 January, 1914, at night

from Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 3 January 1914, pages 580-581:

I played my sarcastic pieces. Andreyev loved No. 2 and said it was as if the piano was on fire with sixteen hands. Myaskovsky was less taken with this one but praised No. 3, which everyone else finds hard to understand. In No. 4 the different key signatures in the left and right hands provoked much lively discussion, likewise the final B flat. I defended it vigorously.

cite as

Sergey Prokofiev, Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 3 January 1914. In Sergey Prokofiev, and Anthony Phillips (ed.), Sergey Prokofiev diaries, volume 3 (Ithaca N.Y, 2006), p. 580-581. accessed: 7 February, 2025


Nikolai Myaskovsky

Listening to

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written by Sergei Prokofiev
performed by Sergei Prokofiev

Experience Information

Date/Time 3 January, 1914, at night
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by isobel.1111 on Sat, 07 Nov 2015 17:54:11 +0000
Approved on Wed, 13 Jun 2018 16:18:17 +0100