Grace Gwyneddon Davies in On board ship at Bergen - early 20th Century
from Letter, Grace Gwyneddon Davies to John Lloyd Williams, undated:
I missed the Eisteddfod this year - but instead had a perfectly glorious fortnight of sunshine & beauty in Norway. One evening - at Bergen - a dozen dancers & singers in native costume came aboard & gave us a genuine folk entertainment. Songs, dances, reels, to the accompaniment of a 7 stringed violin with a drone bass. The singing games of which they gave several examples were charming. Of course I’ve no idea what they were all about & had the hopeless task of trying to explain what I wanted at the music stores the following day. It was unfortunate that this … more >>
Grace Gwyneddon Davies, Letter, Grace Gwyneddon Davies to John Lloyd Williams, undated. In NLW, number GB 0210 JLLW AL1/2/4. accessed: 31 March, 2025
Listening to
hide composersFolksongs, dances, reels |
Experience Information
Date/Time | early 20th Century |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, in public |
Grace Gwyneddon Davies writes to John Lloyd Williams on her return from holiday. She was not in the habit of dating her letters.