Sergei Prokofiev in Saint Petersburg Conservatory - 20 March, 1914

from Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 20 March 1914, page 625:

In the morning I went through Figaro, the ensembles and some of the recitatives preceding the arias. Rehearsal at two o'clock, which today went not at all badly and presages a good performance. The only place where things went seriously awry was in the difficult ensemble in the second act, where the singers answer one another and the orchestra provides a background like a sort of indistinct rustling. The singer taking the part of the gardener [Antonio] is the idiot Mandelbaum. He has no concept of rhythm, loses his place, never looks at the conductor and altogether threatens …   more >>

cite as

Sergey Prokofiev, Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 20 March 1914. In Anthony Phillips (ed.), Sergey Prokofiev diaries 1907-1914 (Ithaca N.Y, 2006), p. 625. accessed: 17 January, 2025

location of experience: Saint Petersburg Conservatory


Sergei Prokofiev
performer, Composer, Musician

Listening to

hide composers
Nozze di Figaro
written by Mozart, Mozart
performed by Mandelbaum, Student performers of the Imperial Conservatoire (second cast), Sergei Prokofiev

Experience Information

Date/Time 20 March, 1914
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by isobel.1111 on Mon, 14 Dec 2015 23:09:02 +0000
Approved on Wed, 13 Jun 2018 16:28:58 +0100