Sergei Prokofiev in Saint Petersburg Conservatory - 1 May, 1914

from Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 1 May 1914, page 668:

Rehearsal for the Graduation Concert. Tsybin is rehearsing Yasin's Magdal, music of quite remarkable vacuity. To quote Tcherepnin, it is a well-orchestrated zero. I am rehearsing Shcherbakov's Procession, which sounds noisy and authoritative and, after Yasin's music, rich in content. In the end, no obstacles were placed in the way of my Concerto being included in the programme. Tcherepnin says he will conduct all accompaniments, so the only work I am responsible for is Shcherbakov's Procession, which could be conducted with one foot if necessary. This is not much …   more >>

cite as

Sergey Prokofiev, Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 1 May 1914. In Anthony Phillips (ed.), Sergey Prokofiev diaries 1907-1914 (Ithaca N.Y, 2006), p. 668. accessed: 10 March, 2025

location of experience: Saint Petersburg Conservatory


Sergei Prokofiev
performer, Composer, Musician

Listening to

hide composers
written by Vladimir Shcherbakov
performed by Student orchestra of the Imperial Conservatoire, Sergei Prokofiev

Experience Information

Date/Time 1 May, 1914
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by isobel.1111 on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 13:41:46 +0000
Approved on Wed, 13 Jun 2018 16:34:06 +0100