Dmitri Shostakovich in Russia - 1927

from Dmitry Shostakovich-About Himself and His Times, page 14:

Yesterday and the day before (5th and 6th) my Symphonic Dedication to October was performed at the Philharmonia. Let me describe it to you in detail. There were only six rehearsals. The first was a preliminary one and I was not even informed, but I attended all the others and gave Malko instructions. I didn’t think I need mention the sound: everyone liked it, especially the beginning and middle section. It turned out very well. The choir harmonised excellently. By …   more >>

cite as

Dmitri Shostakovich, and L. Grigoryev and Ya. Platek (ed.), Dmitry Shostakovich-About Himself and His Times (Moscow, 1981), p. 14. accessed: 12 March, 2025

location of experience: Russia


Dmitri Shostakovich
Composer, Pianist

Listening to

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Symphonic Dedication to October
written by Dmitri Shostakovich
performed by Philharmonia Orchestra, Nikolai Malko

Experience Information

Date/Time 1927
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, indoors, in public


From a letter to L.V. Shulgin, cited in L. Shulgin, Statyi, vospominaniya (Articles and Reminiscences), Moscow, 1977, p. 59-60.

Originally submitted by verafonte on Thu, 31 Dec 2015 18:13:16 +0000
Approved on Sat, 23 Apr 2016 21:38:01 +0100