William Beatty-Kingston in Italy - in the beginning of 1868
from Music and manners; personal reminiscences and sketches of character, pages 368-369:
During the spring of 1868 I was engaged in the fulfilment of a special mission that took me into several nooks of Tuscany and the Papal States...Throughout the winter, backed up by some small state or municipal subvention, the local lessee contrived to keep them open four nights in the week, with the aid of touring companies and migratory stars; and — although their stock orchestras, costumes and accessories were as a rule very marvels of weakness, decay and archaism — I found them almost invariably well-attended, by audiences...Not … more >>
William Beatty-Kingston, Music and manners; personal reminiscences and sketches of character, volume 1 (London, 1887), p. 368-369. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1452012640344 accessed: 6 March, 2025
Experience Information
Date/Time | in the beginning of 1868 |
Medium | live |
Listening Environment | in the company of others, indoors, in public |