Sergei Prokofiev in Boston - 28 January, 1926

from Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 28 January 1926, pages 259-260:

Second rehearsal. The orchestra plays well, although not all the passages are completely clean. The leader is Burgin,* from the St Petersburg Conservatoire. He it was, fifteen years ago or so, wh seduced Katyusha Borshch, my inamorata at the time, whom I was attempting rather unsuccessfully to court. They were together for ten years, I think they married, and eventually ended ip in America, where the Persian Consul fell in love with her and carried her off to Persia. Burgin came to the Boston Orchestra, and last year, at Koussevitzky's suggestion, learnt and performed my Violin Concerto.

cite as

Sergei Prokofiev, Sergey Prokofiev diaries: 28 January 1926. In Sergey Prokofiev, and Anthony Phillips (ed.), Sergey Prokofiev diaries, volume 3 (Ithaca N.Y, 2006), p. 259-260. accessed: 3 March, 2025

location of experience: Boston


Sergei Prokofiev
performer, Composer, Musician

Listening to

hide composers
Third Piano Concerto
written by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sergei Prokofiev
performed by Boston Philharmonic

Experience Information

Date/Time 28 January, 1926
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors


* Richard Burgin (1892-1981), violinist and concertmaster.

Originally submitted by isobel.1111 on Sat, 04 Jun 2016 22:29:24 +0100
Approved on Mon, 15 May 2017 11:59:20 +0100