Julia Hawker et al. in On board a ship anchored off Yarmouth, Isle of Wight - 20 August, 1836

from Journal entry, 20 August 1836, page 107:

[W]e had this day a westerly wind and rain. In the evening it cleared up, and we saw a splendid frigate put back owing to bad weather, and anchor off Yarmouth. Off we went to see her. It proved to be the ‘Madagascar,’ 46 guns, whose captain, Sir John Peyton, knew both Mrs. Hawker and myself, and whose hospitality was unbounded. The band played while we took tea, and the middies waltzed and quadrilled. We then adjourned to a splendid cabin aft with a capital Broadwood piano; in short, we had a regular merry soirée on board, and did not leave till past …   more >>

cite as

Peter Hawker, Journal entry, 20 August 1836. In The Diary of Colonel Peter Hawker 1802–1853, volume 2 (London, 1893), p. 107. https://led.kmi.open.ac.uk/entity/lexp/1534280351944 accessed: 4 December, 2024

location of experience: On board a ship anchored off Yarmouth, Isle of Wight


Peter Hawker
Amateur Musician, Army officer, Sportsman, Writer

Listening to

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Music for dancing and a soirée performed by Ship's band

Experience Information

Date/Time 20 August, 1836
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Tue, 14 Aug 2018 21:59:12 +0100
Approved on Tue, 21 Aug 2018 20:04:33 +0100