Thomas Moore in Castlemagner, County Cork - 6 August, 1823

from Memoirs, journal and correspondence of Thomas Moore, pages 111–12:

Walked with Lyne to see Lohort Castle; high and narrow, the outworks gone; belongs to Lord Arden; lunched there, and was introduced to Mr. Cotter, the clergyman of the place, who has invented a new musical instrument, which he calls the Basso Hibernicon, of the serpent family. Walked over to his house with him to hear it; a dreary spot called Castlemagner […] Had his wife down to accompany the display of his Basso upon a wretched little old pianoforte. The instrument very sweet and powerful, and will be, I have no doubt, an acquisition to bands and orchestras; it is…   more >>

cite as

Thomas Moore, and Lord John Russell (ed.), Memoirs, journal and correspondence of Thomas Moore, volume 4 (London, 1853), p. 111–12. accessed: 17 September, 2024

location of experience: Castlemagner, County Cork


Thomas Moore
Poet, Singer, song writer

Listening to

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demonstration of the Basso Hibernicon performed by Joseph Rogerson Cotter, Mrs Cotter

Experience Information

Date/Time 6 August, 1823
Medium live
Listening Environment in the company of others, in private, indoors

Originally submitted by lcc5 on Tue, 24 May 2022 10:29:12 +0100
Approved on Thu, 26 May 2022 09:42:07 +0100