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musical genre/type
Violin repertoire
performance of ''On Wings of Song''
performance of 'Songs and violin pieces'
performance of 'the sound of pupils learning the violin'
performance of 'violin playing'
performance of 'fiddle music to accompany dancing'
performance of 'unspecified violin music'
performance of 'music for violin'
performance of 'Sequenza for Violin'
performance of 'Violin recitals'
performance of 'Violin solo'
performance of 'fiddle music leading a wedding procession'
performance of 'Unspecified violin music'
performance of 'Violin music'
performance of 'violin music'
performance of 'songs and violin music'
performance of 'Unspecified Swiss (?) music for eight violins'
performance of 'Overtures, solos and quartets'
performance of 'Liebeslied'
performance of 'unspecified music for one or two violins'