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The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852. Published as a supplement to The Marlburian, August 1931
Robert Augustine Luke Nunns
excerpt from 'The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852' pp. 6 (29 words)
excerpt from 'The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852' pp. 23 (32 words)
excerpt from 'The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852' pp. 57 (37 words)
excerpt from 'The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852' pp. 6 (15 words)
excerpt from 'The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852' pp. 20-21 (64 words)
excerpt from 'The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852' pp. 39 (14 words)
excerpt from 'The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852' pp. 38 (50 words)
excerpt from 'The Diary of R.A.L. Nunns, for the year 1852' pp. 40 (26 words)