excerpt from 'Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont. Diary of Viscount Percival Afterwards First Earl of Egmont' pp. 345 (30 words)

excerpt from 'Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont. Diary of Viscount Percival Afterwards First Earl of Egmont' pp. 345 (30 words)

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Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont. Diary of Viscount Percival Afterwards First Earl of Egmont

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Diary entry 27th March 1733

Went in the evening to see “Deborah,” an oratorio, made by Hendel [sic]. It was very magnificent, near a hundred performers, among whom about twenty-five singers.

appears in search results as

excerpt from 'Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont. Diary of Viscount Percival Afterwards First Earl of Egmont' pp. 345 (30 words)


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