excerpt from 'Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont. Diary of Viscount Percival Afterwards First Earl of Egmont' pp. 93 (57 words)

excerpt from 'Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont. Diary of Viscount Percival Afterwards First Earl of Egmont' pp. 93 (57 words)

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Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont. Diary of Viscount Percival Afterwards First Earl of Egmont

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Diary entry 13th April 1730

Mr. Cornwall came home with me to dinner, and found Fabri and Bartoldi, one of the women singers of the opera, and Mr. August Schutz and his wife at dinner. This singer, I was told, is a fresh mistress to the Prince, since La Tour’s daughter. The evening was spent in music.

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excerpt from 'Manuscripts of the Earl of Egmont. Diary of Viscount Percival Afterwards First Earl of Egmont' pp. 93 (57 words)


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