



appears in search results as


performance of 'Love Alone'

performance of 'Extracts from Ali Baba'

performance of 'Choral concert'

performance of 'Israel in Egypt'

performance of 'Israel in Egypt'

performance of 'Katerina Izmailova'

performance of 'Die Erste Walpurgisnacht'

performance of ''Le nozze di Figaro' K492'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'music at a church service, including a sung Litany'

performance of 'works by Joseph Parry'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'The Snowstorm'

performance of 'music by Handel'

performance of ''Louise''

performance of 'Choral music'

performance of 'Music to accompany Vespers'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro, Overture and Act I'

performance of 'Rehearsing 'Boris Godunov''

performance of ''Lucia di Lammermoor''

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'Bach's B-minor Mass'

performance of 'Russian Passion service'

performance of 'The Canterbury Pilgrims'

performance of 'sung mass'

performance of 'extract from the Messiah'

performance of 'music by Palestrina'

performance of 'Lebensmesse'

performance of 'Old Hundredth'

performance of 'Solomon'

performance of 'Anglican church music including an anthem'

performance of 'Ostercantate'

performance of 'Meebestille'

performance of 'Duenia'

performance of 'Vocal music'

performance of 'The Music Makers'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'Choral Fantasia'

performance of 'Anglican church music and hymns'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of 'choral music'

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'anthem with organ accompaniment'

performance of 'Holy Night'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of ''For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth' from Messiah'

performance of 'hymns and psalms'

performance of 'charity performance of Handel's Deborah'

performance of 'Choruses and songs'

performance of 'Choruses from Macbeth'

performance of ''And the trumpet shall sound''

performance of 'church choir practice'

performance of ''Samson''

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'King David'

performance of 'Saul'

performance of ''O thou that tellest good tidings' from Messiah'

performance of 'Die Walküre'

performance of 'Dances from Prince Igor'

performance of 'Rigoletto'

performance of 'Rigoletto'

performance of 'Rigoletto'

performance of 'London Children's Concert'

performance of 'Salome'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Samson'

performance of 'Psalm fur mannerchor mit solo'

performance of 'a chant'

performance of 'Jauchzet dem Herrn'

performance of 'Mignon'

performance of 'Ich stand auf, Berges Hoehen'

performance of 'The Bride of Messina'

performance of 'Gurrelieder'

performance of 'choral music'

performance of 'Les Biches'

performance of 'Les Biches'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'The Love of Three Oranges, Op.33'

performance of 'Rusalka'

performance of 'liturgical choral music'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Esther'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Mahler's Second Symphony'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro, Act II'

performance of 'O Thaeler weit, o Hoehen'

performance of 'The Blue Bird'

performance of 'Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'Eugene Onegin'

performance of ''The day Thou gavest''

performance of ''Messiah''

performance of 'General rehearsal for the Dargomyzhsky concert'

performance of 'Hodie'

performance of 'Classical'

performance of 'High Mass'

performance of 'The Sacred Dance'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of ''Don Giovanni' K527'

performance of 'Tosca'

performance of 'Israel in Egypt'

performance of 'Rusalka'

performance of 'The Golden Cockerel'

performance of 'Choruses and oratorios'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'Mass in B minor'

performance of ''When our heads are bowed with woe''

performance of 'Kommet Lasset uns anbeten'

performance of 'unspecified choruses'

performance of 'Hallelujah Chorus'

performance of 'a chorus'

performance of 'Choral music'

performance of 'Spanish choral music'

performance of 'Prelude to Genesis'

performance of 'God Save the Queen'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'Mahler's Second Symphony'

performance of 'Christian hymns'

performance of 'Choral psalms'

performance of 'A mass by Cherubini'

performance of 'choral music'

performance of 'The Dedication of the Temple'

performance of 'unspecified choir singing'

performance of 'The Last Judgement'

performance of 'Passion'

performance of 'St Paul's'

performance of 'Te Deum and other music'

performance of 'O give thanks'

performance of 'part songs'

performance of 'Cosi fan tutte'

performance of 'Glückliche Hand'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Aida'

performance of 'Spring Symphony'

performance of 'Remembering performances of Handel's Messiah and Theodora'

performance of 'Coronation Anthem'

performance of 'La jacquerie'

performance of 'Tod Jesu'

performance of 'Tod Jesu'

performance of 'Symphony no. 9'

performance of 'The Desert Music'

performance of 'unknown glee'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Oedipus Rex'

performance of 'Megaye'

performance of 'Pilgrim Stranger'

performance of 'Ninth Symphony'

performance of ''The Hallelujah Chorus''

performance of ''Tunes' and choruses'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'Wareham'

performance of 'Symphonic Dedication to October'

performance of 'Die Pilgerfahrt der Rose'

performance of 'Die Pilgerfahrt der Rose'

performance of 'an operatic performance'

performance of 'Pelléas et Mélisande'

performance of 'Pelléas et Mélisande'

performance of 'The Wedding'

performance of 'unspecified choral works'

performance of 'unspecified oratorio'

performance of ''Through the night of doubt and sorrow''

performance of 'a gloria'

performance of 'Bach's motet in G minor'

performance of 'choir'

performance of 'The Messiah'

performance of 'The Messiah'

performance of 'Coronation Anthem'

performance of 'Der Geist hilft unserer Schwachheit'

performance of 'Mass No. 12'

performance of 'Le prophète'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'a motet'

performance of 'unknown church music'

performance of 'The Bells'

performance of 'Unknown Anthem'

performance of 'opera'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Dundee'

performance of 'Dettingen Te Deum'

performance of 'Dettingen Te Deum'

performance of '‘Perséphone’'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Appalachia: Variations on an Old Slave Song with Final Chorus'

performance of 'Caractacus'

performance of 'Choral morning prayer at Durham Cathedral'

performance of 'Die Israelisten in der Wüste'

performance of 'Dream of Gerontius'

performance of 'German Requidm'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Les Béatitudes'

performance of 'Mass 'De Trinitate' at the Field of Cloth of Gold'

Mass at the Field of Cloth of Gold (, performance of)

performance of 'Mass at the Field of Cloth of Gold'

performance of 'Mass in D'

performance of 'Music for the festival of the Madonna delle Vigne'

performance of 'O God Our Help in Ages Past'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Samson an oratorio'

performance of 'Schicksalslied, Op. 54, for chorus and orchestra'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'Symphony no 2'

performance of 'The Carlyle Singers'

performance of 'The Planets, Op. 32'

performance of 'Yeoman of the Guard'

performance of 'the 'Ninth Symphony''

performance of 'choral practice'

performance of 'Ostercantate'

performance of ''Don Carlos''

performance of 'The Wedding - choruses and Laura's arias'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'October Symphony'

performance of ''God Save the Queen''

performance of 'God Save the Tsar'

performance of 'God Save the Tsar'

performance of 'O sanfter, suesser Hauch'

performance of 'Fidelio'

performance of 'unknown motets'

performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro, Act III and Act IV'

performance of 'Faust - Act III'

performance of 'Bacchuschor from Antigone'

performance of 'Samson et Dalila'

performance of 'Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg'

performance of 'music at an evening service'

performance of 'The Tsar's Bride'

performance of 'Extracts from William Tell'

performance of 'music at the minster service'

performance of 'Operetta'

performance of 'Waldeinsamkeit'

performance of 'A Survivor from Warsaw'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'Beethoven's 9th Symphony'

performance of 'Seven, They Are Seven'

performance of 'Seven, They Are Seven'

performance of 'Seven, They Are Seven'

performance of 'Seven, They Are Seven'

performance of 'Seven, They Are Seven'

performance of ''Sing O Heavens''

performance of 'Choral music at a funeral'

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'Love Alone'

performance of 'Lebensmesse (Mass of Life)'

performance of 'A chorus from Israel in Egypt'

performance of 'Church music'

performance of 'St Anne'

performance of 'part-songs'

performance of 'Choir rehearsal'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Boris Godunov'

performance of 'Boris Godunov'

performance of 'Boris Godunov'

performance of 'Monna Vanna'

performance of 'A Life for the Tsar'

performance of 'Symphony No. 9, 'Choral''

performance of 'Symphony No. 9, 'Choral''

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Evening Hymn'

performance of 'Webern's Cantata No.1 op. 29'

performance of 'Christus'

performance of 'a credo'

performance of 'Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'choir of girls'

performance of 'psalm singing'

performance of 'Parti Glannan'r Glaslyn, Cerdd chant group'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'music for Matins and Evensong'

performance of 'Khovanshchina'

performance of 'Anglican service'

performance of 'Moscow, Cheryomushki'

performance of 'Evening Hymn'

performance of 'The Jewels of the Madonna'

performance of 'The Song of Destiny'

performance of 'Unspecified vocal and instrumental music'

performance of 'The Sea Symphony'

performance of 'Chorales'

performance of 'Te Deum and psalms at a church service'

performance of 'church music'

performance of 'Sunday evening concerts'

performance of 'Pater Noster'

performance of 'Choral and organ music'

performance of 'music at a church service'

performance of 'Ten Choral Poems'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'Il Trittico: Gianni Schicchi, Suor Angelica, Il Tabarro'

performance of 'Johann Sebastian Bach's works'

performance of 'Come Pure Hearts'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'Six Carols for Sundry Seasons'

performance of 'La damnation de Faust'

performance of ''Les Troyens''

performance of 'Sicily'

performance of ''Pelléas et Mélisande''

performance of 'Mass'

performance of 'Church anthems'

performance of 'Sacred music'

performance of 'Deborah'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'The Road to Mandalay'

performance of 'Siegfried'

performance of 'Siegfried'

performance of 'Anglican church music'

performance of ''Die Entführung aus dem Serail' K 384'

performance of 'The Mandarin's Son'

performance of 'unknown music'

performance of 'Judas Maccabaeus'

performance of 'Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk'

performance of 'Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk'

performance of 'church music'

performance of ''Underground' (David Bowie'

performance of 'Prometheus'

performance of 'a motet'

performance of 'Sea Drift (Delius)'

performance of 'Let there be Light'

performance of 'anthem '

performance of ''Aïda''

performance of ''A Sermon on Miracles''

performance of ''Alceste''

performance of ''Ariadne''

performance of ''Ariadne auf Naxos''

performance of ''Billy Budd''

performance of ''Billy Budd''

performance of ''Boris Godunov''

performance of ''Carmen''

performance of ''Carmen''

performance of ''Carmen''

performance of ''Cenerentola''

performance of ''Così fan Tutte' K588'

performance of ''Così fan tutte''

performance of ''Dance of the Apprentices' (Act III) from 'Die Meistersinger''

performance of ''Der Ring des Nibelungen''

performance of ''Der Ring des Nibelungen''

performance of ''Der Ring des Nibelungen''

performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''

performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''

performance of ''Der Rosenkavalier''

performance of ''Die Entführung aus dem Serail' K 384'

performance of ''Die Entführung aus dem Serail' K384'

performance of ''Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg''

performance of ''Die Zauberflöte' K620'

performance of ''Die Zauberflöte' K620'

performance of ''Die Zauberflöte' K620'

performance of ''Don Giovanni' K527'

performance of ''Don Giovanni''

performance of ''Don Giovanni''

performance of ''Elektra''

performance of ''Falstaff''

performance of ''Falstaff''

performance of ''Fidelio' op. 72'

performance of ''Five Tudor Portraits''

performance of ''Gloriana''

performance of ''Hänsel und Gretel''

performance of ''Il Trovatore''

performance of ''Jenůfa''

performance of ''Katerina Ismailova''

performance of ''Koanga''

performance of ''La bohème''

performance of ''La bohème''

performance of ''La bohème ''

performance of ''La damnation de Faust' op. 24'

performance of ''Le nozze di Figaro' K492'

performance of ''Le nozze di Figaro' K492'

performance of ''Le nozze di Figaro''

performance of ''Les Noces' choreographed by Jerome Robbins'

performance of ''Les Noces''

performance of ''Les Noces''

performance of ''Les Troyens''

performance of ''Lohengrin''

performance of ''Louise''

performance of ''Madama Butterfly''

performance of ''Manon''

performance of ''Mass of Life''

performance of ''Miss Julie''

performance of ''Miss Julie''

performance of ''Norma''

performance of ''Parsifal''

performance of ''Pelléas et Mélisande''

performance of ''Prince Igor''

performance of ''Rigoletto''

performance of ''Salome''

performance of ''Salome''

performance of ''Siegfried''

performance of ''Symphony of Psalms''

performance of ''Symphony of Psalms''

performance of ''Tannhäuser und der Sängerkrieg auf Wartburg''

performance of ''The Bells' op. 35'

performance of ''The Olympians''

performance of ''The Rake's Progress''

performance of ''Tosca''

performance of ''Tristan und Isolde''

performance of ''Tristan und Isolde''

performance of ''Troilus and Cressida''

performance of ''Turandot''

performance of ''Wozzeck''

performance of 'A Boy Was Born'

performance of 'A Sermon On Miracles'

performance of 'Adeste Fideles'

performance of 'An American Oratorio'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthems'

performance of 'Athalie'

performance of 'Bach's motet in G minor'

performance of 'Bach Passions'

performance of 'Beaumarchais' Marriage de Figaro'

performance of 'Beethoven's 9th Symphony'

Beethoven's 9th Symphony (, performance of)

performance of 'Beethoven's Mass in C'

performance of 'Beethoven's Mass in C'

performance of 'Beethoven's Mass in C'

performance of 'Belshazzar's Feast'

performance of 'Benvenuto Cellini'

performance of 'Bow down thine ear, O Lord!'

performance of 'Cantata'

performance of 'Canticum Sacrum'

performance of 'Choral Fugue'

performance of 'Choral Music'

performance of 'Choral Symphony'

performance of 'Choral psalms'

performance of 'Choral'

performance of 'Chorus from Mount of Olives'

performance of 'Classical'

performance of 'Concert of the Imperial Orchestra'

performance of 'Concerto Grosso'

performance of 'Conradin, der letzte Hohenstaufe'

performance of 'Dante Symphony'

performance of 'Dante Symphony'

performance of 'Der Haideschact'

performance of 'Der fliegende Holländer'

performance of 'Dialogues des Carmélites'

performance of 'Die Fledermaus'

performance of 'Die Heimkehr der Verbannten'

performance of 'Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg'

performance of 'Don Carlos'

performance of 'Don Giovanni'

performance of 'Don Juan'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Elijah'

performance of 'Eugene Onegin'

performance of 'Fables'

performance of 'Faust'

performance of 'Finale to Lorelei'

performance of 'Five Mystical Songs'

performance of 'Genoveva'

performance of 'Give All to Love'

performance of 'Gregorian chant'

performance of 'Handel choruses'

performance of 'Haydn's 'Seasons''

performance of 'Hob y deri'

performance of 'Homer'

performance of 'Hymn of Jesus'

performance of 'Hymn of Praise'

performance of 'Judas Maccabeus'

performance of 'Judas Maccabeus'

performance of 'Judas Maccabeus'

performance of 'Judith'

performance of 'King David'

performance of 'Klopstock chorale “Auferstehn!”'

performance of 'La Clemenza di Tito'

performance of 'La damnation de Faust'

performance of 'Le Rossignol'

performance of 'Les Huguenots '

performance of 'Letters from Paris'

performance of 'Letters from Paris'

performance of 'Little Prayers'

performance of 'Lobgesang'

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of 'Luisa Miller'

performance of 'Madrigals'

performance of 'Mahler's Symphony nº 2'

performance of 'Mass in D major'

performance of 'Medea'

performance of 'Meistersänger'

performance of 'Mendelssohn's 42 Psalm'

performance of 'Mendelssohn's Oedipus'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Messiah'

performance of 'Missa Brevis'

performance of 'Missa Brevis'

performance of 'Missa Solemnis'

performance of 'Motets'

performance of 'Mount Carmel'

performance of 'Mozart's operas '

performance of 'Musical 'Oratorio' celebration of Lenin's life'

performance of 'Ninth Symphony'

performance of 'Nun danket alle Gott'

performance of 'O magnum misterium'

performance of 'O, Father, whose almighty power'

performance of 'Ode on the Birth of the Prince of Wales'

performance of 'Opera'

performance of 'Oratorio'

performance of 'sacred music'

performance of 'Pilgrim Strangers'

performance of 'Pilgrim Strangers'

performance of 'Praises for the Nativity'

performance of 'Prelude to Act I of 'La Traviata''

performance of 'Prelude, Fantasy and Chaconne'

performance of 'Psalm'

performance of 'Psalms'

performance of 'Rehearsal in the new hall at the Imperial Russian Conservatoire'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Requiem'

performance of 'Requiem'

Robert le Diable (, performance of)

performance of 'Roland's Knappen'

performance of 'Roméo et Juliette'

performance of 'Roméo'

performance of 'Romeo and Juliet'

performance of 'Russian Church music'

performance of 'Russian military singing'

performance of 'Sacred Music'

performance of 'Sacrum Convivium'

performance of 'Seven Motets for the Church Year'

performance of 'Sing the Glad Tidings'

performance of 'Solomon'

performance of 'St Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St. Paul'

performance of 'Stabat Mater'

performance of 'Surge Illuminare'

performance of 'Surge Illuminare'

performance of 'Symphony no. 2'

performance of 'Tannhàuser'

performance of 'Tannhauser'

performance of 'Te Deum'

performance of 'Thal von Andorra'

performance of 'The Apostles'

performance of 'The Brides of Venice'

performance of 'The Creation'

performance of 'The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya'

performance of 'The Maid of Orleans'

performance of 'The Oxen'

performance of 'The Queen of Spades'

performance of 'The Rio Grande'

performance of 'The Seasons'

The Son and Stranger (, performance of)

performance of 'The Son and Stranger'

performance of 'The Ways of Zion do Mourn'

performance of 'The White Swan, Op. 7 No. 1'

performance of 'The White Swan, Op. 7 No. 1'

performance of 'Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue'

performance of 'Three Motets'

performance of 'Two Preludes'

performance of 'Two Psalms'

performance of 'Unaccompanied anthem/ Prelude and Fugue in B minor/ Three duets for cello and viola: Psalm 23 ‘Crimond’; ‘Elizabethan Melody’; anonymous fifteenth-century folk song with organ accompaniment'

performance of 'Vox Humana'

performance of 'Walpurgis Night'

performance of 'Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way'

performance of 'Whitman Cantata'

performance of 'Whitman Cantata'

performance of 'Whitman Cantata'

performance of 'Whitman Cantata'

performance of 'a serenade'

performance of 'choral music by Felix Mendelssohn'

performance of 'choral music'

performance of 'music by Handel'

performance of 'music by Ned Rorem'

performance of 'music by Ned Rorem'

performance of 'music for Male Chorus'

performance of 'sacred concert music'

performance of 'the Ninth Symphony'

performance of 'the Prophet'

performance of 'tonic so-fa'

performance of 'unknown choral music'

performance of 'unknown opera'

performance of 'unspecified choral music by Virgil Thomson'

performance of 'unspecified setting of 'When I am dead, my dearest' tet by Chr'

performance of '17th-century psalm setting'

performance of '17th-century psalm setting'

performance of '17th-century sacred music'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Anthem'

performance of 'Caruso singing in I Pagliacci at the Odessa opera'

performance of 'Choral singing'

performance of 'Ode to Death'

performance of 'Furtwängler conducts the St. Matthew Passion '

performance of 'Lohengrin'

performance of 'Mozart Requiem in a commercial'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'St. Matthew Passion'

performance of 'The Madrigal Choir'

performance of 'Choral Symphony'

performance of 'The Snow Maiden'

performance of 'The Snow Maiden'

performance of 'Les Huguenots'

performance of 'mass at the Jacobins'

performance of 'sacred choral music'

performance of 'sacred music at consecration of a church'

performance of 'Symphony'

performance of 'Symphony No. 1'

performance of 'symphony no 2'

performance of 'symphony no 2'

performance of 'symphony no 3'

performance of 'vespers on the feast of St Thomas of Canterbury'

Page data computed in 6,114 ms with 1,723,936 bytes allocated and 665 SPARQL queries executed.