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Church bell
performance of ''Rosary''
performance of 'Church bells'
performance of 'merry funeral bells'
performance of 'Ringing of bells'
performance of 'Bells ringing'
performance of 'the sound of church bells'
performance of 'organ and church bell'
performance of 'Ringing bells and village bands'
performance of 'sound of a chapel bell'
performance of 'Bells to celebrate the 70th birthday of King George III'
performance of 'church bells'
performance of 'peals of bells'
performance of 'ringing of bells'
performance of 'Church bells, church organ, Salvation army band'
performance of 'a tolling bell'
performance of 'tolling bells'
performance of 'drums and bells-- funeral procession'
performance of 'Salva festa dies'
performance of 'communion bell'
performance of 'the sound of a rough band'
performance of 'drums and bells -- Easter ceremony'
performance of 'Church bells for a wedding'
performance of 'church bell'
performance of 'An evening bell'
performance of 'Mass'
performance of ''Ye banks and braes of Bonny Doone''
performance of 'peal of bells'
performance of 'the chimes of Bath Abbey'
performance of 'bells-- church festival'
performance of 'bell ringing'